
I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

author:Look at the story behind the village
I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

When I retired, I expected to live a leisurely life. No longer kidnapped by work, I can enjoy my retirement as much as I want.

At first, I would follow my wife to the supermarket and buy a variety of ingredients to cook at home. We try a variety of dishes and taste different flavors of ingredients.

But gradually, I found myself lingering in the supermarket, buying all kinds of ingredients that I liked to eat, and it was useless for my wife to dissuade me.

One day, I was out walking alone, passed a restaurant that had just opened, saw them cooking, it was just for dinner, and my stomach growled.

I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

I ate three plates of food in one gulp and patted my big belly contentedly as I walked out of the restaurant.

Since then, I have often passed by various restaurants and couldn't help but sit down when I saw the signs. I would order it all around the menu and rush to take a few sips of soup before it was served.

"Li Ming, I see if you have been fat recently?" One day the wife said with concern.

"Whatever, maybe the clothes have shrunk." I replied casually.

I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

In fact, I also noticed the change, I looked a lot bloated in the mirror, but after thinking about it, I retired at home anyway, and the weight change didn't matter.

I became increasingly dependent on food, as if only by eating could I regain my zest for life.

I became addicted to all kinds of street food, and I ordered it when I met and smelled the smell. I would buy a bunch of snacks to stock up on at home and open them whenever I had time.

The focus of my life has completely shifted to eating. As soon as I eat the right food, I will show an intoxicated expression, as if this is the meaning of my life.

I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

It became the center and master of my life.

My gluttony and food-dependent lifestyle gradually revealed problems.

One day, my old classmate Zhang Hua came to my house as a guest. I haven't seen me for many years, he chatted with me enthusiastically, changed his tone, and asked me with concern: "Dude, have you gained a lot of weight recently?" Pay attention to your body! ”。

I smiled sarcastically, but felt a little uncomfortable. Indeed, I have gained significantly more weight, and I can barely fit my clothes by buying two sizes larger.

I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

"It's not much fat, it's just a little bit meat." I'm retired, and it's normal to have fun. I said lightly.

Zhang Hua nodded and didn't say anything more. But I knew he must have seen my problem.

After the satisfaction of eating and drinking, I would look at the circles of fat and bulging belly on my body, and I couldn't help but worry.

I can't help but feel that the rate of deposit reduction seems to be too fast.

I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

One day, I suddenly wanted to check the balance of my account and found that my deposit was only tens of thousands. I was stunned and plunged into deep self-blame and regret.

My blood sugar and cholesterol levels were above normal. The doctor solemnly warned me to change my lifestyle or face serious health threats.

I realized that I was controlled by appetite. I became a eating machine, driven alive by my stomach. My life has become unrecognizable, it has become eating, eating, and eating.

I had to change myself and could no longer be controlled by my "boss" - my stomach. I want to regain control in my life, but how can I be good? I was lost in thought and pain.

I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

My friend Zhang Hua came to see me again, and he sensed my anxiety and confusion. So he said to me seriously: "Lao Li, what you need most now is to change your mentality and find the meaning of life again.

I nodded and thanked Zhang Hua for her concern. His words made me wake up – I have to change the way I live.

With Zhang Hua's encouragement, I began to make a schedule, control my diet, and insist on walking for an hour every day. At first I felt extremely difficult, and my gluttony often broke my will.

One day, he said enthusiastically: "Old Li, how about we go hiking together?" Walking around and looking at the landscape is very helpful for you to improve your mood.

I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

The climb was not easy, and I gasped and walked up step by step. Zhang Hua patiently accompanied me, chatting with me to distract me.

The scenery in the distance is beautiful, and I sincerely thank Zhang Hua for letting me go out of the house and experience the fun of outdoor sports.

I realized that there are many healthy ways in life to have fun and not just eat. I began to learn to be more active with my family and friends, often inviting them to my home.

Gradually, I stopped eating for pleasure, but learned to enjoy life itself. I control my diet, be active, develop hobbies, and enjoy family and friend time.

I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

One day, Zhang Hua happily said to me: "Lao Li, you succeeded!" You've found your own way of life and I'm so proud of you! "I also sincerely thank Zhang Hua for her help and encouragement to me.

With the help of my friends, my life was gradually getting back on track. I am no longer addicted to eating and drinking, but enjoy a simple but colorful life.

I began to pay attention to saving and stopped spending it willfully. Although my deposit is not as large as the previous 800,000, I already feel content.

I found the joy of life, no longer boring and empty. I love reading, fishing, and other activities. I also often invite friends to my house to talk about what's going on, cook together, and have fun time.

I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

I also participated in some public welfare activities and joined local volunteer associations. We provide life support for the lonely elderly or hold reading activities for children.

One day, when Zhang Hua came to visit, he said happily: "Old Li, you are refreshed now, not at all like the foodie before!" You have successfully changed lives and I am proud of you.

I smiled and replied, "You helped me a lot, and I will never forget your help and encouragement in my life." ”

Zhang Hua waved his hand and said: "This is your own achievement, you have found a direction in life that suits you, which is the most valuable."

I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

Indeed, I began to face life with a positive attitude. I no longer feel guilty about my past regrets, but live in the present and enjoy what I have now.

I will continue to exercise, enrich my life, and reunite with my family and friends. Even if I miss the taste of food sometimes, I know that what is more important than that is inner peace and happiness.

Life has its ups and downs, and I finally understood that we need to master our own pace and not be driven by greed.

It was a valuable life experience that made me realize that simplicity is bliss. I thank Zhang Hua for extending the hand of friendship, and even more grateful that I finally overcame my inner weakness and stepped into a new life.

I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

This life experience has had a profound impact on me. It made me realize that the true meaning of life is not in material enjoyment, but in the importance of mentality and self-control.

I thought it would be time to enjoy myself after retirement. Unexpectedly, I was lost in eating and material comforts, controlled by greed, and almost destroyed myself.

With the help of Zhang Hua, I quit the bad habit of relying on food. I regained control of my life and was no longer driven by appetite.

This experience made me understand that the quality of life does not lie in the luxury of life, but in the satisfaction of the soul. Simple lifestyle, positive attitude, united family relationships, this is the key to happiness.

I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

I am also aware of my avoidance and weakness in the face of problems. I want to learn to face life's difficulties instead of choosing ways to escape.

This lesson had a profound impact on me, it helped me realize my weaknesses and strengthened my willpower.

Life cannot be smooth sailing, but as long as we have a positive and optimistic heart, we will definitely be able to get through it.

I will also use this lesson as a wake-up call for family and friends. There are indeed all kinds of temptations in life, and we must always be sane and not lose ourselves.

I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

This experience has matured me a lot. It has become a valuable asset in my life, and I will encourage others and push myself to continue to live an active life.

This experience made me realize that we are easily confused by external material things and neglect the construction of the inner world.

The eye can see everything on the outside, but not inside. It is easily attracted by external scenes, chasing the outer brilliance, but neglecting inner listening and reflection.

I indulge in food because my eyes are conquered by external temptations. I only have food in my eyes and only the tempting sound of grease in my ears.

I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

The mind is like our inner eyes that can see the world that cannot be reached by the outside. It listens to our inner voice and guides us to distinguish between good and evil, and resists external temptations.

When our hearts are strong, we are able to assert ourselves and live meaningful lives. We need to develop inner strength and maintain a healthy mind.

I ignored the feedback of the heart, which made me lose myself in the pursuit of material things for a while. I have to learn to listen to my inner voice and build my inner defenses.

I will often reflect on myself to strengthen my inner strength. Associate with people of kindness and integrity, and draw food from their spirit.

I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

Meditate quietly and talk to yourself.

Cultivating the mind is like watering a tree, which requires our constant and attentive care. Trees thrive and stand tall in the wind and rain.

I want to remember this valuable lesson. Don't let your eyes take precedence over your heart. I have to learn to use the functions of my eyes wisely, but at the same time, I must always listen to my heart and examine my inner world with the eyes of my heart.

Only when we have a healthy mind can we have a healthy life. I hope that I can become a strong and intelligent person who can infect others with a positive life.

I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

Through this life experience, I have learned a lot of truths.

First of all, I realized that the true friendship of life is not in material enjoyment, but in cultivating the inner world. I can no longer let appetite lead me by the nose, I have to build my inner defenses.

Secondly, I realized that it is necessary to face and solve problems squarely, not run away. Face hardships bravely and maintain an optimistic and positive attitude.

Again, I learned the importance of contentment. Although my life is simple now, I feel happy and satisfied because my mentality has changed.

I have 800,000 savings and 3,000 pensions, but because I didn't keep my mouth shut, I am living a very sad life now

This experience has been a precious asset in my life. It tempered my will and allowed me to grow. I will keep this lesson in mind, continue to live, and use it to influence the people around me.