
The more "poor" people are, the more provincials they are in 3 aspects, no wonder the poorer they live!

author:Psychology and Mind Reading
The more "poor" people are, the more provincials they are in 3 aspects, no wonder the poorer they live!

Poverty is not fate, and wealth does not depend on luck.

As the saying goes: the human body is rare to get now, and the Dharma is hard to smell today.

People are lucky to be alive, but there are always differences. Some people are born to win at the starting line, while others are still struggling to survive.

Poverty is not only a definition given by the outside world, but also a self-imposed imprisonment.

Thinking determines the height, material affects the spirit, no matter how poor a person is, he cannot be poor in these three places, otherwise the more provinces the poorer!

The more "poor" people are, the more provincials they are in 3 aspects, no wonder the poorer they live!


Materially provincial

Hong Yingming said in "Legan Tan": Career articles are destroyed with you, and the spirit is as old as new.

The most precious thing about people is spiritual wealth. And the way to satisfy spiritual wealth is material.

"The Dynasty and the Wild" records such a story:

There is a stabbing in Mizhou, named Zheng Renkai, who loves money as much as life.

One day, a small house in his family begged him to buy himself a pair of shoes, and Zheng Renkai casually replied: "This is easy to do!" ”

After a while, the doorman finished his business and entered the door, but Zheng Renkai asked the doorman to go up the tree to take out the bird's nest. The doorman didn't do what he thought, took off his shoes and climbed the tree, but saw that Zheng Renkai ordered Xiao Xiao to wear his own shoes. Zheng Renkai was very proud of this.

Matter is the thing that most satisfies our spiritual level. Making money is for life, if the spirit is not satisfied, how can life be satisfactory?

If people are poor in spirit, they are really poor, because they feel poor all the time, so wealth will definitely take a detour.


Province in health

The greatest wealth in life is health, although ambitious, but lying in bed; Although there are thousands of family wealth, they are not blessed with enjoyment. Only with a healthy body can we have a hopeful tomorrow.

Everyone has heard the story of avoiding medical treatment, which says:

During the Spring and Autumn Period, it was rumored that the divine doctor Bian Que had the art of bringing the dead back to life, and Cai Huan Gong, the king of Cai Guoguo, heard about this person and announced that he came to see him.

When this Bian Que saw Cai Huangong, he said, "The Lord is sick, and the disease is in the skin!" ”

After hearing this, Huan Gong shook his head to deny it.

After ten days, Bian Que saw Duke Huan again and said, "The Lord is sick, and the disease is in the bloodline!" ”

Duke Huan was very displeased, and without saying a word, Bian Que had to retreat.

For another ten days, Bian Que went to see Duke Huan and said with a heavy heart: "The Lord is sick, and the disease is in the stomach!" Huan Gong was furious after hearing this, and Bian Que could only shake his head and leave.

After another ten days, Bian Que saw Huan Gong and hurriedly withdrew without saying a word. Duke Huan was puzzled, and sent someone to ask, and Bian Quecai said: "The disease of the Lord has entered the bone marrow!" "Say, pack your bags, and flee overnight.

After five days, Huan Gong suddenly felt pain all over his body, and sure enough, he fell ill, but when he looked for Bian Que, he was long gone. Duke Huan died just like that.

80% of major diseases are derived from minor problems. When the first pain attack, you choose to endure, unwilling to spend time and money on health, and when the pain is not born, life has become a serious disease, at this time the doctor will always silently say "Come early, a few hundred dollars can be cured".

People are poor, they cannot be poor and healthy. Your own body is the capital, you don't care about your body, your family will have to be displaced from now on.

The more "poor" people are, the more provincials they are in 3 aspects, no wonder the poorer they live!


In the province of ambition

Zi Yu: A gentleman does not seek food, and a gentleman does not worry about poverty.

People, not afraid of poverty, are afraid of lack of morality. The bottom line that is lost, those who have no ambition, will only get poorer and poorer.

At the end of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the imperial government was corrupt, and Tao Yuanming was unwilling to cling to the powerful, so his family was in the middle, and he only became the county commander of a small county at the age of 40.

Once, the city sent Master Zhang to inspect, who is this Lord Zhang? He was originally a wealthy merchant in the county, but later became an official for flattering Taishou. This person already has no ink in his chest, and he likes pomp and circumstance, Tao Yuanming is straightforward by nature, and said angrily: "How can I go to bend over and salute an ignorant guy because of the salary of five buckets of rice!" After speaking, he hung up the seal and left, far from officialdom from then on.

The ancients: people are poor and short, horses are thin and long. People who easily change their ambitions because they are poor abound. After all, there can be countless reasons to give up.

Beggars, who give up dignity, outlaws give up morality, and they give up because they are poor, and because they give up, they are poorer.

People who are poor cannot be short-sighted, and they should not forget their ambitions when they are down. Life is a long road, more precious than money, everywhere. There are principles in being a person, there is a bottom line in doing things, and if a person has virtue, he will be blessed!

When Fan Zhongyan was a young man, his family was poor, and when he was studying in the monastery, he found that there was silver buried under a tree in the temple, but he was not moved, he still buried his head in hard reading, and finally became the prime minister. When the abbot of the monastery met him again, he told the abbot about the silver and asked him to use it to build the temple.

As the old saying goes, poverty cannot be moved. People cannot be discouraged by poverty and lose their ambition. Nor can we abandon the basic principles of being human in order to get rid of poverty and covet vanity.

The more "poor" people are, the more provincials they are in 3 aspects, no wonder the poorer they live!


Matter, which affects your vision; Health is about your future; Ambition determines your height.

Life is short, we go all the way, stumbling along the way. Whether it's doing nothing or being famous, it's about having a better future.

In life, no one can predict their own end as soon as they are born, but they can always rely on themselves and affect their future life.

Poverty is not fate, and wealth does not depend on luck. In this world, no one can become rich casually. Learning to take a long-term view and invest money in health and spirit is a guarantee for yourself.

Don't be too afraid of the gains and losses in front of you, know that everything you have lost, will always be changed and returned to you!