
High prediction: retirees face three major problems, give 4 suggestions, early knowledge and early prevention

author:I'm a big melon

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September 10, 2019 is both "Teachers' Day" and Alibaba's 20th birthday. This day is also the day Ma Yun announced his retirement. Ma Yun burst into tears at the scene: green mountains will not change, green water will always flow. I want to change the world! See you later!

After Ma Yun retired, he almost disappeared because he loved liveliness, speeches, and "firecrackers". In fact, in the past two years, Ma Yun has not been idle after announcing his retirement, but has been learning how to do a good job in agriculture. Jack Ma said Alibaba is just one of my many dreams. I have been doing a lot of things, such as education, charity, environmental protection.

Some industry insiders said that Ma Yun foresaw the changes after retirement in advance. As a result, he retired early and avoided a lot of trouble. I have to admire Jack Ma's late prediction.

High prediction: retirees face three major problems, give 4 suggestions, early knowledge and early prevention

Jack Ma's retirement life is beyond the reach of ordinary retirees. In the next few years, China will accelerate into the era of deep aging. To take a clear example: in 1963, China saw the largest "baby boom" in human history. That year, the number of births nationwide reached 29.59 million, nearly 30 million. In the decade since, more than 25 million births have been made each year. , This is also the first baby boom after the founding of New China.

Since the past few years, the baby boom has turned into a "retirement boom." But as the birth rate continues to decline, it is expected to fall below 9 million in 2023. Elderly care faces three major problems:

First, the number of retirees continues to surge, the number of new students continues to decline, pension expenses are high, pension contributions are low, and the pressure on pension funds has increased.

Second, rising prices, currency depreciation, pension growth can not keep up, resulting in increased pressure on retirees' lives. The national average pension level is about 3,000 yuan. In the face of the continuous increase in the cost of living, the pressure on retirees can be imagined.

Third, the number of retirees is increasing, and the fertility rate is declining, resulting in an increasing burden on young children to support the elderly.

High prediction: retirees face three major problems, give 4 suggestions, early knowledge and early prevention

Retirement wave

PS: Retirement is the curtain call and the beginning. Say goodbye to heavy work and start a happy old age. After retirement, everyone started the second spring, enjoying the peace and freedom that comes with hard work. However, there are three major issues that we must also prepare to ensure that retirement is fulfilling and meaningful. So, we have 4 suggestions:

【1】Watch over our cash box.

After retirement, the pension is very low and can only cover general expenses. If we want to improve our quality of life and solve medical problems, we still need to rely on our savings. Protecting your capital is a powerful weapon to protect yourself and your family from the unexpected.

The biggest difference between retirees and young people is that young people can afford to lose, but older people can't afford to lose because there is no chance to start over. Therefore, we must guard our funds, do not speculate easily, do not trust financial management, do not invest deceived, and do not be deceived.

In recent years, although bank interest rates have continued to fall, there is no better channel for investment and financial management. Retirees are still advised to keep their savings in the bank. Don't put all your eggs in the same basket. You can divide your savings into several parts and deposit them in large state-owned banks. Don't put them in a small bank just to get a little interest. Once they go bankrupt, you can't take that risk.

Seniors with the conditions can roll over their savings over a period of time, maturing each year. If an emergency arises every year, they will have the money to deal with it. If there is no emergency, they can continue to carry forward their savings. When you have safe savings, you can be more calm and confident in the face of illness, emergencies, and your child's education. Having a certain amount of savings on hand also allows us to pursue ourselves more freely in the limited years. Dreams and interests.

High prediction: retirees face three major problems, give 4 suggestions, early knowledge and early prevention

【2】Take good care of our old house.

My friend Lao Lin sold his house and bought his son a three-bedroom apartment. The couple lives with his son. However, life with his daughter-in-law is very unaccustomed and full of contradictions. The old couple had no choice but to swallow their anger and live under the eaves of other people's houses, that is, in the "fence" they bought with their own money.

I advise the elderly not to sell their houses easily. As long as there is a house, there is a home, there is a nest. Gold nest silver nest, not as good as your own dog kennel. No matter how old, young, broken, it's still your own den. You can go in and out so you can have a place to settle down.

Keep your own house and let this cozy home be our paradise for relaxation. In the afternoon we could have a cup of tea and enjoy the sweet life. We can talk with our wife about the past of youth in the rain and immerse ourselves in good memories. Having our own house makes us more psychologically stable.

High prediction: retirees face three major problems, give 4 suggestions, early knowledge and early prevention

[3] Protect our physical and mental health.

After retirement, physical function inevitably declines and mental health is challenged. Therefore, after retirement, you must protect your physical and mental health, not only to exercise, but also to take care of your mind.

Physical health is the foundation of all happiness, and mental health is the prerequisite for all happiness. Only with a healthy body and a normal mentality can you truly enjoy the good life after retirement.

We should choose the exercise method that suits us according to our interests and physical condition, such as walking, swimming, yoga, tai chi, square dance, etc. It is not recommended to engage in extreme sports such as marathons and mountain climbing, and it is not recommended to participate in sports. Whether excessive exercise is recommended as it is easy to injure the knees and other parts.

We need to develop or cultivate our hobbies while retaining a certain circle of friends. Humans are social animals, and we need to socialize and communicate. We must reduce our social skills, but not to the point of not having friends.

Friendship also needs to be managed. Friends are not many friends, but good friends. It is enough to have three or five confidant friends in this life. Get together with friends, use hobbies as a bond, there are no idlers in conversation and laughter, there are great Confucians. Green ants brew freshly fermented wine and a small red clay stove. It snowed at night, but I couldn't help but have a drink!

High prediction: retirees face three major problems, give 4 suggestions, early knowledge and early prevention

[4] Control our curiosity.

After retirement, the most likely thing to grow old is our curiosity. We are not interested in new things, do not want to learn about smart devices, only like old things, old experiences, old traditions. It is easy to fall into a low-level old life.

When people get old, the first thing to do is to stay curious. For example, learn to use a smartphone, learn short videos, learn photography, learn self-media, watch movies, watch dramas, travel, go to music festivals, and see things that have not been done before. Something I've seen. As long as you are curious, your mind will be active and you will be full of energy.

If the elderly do not like to be exposed to new things, new things, new tools, and only prefer to lie on the sofa, then they will soon be eliminated by society and slowly lose contact with the world. This will only accelerate your aging. When the brain is unwilling to turn its eyes and see new things, a person is really old.

PS: In the face of the three major problems of the elderly, as long as we maintain a good attitude, do not accept the old, do not admit defeat, the mentality is young, there are new things in the eyes, the scenery is far away, and time has nothing to do with us.

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