
The "morpholine" in the Chinese medicine world, bloating, abdominal pain, indigestion, all help you solve it!

author:Wei Ke, director of traditional Chinese medicine

For people with gastrointestinal problems, morpholine is a very common drug, in general, people will choose this drug to relieve abdominal discomfort, but this drug is not a cure for the symptoms but not the root cause, so today I will give you three prescriptions that can fundamentally solve the problem, they are called the "morpholine" in the Chinese medicine world.

The "morpholine" in the Chinese medicine world, bloating, abdominal pain, indigestion, all help you solve it!

First of all, the first one is Xiaojian Zhong Tang.

This recipe has the effect of warming up the deficiency and replenishing the yang of the spleen and stomach, and is mainly suitable for those who show a series of gastrointestinal diseases such as bloating, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and frequent acid reflux after the spleen and stomach yang deficiency. Because it is yang deficiency, the most obvious feature of these people is that they like to drink warm water, dare not drink cold drinks, and they will also feel cold hands and feet, afraid of cold. They like to use hot compresses and rub when their stomach hurts, and if this is your case, then this recipe is a good choice.

The "morpholine" in the Chinese medicine world, bloating, abdominal pain, indigestion, all help you solve it!

This second recipe is fragrant sand six gentlemen's soup.

Mainly for stomach bloating caused by wet evil, we say that the root cause of the formation of "wet evil" is spleen deficiency, because the spleen can promote the transport of water and moisture. Once the spleen's ability to transport is abnormal, moisture will accumulate in the body, resulting in a decrease in the function of the spleen, thus forming a vicious circle. Such people often lose appetite, eat a little stomach bloating, but also pain, bad breath, bitter breath, stool is not formed, tongue moss is also relatively thick, this kind of can refer to fragrant sand six gentlemen's soup dialectical addition and subtraction.

The "morpholine" in the Chinese medicine world, bloating, abdominal pain, indigestion, all help you solve it!

Finally, there is the four-mill soup.

It has the effect of reducing qi and reversing, eliminating accumulation and relieving pain. We say that food accumulation is caused by the accumulation of too much undigested food in the stomach, the first symptom is abdominal pain, can not be kneaded, in addition, will always feel acid nausea, sometimes vomiting, and loss of appetite, bad breath, stool is also more viscous, often constipation and other symptoms. If you fall for these, you can try the recipe of four mill soup.

The "morpholine" in the Chinese medicine world, bloating, abdominal pain, indigestion, all help you solve it!

The above content is also for reference only, and if you have any problems, you should seek medical attention offline in time.