
Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

author:You Research Club
Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

Film and television works that were once empty of alleys are now once again incarnated as traffic black holes - we have long seen this cultural phenomenon.

After the original information of these classic veterans was decomposed, distorted and reconstructed, the famous scenes of these classic veterans were finally transformed into mememes, ghost animal videos and other memes, which were frantically copied and spread on the Internet.

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

The four masterpieces that have not been passed by ghosts and animals cannot be called the four masterpieces

However, no matter how long the popularity of a new meme can last, it is certain that it will be difficult for the audience to become interested in the original work under the influence of these whole lives. At most, after getting tired of eating eggs, I suddenly want to see the "chickens" behind them - that is, search out the original video and watch it again.

This conventional way of opening, but there is a special case, it is the 44-episode large-scale Qing Palace historical drama "Yongzheng Dynasty".


"The Yongzheng Dynasty", which premiered in 1999, and "Kangxi Dynasty", which was born in 2001, are both adapted from the February River novel, and they also have inheritance relationships in the historical line, so they are often regarded as a mother.

The "four brothers", who were born two years earlier, were really suppressed by the "Emperor Amma" for a while. To this day, whenever you walk by the door of the K song room where middle-aged greasy uncles gather, you are likely to hear "I still want to live another five hundred years".

However, with the explosion of the two-dimensional creation of "Yongzheng Dynasty" since the middle of last year, the popularity of major film and television commentary UP main lecture works, as well as the number of online on-demand of the original dramas, has soared. On station B, where everything can be ghosted, most of the original videos with the theme of "Yongzheng" that rank high in terms of playback are actually serious commentary programs.

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

Whether it is UGC creators or audiences, in front of this drama, they have put away the unscrupulousness of the past, regained their long-lost awe, held their breath, and concentrated on appreciating many characters, how to carry out this game about the world, the country and the people in the great proposition of the rise and fall of chaos.

Driven by this upsurge, the score comparison between "Yongzheng Dynasty" and "Kangxi Dynasty" on Douban also quickly reversed from 8.8:9.2 more than a year ago to 9.4:9.2.

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

As for the performance of this "Root of All Evil" on Station B, it is even more exaggerated...

As a historical drama in the true sense, such a counter-cyclical performance in the era of entertainment fast-moving consumption can no longer be explained by "slow heat". To clarify this problem, we will start with the characteristics of each of the "sister chapters".


"Kangxi angrily rebuked the courtiers" and "Slaughtered You" are the most popular secondary elements in the two dramas. This pair of famous scenes also condenses their very different artistic styles.

Let's start with the former. In the Hall of Taihe, the Kangxi Emperor, who had just punished an official nest case, conducted an ideological education that pierced the soul of the Manchu courtiers. From the mountain rain when the emotions were brewing at the beginning, the sharp edge when the topic was laid down, and then the overwhelming sea after entering the topic, the overall performance effect can be called textbook level.

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

However, even if we can recite the major events of the Kangxi Dynasty, the amount of information we can obtain from this fragment alone is really limited: you don't know the historical fragment corresponding to the plot, let alone the cause and effect. The officials in the audience, especially the several criminal ministers who served as negative teaching materials, were obscured, and the whole article was just a personal show of the Kangxi Emperor.

A similar look and feel accompanies the entire episode. Of course, this "big male protagonist" feature cannot be completely attributed to the creative level of the TV series.

Throughout the life of the Kangxi Emperor - he ascended the throne at the age of eight, captured Ao Worship, withdrew three times, took Taiwan, conquered Geerdan, gave birth to 35 princes... It is a proper and cool article in itself. Such a magnificent plot cannot be carried by a 46-episode TV series.

Therefore, the screenwriter will simplify and reorganize the historical clues after breaking them, and infinitely elevate the role of the emperor. What is finally presented must be a "Dragon Aotian".

Under the narrative tone of "all characters are in the service of Kangxi alone", women will naturally fall in love with Xu unconditionally, and their lives will be burned unreservedly by the courtiers of daily PUA. And those opponents who are "handsome for only three seconds" will all sigh Kangxi's heroic martial arts before they are about to leave.

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

The erotic view of the father and son is also the epitome of their personalities and even the difference in style between the two historical dramas

In short, while containing more historical stories, such an adaptation experience will never be stuck because of brain burning.

From the overall look and feel, "Kangxi Dynasty" has bright pictures and bright rhythm, not only the war scenes of beacon smoke, but also the microservice private interviews, wild history legends and mother-in-law fights that modern audiences like to see, which can be said to be a model for all ages.


It is still the top stream of the Ghost Animal Area of Station B, but the style is completely different. The length of the clip is close to that of "Kangxi Angry Rebuke of the Ministers", but the density of information contained in it greatly exceeds the latter, with more than ten characters with lines alone:

The incompetence of the prince, the purity and height of the third old, the forbearance of the fourth, the false benevolence and false righteousness of the eighth old, the true color of the old ten, the fiery and fierce of the two smelly younger brothers... Even if you ignore the foreshadowing of the first eleven episodes, with just a few seconds of scenes, or even a single expression, most characters can stand.

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

Even the little guards who pulled the frame were stealing the scene, and the screen was full of happy moods to watch the excitement and not be too big

It is not difficult to see that compared with the clear relaxation of "Kangxi Dynasty", "Yongzheng Dynasty" is a frontal attack that abandons the compromise of the height of the threshold and uses TV series to output the view of history.

Compared with the grandeur of the life of the "Emperor of the Ages", what Yongzheng did after he ascended the throne can be summed up in one thing - that is, the new policy he devoted his life to.

Although his reforms, whether in terms of strength, effectiveness, or the interests involved, are very rare in China's long feudal history, they deserve special attention. However, the hardships of the Yongzheng Emperor's heavy march, the meditation of the long night and candles... With these 996 routines alone, it is difficult to fill all 44 episodes.

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

Compared with the pride and pleasure of "Kangxi Dynasty", "Yongzheng Dynasty" is based on dark and depressive melody

Therefore, this play takes the well-known historical allusion to the Chinese people - the nine sons seizing the concubine, and its subsequent influence as the clue throughout the play.

If "Kangxi Dynasty" relies on story and entertainment to advance, then "Yongzheng Dynasty", which directly points to the depths of human nature, uses vivid characters to complete this puzzle about the various forms of the Yongzheng Dynasty. Although some characters do have traces of Facebook due to the basic needs of drama, the advancement and resolution of contradictions is not premised on the sudden offline of a character's IQ.

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

Every time you smell gunpowder, "Guldan" will always become the biggest variable in the development of the situation

Among the protagonists represented by "Nine Sons", even a recognized straw bale like Lao Shiyin is first-class's ability to stir up trouble. Whether it was the prince's fight, the death eagle incident at the birthday celebration, or the night of Kangxi's death, the situation almost became out of control because of his hooliganism.

As for the supporting actors with few scenes, they also used their extremely limited appearance time to achieve the limit of their personal cognitive range and ability boundaries:

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

The fourth and thirteenth went to Jiangnan to raise funds for the Yellow River flood

Zhang Laohan's family in Jiangxia Town judged the true identities of the two "foreign merchants" based on just a few words. After a struggle with the underworld forces, her daughter Alan became Old Thirteen's confidante; His son Zhang Wuge rose from a poor man with no background to Kangxi's personal bodyguard. Whether it is the emperors of the two dynasties, or the chief assistant of the military aircraft, whoever sees it must shout - "fifth brother". No wonder Yongzheng made such an exclamation -

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

The prince's master, Wang Shan, devoted his life to assisting the crown prince to ascend the throne. After his personal ideals were destroyed, he vented his anger at insulting Kangxi, but he was able to retreat with his whole body. At the last moment, he stood in line with the four brothers and yinzhen, cut off the only obstacle before he ascended the throne, exchanged the body of the dying wood for a letter of submission, ushered in prosperity and wealth for future generations, and made the second and final step of life——

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

Tu Lichen, the former imperial bodyguard, who painted an image of Tie Han, was able to rescue the prince, relieve the military power of the courtiers, prevent the palace coup, and become a key figure in promoting the wheel of history, but also did all kinds of dirty work. Relying on pretending to be stupid without any traces of performance, he did all the propositions in life that can only "choose one of the two". After the change of power, even Wu Sidao can only sigh to himself.

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

Ma Guocheng, the deputy general of Jinling who only appeared twice in the whole play, even used a sentence - "Tian Wenjing, I love you!" ", resounding all over the world, making people remember for a long time.

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era


Unlike the instrumentalized treatment of characters in "Kangxi Dynasty", each character in "Yongzheng Dynasty" is not only flesh and blood, but all words and deeds are based on their own values and maintain relative independence.

On the other hand, under the calm rhythm and unpretentious lens language, this drama does not hesitate to maximize the output of information entropy. The depth of his ideas and the intensity of his expression clearly exceeded the average level of public acceptance.

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

The screenwriter Wu, who is close to the demon, not only undertakes the explanation of the story, but also the concentrated embodiment of the dark side of the fourth master

In order to take care of the audience, the novel and TV series fictionalize the character of Wu Sidao, which is used to break the fourth wall and analyze the audience in real time through his mouth. But more often than not, we have to resort to "external forces" to accurately understand the intentions of the characters.

Take the scene "Shaqima" in the second episode, Kangxi summoned the crown prince and three ministers of the upper study to discuss how to reward the four brothers who had contributed to the disaster relief of the Yellow River, and prepared to set the tone for the upcoming imperial meeting.

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

"Kangxi Dynasty" is the strongest "hard wide"

As a result, after hearing the prince's criticism of the fourth brother's work style, Kangxi suddenly changed his style and instantly switched to a food program, asking the three ministers to taste the shaqima from Tianjin Guishunzhai's tribute, and comparing it with the same dim sum made in the imperial dining room.

At first glance at this clip, the audience usually thinks that this is Kangxi to ease the embarrassing atmosphere, or to show compassion for his courtiers.

As for foodies, it may even be seen as an advertisement - after all, the real Gui Shunzhai was not established until 1924.

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

It is true that many people have been biased by Kangxiye

Until through the analysis of the film and television UP masters, we know that the Shaqima produced by the people is real and deeply popular, alluding to the four brothers who are dedicated to the people; As for the imperial Shaqima, it is a knock on the prince who does not learn and has no skills, and only has the throne in his heart. Inviting the three heavy ministers to taste it was Kangxi's implicit expression of his intention to adjust the heir candidates, hoping that they and the forces behind them would even adjust their positions.

In order to create a sense of mystery in the feudal emperors, the princes and ministers exchanged interests in order not to be on the table, and the little people at the bottom desperately played the rich connotation of the Chinese language in order to survive in the cracks. Seemingly sparse and ordinary lines, in connection with the context, especially the situation of the parties, often contain a considerable amount of additional information.

Therefore, no matter what unusual life experience and knowledge reserve you have, as long as you can't bring your soul into the body of the person in the play, even if you maintain 100% attention, you will often fall into the confusion of losing synchronization.


Watching this drama is like reading a difficult and obscure workplace thick black school, and the sense of powerlessness of "people in the imperial court, they can't help themselves" will inadvertently surge in their hearts. Such a work is naturally a blue ocean for the creation of film and television commentary videos.

On the one hand, this historical masterpiece with its own IQ filter has screened out the UP masters of the same type of program that will only follow the script. On the other hand, its rich connotation in humanities, history and linguistics can also allow the best of them to fully release the skills of Yuding Xie Niu, so that we can harvest the infinite happiness of "understanding Yongzheng and understanding you better" from different perspectives and different arguments in the process of brushing the same film and television clips.

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

The overall climax of the whole film "Eight Kings Discuss Politics", different UP masters have completely different styles of analysis

"A thousand people have a thousand Hamlets in their hearts", the subjective initiative of aesthetics, combined with the various open-ended mysteries left in the play, will naturally make the analysis around "Yongzheng Dynasty" prosperous, and it is also the key to maintaining high popularity of related topics.

This original "renaissance" of "Yongzheng Dynasty" is not accidental. The reason why the "fourth master" can trigger the empathy of the Internet generation is all due to personal strength.

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

Workaholics, cosplay, and opponents tweet to each other — clips that add to Yongzheng's affinity in the eyes of modern people

In the play, the Yongzheng Emperor's workaholic nature of exhaustion and sleepless nights makes many collectors of blessings empathize.

He deviated and openly wore curly blonde hair on the throne and became the first Coser in Chinese history.

In the face of the rumors, the first thing he thought of was not to punish him in vain, but to invite the initiator of the rumors from the heavenly prison to the court. Then hide the identity of the emperor, one by one, to the other party's heart, until the latter voluntarily runs around, for the imperial image of the original source - can be called a collection of network bars, marketing numbers and public relations directors.

His resolute New Deal, which covered the entire dynastic society, pointed out the stubborn diseases of feudal society. With a keen eye and a surgical direction of governance, he is like a traverser.

Why is this classic Qing palace drama popular again in the abstract era

Yongzheng Three Treasures - hot pot, blood drops and elixir

There are also spiritual single dogs, minimalist aesthetic enthusiasts, hot pot explorers, inventors of intelligent and precise guidance cold weapons, pioneers in exploring the dangers of heavy metal elements to the human body... In the eyes of the Internet generation, Yongzheng's historical and cultural image has an innate cute point.

"Kangxi Dynasty", which carries these artistic images, was filmed at the turn of the old and new centuries, and it was also the transition period of China's film and television industry from planning to market. At such a critical historical juncture, a group of the best film and television artists in China at that time, with their responsibility, wisdom, skills and indomitable courage, left a precious gift for us living in the era of nipple music today.

Just like the lyrics of the theme song of "Yongzheng Dynasty" - "I want to rule the history of Jiangshan Tuzhi, and I don't care about the infamy rolling behind me". The real kings do not compromise on popular taste, and are not afraid of the washing of the years, because they believe that they will eventually usher in the day when they will be recognized by the public.

This is the wonderful chemical reaction between classic film and television dramas and the Internet.