
Eat dumplings in autumn, leek cabbage to stand aside, this kind of "lung filling", fresh and nutritious, unsatisfying!

author:Dream of Free South City

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In autumn, the land enters the harvest season, the golden rice paddies sway in the autumn breeze, the fruit trees are full of fruit, and the most anticipated is the plate of fragrant dumplings. Dumplings in autumn are like a delicious gift from nature, which is mouth-watering.

Eat dumplings in autumn, leek cabbage to stand aside, this kind of "lung filling", fresh and nutritious, unsatisfying!

Dumplings are a treasure of Chinese food culture, famous for their unique production techniques and rich fillings. Today, we are going to introduce a chic dumpling, the radish vermicelli pork stuffed dumpling, which is a delicacy especially suitable for autumn. It is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrition, with multiple effects such as moisturizing the lungs and reducing dryness, eliminating food and laxation, and supplementing vitamins.

Eat dumplings in autumn, leek cabbage to stand aside, this kind of "lung filling", fresh and nutritious, unsatisfying!

Autumn radish is a common but not negligible vegetable, which is rich in nutrients. Radishes are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, and fiber, components that are essential for maintaining good health. Vitamin C, in particular, helps strengthen the immune system and helps us fight off colds and illnesses in autumn. In addition, radish is rich in several minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, and zinc, which help keep bones healthy and the body functioning properly. Even better, radish is also believed to help clear heat and detoxify, moisturize the lungs, reduce dryness, promote digestion and other effects, which is very suitable for autumn consumption.

Eat dumplings in autumn, leek cabbage to stand aside, this kind of "lung filling", fresh and nutritious, unsatisfying!

Next, let's make this delicious radish vermicelli pork stuffed dumpling:

Required materials:

Tender radish

Longkou fans

Fresh pork


Raw soy sauce

sesame oil

Eat dumplings in autumn, leek cabbage to stand aside, this kind of "lung filling", fresh and nutritious, unsatisfying!

Chopped green onion and ginger

cooking oil

Dumpling wrappers

Production steps:

First, peel and wash the tender radish, then rub it into fine strips with a planer. Place the grated radish in a large bowl, add the appropriate amount of salt, stir well and wait for it to release excess water. After that, squeeze out the excess water and finely chop the radish for later use.

Eat dumplings in autumn, leek cabbage to stand aside, this kind of "lung filling", fresh and nutritious, unsatisfying!

Soak the vermicelli in boiling water until soft, then cut into small pieces and set aside. This will add a unique taste to the dumplings.

Next, the fresh pork is cut into pieces and ground into minced meat with a meat grinder. Add salt, light soy sauce and sesame oil to the minced meat, then add minced green onion and ginger and stir well. Marinate these delicious fillings for about 20 minutes to ensure flavor.

Eat dumplings in autumn, leek cabbage to stand aside, this kind of "lung filling", fresh and nutritious, unsatisfying!

Add the chopped radish and soaked dragon vermicelli to a large bowl with marinated pork filling, add salt and cooking oil, and stir well. Now, the special radish vermicelli pork filling is ready.

It's time to wrap delicious dumplings! Place the appropriate amount of radish meat filling on the dumpling skin, then fold the dumpling skin in half, pinch the edges tightly to make a half-moon shaped dumpling. Repeat the process until all the dumplings are wrapped.

Eat dumplings in autumn, leek cabbage to stand aside, this kind of "lung filling", fresh and nutritious, unsatisfying!

Boil a large pot of water and carefully place the dumplings in boiling water to cook. When the dumplings float to the surface and boil, cook for another 1-2 minutes until the dumplings become transparent and cooked through. Then, scoop out the dumplings with a slippery net and drain the excess water.

Now, a plate of delicious radish vermicelli pork stuffed dumplings is ready! It is not only nutritious and unique in flavor, but also detastrophic and moisturizing, especially suitable for autumn appetite. Autumn is the season when the lungs are easily damaged, so it is important to consume some foods that help nourish the lungs. And the radish in this dumpling is a good helper for "nourishing the lungs", which helps clear heat and detoxify and improve immunity. In addition, pork is rich in protein and B vitamins, which are also beneficial for the body's growth and immune system.

Finally, I recommend that everyone make this delicious dumpling in autumn and make it part of your autumn cuisine to enjoy the healthy and delicious taste. Whether it's tasting good food or feeling the gift of nature, it's a blissful moment in autumn. 【Supplement: my own words】Autumn radish vermicelli pork stuffed dumplings not only taste wonderful, but also inject the body with the nutrients and nutrients needed in autumn, so that people can enjoy the food while harvesting health and satisfaction. Whether it's making dumplings with your family or sharing delicious food with friends, it makes autumn more welcoming and beautiful. The taste of autumn is reflected in this plate of fragrant dumplings. 【End】

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