
11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

author:Invincible little grapefruit
11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

Text/Invincible Little Grapefruit

Editor/Invincible Little Grapefruit

Against the backdrop of today's turbulent world situation, the tense confrontation between Israel and Hamas has aroused widespread concern in the international community, and this conflict involves not only the stability of the Middle East region, but also the global security pattern.

News 1: Israel's enemies are fighting more and more, Jihad joined the Hamas war group, and the United States urgently dispatched aircraft carriers to support it

Israel's formal declaration of war on Hamas is not only a showdown between the two sides, but also millions of people in Gaza, who have long struggled in difficult living conditions and are subject to external blockades.

In addition, in addition to Hamas, Israel has to deal with many potential adversaries such as Egypt and Allah guerrillas.

While the Mossad may have gained tactical superiority in some areas, Israel faces many problems, such as the supply of arms. This has made Israel's path to finding a lasting peace difficult.

11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

Hamas controls the Gaza Strip, an area inhabited by millions of people trapped in poverty whose lives have been affected by the blockade. Israel faces challenges on multiple fronts, including threats from multiple enemies, including Hamas, Egyptians and Allah guerrillas.

While institutions such as Israel's Mossad may be able to achieve some partial victories, the shortage of arms supplies and the scrutiny and pressure of the international community make the outlook grim. It will be difficult for Israel to fully resolve this complex issue.

11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

Lebanon's Allah guerrillas, with the deep support of Iran, have gradually revealed their strength. Once they choose to take decisive action on Israel's border with Lebanon, Israel will be caught in pressure from multiple fronts.

Behind these forces, Iran's figure has become a presence that cannot be ignored. Year after year, Iran's unwavering support for these groups, particularly arms supplies, further complicates Israel's strategic situation.

Although jihad's modest size and historical friction with Hamas, its recent alliance with Hamas undoubtedly poses new strategic challenges for Israel. This sudden alliance not only strengthens the enemy's fighting forces, but also makes Israel's tactical layout more difficult.

11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

The Mossad, Israel's top intelligence agency, is often considered efficient and mysterious. However, in the face of this storm, it seems to have encountered unprecedented challenges. In the coming period, the Mossad's mission is likely to focus mainly on the leadership of Hamas.

While Israel is unlikely to launch a full-scale attack easily, the Mossad could strike precision at its targets, which means that important figures on the other side and some of the unfortunate people involved could be at risk.

11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

On top of that, Israel has to deal with a large number of hostages under Hamas's control, which makes its situation even more difficult. At the same time, Syria is watching from the sidelines, adding to the multiple pressures on Israel.

To assist its ally Israel, the United States quickly sent an aircraft carrier to the Mediterranean to provide military support. However, due to the large amount of support provided by the United States in the conflict in Ukraine at the same time, this has led to a certain difficulty in its arms supply.

This suggests that, in the short term, Israel may be able to receive adequate supplies of weapons, but that if the war continues, the supply of weapons and ammunition may be problematic.

11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

In such a challenging and uncertain period, Israel's strategic outlook appears extremely grim. Even if Israel has enough military strength to confront Hamas, it will not be easy to solve the problem at its root.

How to stabilize the situation in the fight against Hamas while improving the living conditions of the population in Gaza is clearly a complex and difficult task.

11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

As Israel's enemy forces increase and the international situation becomes more complex, it needs stronger support and understanding. The impact of this conflict is not limited to the local area, but may also affect the entire Middle East, making the world more concerned and vigilant about the situation in the region.

News 2: Why did NATO and the EU panic? The results of the first round of voting in the French general election have been released

The French election is in the spotlight, and its decisions will have far-reaching consequences for Europe and the world. Regardless of the final outcome, this election will be a key turning point in France's future path.

Le Pen and the National Front represent an anti-integration and globalization perspective that she sees as a threat to France's national interests.

11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

However, this position is controversial and requires a balance between international cooperation and national sovereignty.

In the face of uncertainty and challenges, France must develop smart policies to ensure national prosperity and play an active role on the international stage.

The decisions of the French electorate will profoundly shape the country's outlook, with wide-ranging implications across Europe and globally.

11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

At this critical time, voters need to carefully consider the candidates' policies and perspectives to make informed choices for the country's future. This choice will not only affect the fate of France, but will also have far-reaching consequences for Europe and the international community.

For the EU and NATO, maintaining Europe's stability is crucial, involving economic prosperity and regional security.

If Le Pen is elected, her policies may pose a challenge to the EU-NATO relationship, but it will also provide an opportunity to redefine those relationships and promote more efficient cooperation.

11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, France plays an important role in international affairs. Therefore, Le Pen's election and policy implementation may have a profound impact on the entire international community.

NATO may need to reassess military cooperation with France, while the EU may face internal divisions and economic challenges. These challenges need to be approached with caution.

The outcome of the French election has had a profound impact on relations inside and outside France, including bilateral relations with countries such as Russia, the United States and China, as well as France's foreign policy, especially with Africa and the Middle East.

11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

The French election is in the spotlight because France plays an important role in international affairs and its policies and decisions are of great significance for global stability and peace.

The future direction of France will not only affect French domestic politics, but also have a broad impact on the international community. Therefore, all parties are closely watching the electoral process, expecting France to make wise choices at this critical juncture, bringing new opportunities for the future of Europe and the world.

11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

For political forces in France, this election is an opportunity to test whether their policies and views have gained more French support.

Candidate Marine Le Pen has been a staunch critic of the threat to France from EU integration and globalization, and her views are widely supported by some groups but have also sparked controversy and questioning.

France and other European countries must make informed decisions in the face of global economic and security challenges, and the election results will determine the direction of French policy and foreign policy in the coming years.

11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

For Le Pen's opponents, they are trying to win over more voters and find the best strategy and solution. In this highly competitive process, they will criticize and refute Le Pen's views, while presenting their own policy propositions and plans.

In short, the French election has become the focus of global attention, and although the results have not yet been revealed, their influence has already been felt.

We look forward to a more united and prosperous Europe, and we hope that France can play an active role in the challenges ahead and work together to create a more peaceful and prosperous future.

News three: India fired the first shot of separatism, and the US military may intervene in the war in advance

On the world stage today, profound changes are pushing the world into a new historical period. From the fighting in Ukraine to the conflicts in the Middle East to turmoil across Asia.

This series of events has undoubtedly aroused widespread concern in the international community. However, among these many high-profile events, the recent riots in the Indian state of Manipur are also striking, and the reasons and effects behind them cannot be ignored.

11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

Located in northeastern India, Manipur is a region that has been rich and diverse since ancient times. This land is home to many ethnic groups such as the Mingbo, Kaki, and Meibo, forming a unique social structure.

Here, the influences of Hinduism, Buddhism and other indigenous religions intertwine to make Manipur unique within India.

11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

However, it is this diversity that also poses challenges. For a long time, the cultural, religious and political demands of different ethnic groups and groups have clashed with the central government's unified strategy.

In Manipur in particular, some ethnic minorities have been seeking greater autonomy and protection of their distinct cultures. On a more sensitive level, Manipur's claim to independence is emerging.

This claim was first made by militants who were dissatisfied with the rule of the Indian government and even suggested that Manipur should be independent from India.

11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

The Indian government has always insisted that Manipur is part of Indian territory, which has led to long-standing antagonism and even violent conflict.

The recent riots are a direct result of this tension. The deterioration of the situation has resulted in dozens of deaths and the displacement of tens of thousands of people.

The Indian government quickly sent troops to quell the unrest, but the decision further intensified the confrontation between the local population and the central government and caused deep concern in the international community.

From a broader perspective, the riots in Manipur are not isolated incidents.

11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

It reflects a common question faced by many regions of the globe: how can multicultural societies find balance in the context of globalization? How can ethnic groups and groups coexist harmoniously within a common national framework?

In my view, the key to resolving the Manipur problem lies in dialogue and understanding. The Indian government should listen to its residents and respect its cultural and religious diversity, while also adopting more flexible and inclusive policies to grant greater autonomy to Manipur.

Resolving conflicts through political means and establishing a more harmonious social atmosphere not only serves the interests of the residents of Manipur, but also helps to maintain the unity and stability of the country.

11th, just now! The Israeli enemy is fighting more and more, and Jihad joins Hamas

The international community should also step up its good offices efforts to encourage the Indian government to engage in dialogue with all parties in Manipur to help them find a common solution.

Only through the joint efforts of all parties can Manipur be able to emerge from the current crisis and embark on a path of harmony and symbiosis, contributing to peace and stability in India and the world.

At this critical juncture, we look forward to the Indian government's wisdom and determination to resolve this issue, lay a solid foundation for peace in Manipur's future, and set an example for the common development of a global multicultural society.

This is not only a challenge for India, but also a shared responsibility for a global multicultural society.

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