
Vegetarian every day or get high blood lipids, so "health" is too pit people! With...

author:Zhuling Zhixin Pavilion

Vegetarian every day or get high blood lipids, so "health" is too pit people!

With the improvement of people's living standards and the enhancement of health awareness, more and more people began to pursue healthy eating, among which vegetarianism has become a fashionable lifestyle. However, some people are vegetarian every day, but find that they have high blood lipids, which is very confusing. In this way, is "health" really pitting people? This article will provide some analysis and explanation of this issue.

First of all, in order to understand the phenomenon of high blood lipids while eating vegetarian every day, we need to understand what high blood lipids are. Hyperlipidemia refers to the amount of fat in the blood that exceeds the normal range, mainly cholesterol and triglycerides. High blood lipids not only lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, but may also damage the function of organs such as the liver and pancreas.

For vegetarians, they usually do not consume high-cholesterol foods such as meat and offal, so most people think that they should not be prone to high blood lipids. The crux of the matter, however, is that vegetarian doesn't mean eating healthy.

First of all, many vegetarians rely too much on high-starch foods such as rice, bread, pasta, etc. Although these foods do not contain cholesterol and triglycerides, they are rich in carbohydrates and lack dietary fiber. A large intake of high-starchy foods may lead to an increase in blood sugar, which in turn leads to increased fat synthesis and hyperlipidemia.

Secondly, some vegetarians tend to consume too much vegetable oil, especially the unsaturated fatty acids in vegetable oil. Unsaturated fatty acids are a type of fat that is good for cardiovascular health, but excessive intake can also lead to excessive fat accumulation. Therefore, when choosing vegetable oils, vegetarians should control the dosage and avoid excessive intake.

In addition, there are some vegetarians who have unbalanced nutrition due to unreasonable food combination. For example, lack of sufficient high-quality protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D, etc. These deficiencies may lead to abnormal fat metabolism and indirectly trigger the development of hyperlipidemia.

In summary, although vegetarian eating every day is a healthy way of eating, it does not mean that the occurrence of high blood lipids can be completely avoided. For vegetarians, it is very important to have a reasonable food combination, control the intake of high-starch foods and moderate intake of vegetable oils. In addition, you should also have regular physical examinations to understand your blood lipid level and take timely measures to control the occurrence of hyperlipidemia.

Through this article, I hope to popularize some knowledge about vegetarian food and high blood lipids, so that everyone can treat their eating habits more scientifically and make reasonable adjustments to maintain a healthy living state.



1. Fernandez ML. et al. Vegetarian diets and cardiovascular risk factors in black members of the Adventist Health Study-2. Public Health Nutr. 2018 Jul; 21(10):1852-1858.

Vegetarian every day or get high blood lipids, so "health" is too pit people! With...
Vegetarian every day or get high blood lipids, so "health" is too pit people! With...
Vegetarian every day or get high blood lipids, so "health" is too pit people! With...

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