
Marshal Liu Bocheng opposed Mr. Peng three times, what is the real reason, and why did Mr. Peng take the initiative to plead guilty

author:Cher 19890409

Marshal Liu Bocheng and Peng Dehuai Military Dispute Marshal Liu Bocheng and Marshal Peng Dehuai were two outstanding generals of the Chinese People's Liberation Army who left an important footprint in the history of the Chinese revolution. However, in the course of their cooperation, some military arguments also occurred. This article will explore the military controversy between Marshal Liu Bocheng and Marshal Peng Dehuai and its impact on the military strategy of the Chinese Communist Party. In 1927, the Nanchang Uprising broke out, marking the Chinese Communist Party's own army. Marshal Liu Bocheng, as one of the commanders of the Nanchang Uprising, had rich revolutionary experience. He studied at the Frunze Military School in the Soviet Union, participated in the Xinhai Revolution, the Law Protection Movement, the Northern Expedition, and commanded the Luzhou and Shunqing uprisings.

Marshal Liu Bocheng opposed Mr. Peng three times, what is the real reason, and why did Mr. Peng take the initiative to plead guilty

Therefore, his military credentials are very old. However, this also caused him some trouble. Because Chiang Kai-shek's secret service organization was wreaking havoc in Shanghai, the Provisional Central Organs could not gain a foothold, so the Provisional Central Committee moved to Jiangxi's Soviet District. In this context, the Provisional Central Committee attached great importance to Marshal Liu Bocheng, which also indirectly pushed him to the cusp of the "earth-ocean dispute". However, Marshal Liu Bocheng did not abandon his views and principles, and he published theoretical articles against Mao Zedong, Peng Dehuai and others in party organs and other newspapers, criticizing their guerrilla strategy. However, it should be noted that Marshal Liu Bocheng is not completely opposed to guerrilla warfare, he just believes that in some cases, guerrilla strategy may not be the best option.

Marshal Liu Bocheng opposed Mr. Peng three times, what is the real reason, and why did Mr. Peng take the initiative to plead guilty

Marshal Liu Bocheng's point of view is correct to some extent. Regular warfare cannot be carried out if only a guerrilla strategy is adopted, which may limit the development and combat capability of the army. However, according to the actual situation at that time, the Red Army could only adopt a guerrilla strategy, which was determined by the environment of struggle in which the enemy was strong and weak, and the strength of the Red Army itself. Therefore, on this issue, Marshal Peng Dehuai is more in line with the actual situation, he believes that guerrilla warfare is a good trick of the Red Army and an important strategy for the Red Army to fight from Jinggangshan to the Central Soviet Region. However, during the Battle of Guanjiayan, Marshal Liu Bocheng made a point of view critical of Marshal Peng Dehuai.

Marshal Liu Bocheng opposed Mr. Peng three times, what is the real reason, and why did Mr. Peng take the initiative to plead guilty

The Battle of Guanjiayan was a very difficult battle, and Liu Shuai thought that General Peng's command tactics were too reckless and ignored the casualties of the troops. This time, Marshal Liu Bocheng's criticism was completely correct, because he was concerned about the safety of the troops and the lives of soldiers. Marshal Peng Dehuai also realized his mistake later, and he apologized to Marshal Liu Bocheng and admitted that he was too reckless. During the Hundred Regiments War, Marshal Liu Bocheng again issued a report criticizing some of the problems in the Hundred Regiments War. This report is not aimed at Marshal Peng Dehuai, but summarizes the entire anti-war work of Jin-Hebei-Luyu. However, this report triggered the North China Work Symposium and led to criticism of Marshal Peng Dehuai.

Marshal Liu Bocheng opposed Mr. Peng three times, what is the real reason, and why did Mr. Peng take the initiative to plead guilty

At the same time, the controversy has sparked some controversy in informal settings. In general, the military dispute between Marshal Liu Bocheng and Marshal Peng Dehuai was based on different views and strategic choices. Marshal Liu Bocheng emphasized the importance of regular warfare, while Marshal Peng Dehuai paid more attention to the advantages of guerrilla warfare. Although there were arguments between them, this did not prevent their cooperation and unity in military operations. Both generals made great contributions to the Chinese Revolution and the War of Resistance, and their controversy was part of the development of the Chinese Communist Party's military strategy. In looking back at history, we should look at these military debates objectively and learn from them.

Marshal Liu Bocheng opposed Mr. Peng three times, what is the real reason, and why did Mr. Peng take the initiative to plead guilty

Marshal Liu Bocheng's criticism has some truth, but in a specific historical context, guerrilla strategy is the key to the survival and development of the Red Army. Marshal Peng Dehuai's command skills and decision-making also achieved important victories for the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Therefore, we should comprehensively consider the rationality of different points of view and make the right decision according to the actual situation. Finally, we should keep in mind history and remember the heroic struggles of the past, and at the same time constantly sum up lessons and lessons to provide reference for our military strategic development today. The Chinese Communist Party's military strategy is an evolving process, and we need to find a balance between various perspectives and opinions to ensure that our military can effectively respond to various challenges and threats.

Marshal Liu Bocheng opposed Mr. Peng three times, what is the real reason, and why did Mr. Peng take the initiative to plead guilty

Let us look back on history, think about the future, and make greater contributions to the security and development of our country and people. What do you think of the military dispute between Marshal Liu Bocheng and Marshal Peng Dehuai? How do you think their controversy affects the military strategy of the Chinese Communist Party? Please leave a message to share your views.

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