
Foreign media: Russia launched the largest missile attack on Ukraine in weeks, resulting in power outages in 5 states in Ukraine

author:Catch turtles in the jar

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The coverage of this case deeply shocked and disturbed me. The conflict behind it seems endless, and civilians are innocently involved and become victims. It made me reflect on the cruelty and ruthlessness of war.

Foreign media: Russia launched the largest missile attack on Ukraine in weeks, resulting in power outages in 5 states in Ukraine

First of all, I am alarmed by the Russian attack on Ukraine's electricity infrastructure. The attack was not only massive in scale, but also targeted, directly affecting the lives of millions of Ukrainians. Electricity is the basic need of modern society, and power outages not only affect people's lives, but also threaten the normal operation of important facilities such as medical facilities and heating systems. Such attacks are undoubtedly a serious interference with civilian life and can even be considered a human rights violation.

Foreign media: Russia launched the largest missile attack on Ukraine in weeks, resulting in power outages in 5 states in Ukraine

Secondly, I am concerned about the number of injuries and deaths. Reports mention that 18 people were wounded, including a 9-year-old child, and two others were killed in shelling during the night. It is a tragic reality that innocent people, including innocent children, have lost their lives in the fighting. This is the most heartbreaking aspect of war and should not be overlooked.

Foreign media: Russia launched the largest missile attack on Ukraine in weeks, resulting in power outages in 5 states in Ukraine

Finally, the report mentioned that Ukraine's national energy company had been working to repair power facilities, but Russia launched another attack and destroyed these facilities. This relentless act of destruction is outrageous and makes me think about how the international community can respond to such challenges. How to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents and how to protect the rights and interests of civilians are issues that require careful consideration.

Overall, this case made me deeply feel the cruelty and ruthlessness of war. It is hoped that the international community will take measures to induce the parties to cease hostilities and find a peaceful way to resolve the conflict in order to protect the lives and rights of civilians.

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