
Tai Lihua, a strong and optimistic deaf mute, attracted widespread attention.

author:Milk tea 9a for courage

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Tai Lihua, a strong and optimistic deaf mute, once performed the national anthem in sign language, which attracted widespread attention. Her life path was not easy, and a high fever in her early years plunged her into a silent world. Even though her parents sought medical treatment, her deaf and mute fate remained difficult to change. However, Tai Lihua was not discouraged by this, but chose to face life positively.

In the silent world, she found her passion - dance. Although dancing is full of challenges for deaf people, Tai Lihua does not flinch. She memorized the drums with the vibration of the floor, practiced constantly, developed muscle memory, and worked tirelessly. Tai eventually became a professional dancer, but the process was full of hard work and sweat.

Tai Lihua, a strong and optimistic deaf mute, attracted widespread attention.

She has practiced Yang Liping's famous work "Spirit of the Sparrow", a difficult dance, training day and night in order to master every beat. And Yang Liping personally guided her and was moved by her perseverance. On the CCTV Spring Festival Gala in 2005, Tai Lihua and other deaf and dumb girls performed "Thousand Hands Guanyin", a shocking performance that impressed the national audience. Her story spread here, making people understand that deaf people can dance so beautifully.

However, Tai Lihua's success did not make her forget her love. Although a rich man chased her for 8 years, he failed to conquer her heart. Because Tai Lihua already had a special person in her heart, Li Chun, a high-achieving student, they fell in love at first sight, although Tai Lihua was worried about the communication between the two parties and the acceptance of the other party's parents. But Li Chun's love is firm and practical. He not only takes good care of Tai Lihua's daily life, but also encourages and supports her dance.

Tai Lihua, a strong and optimistic deaf mute, attracted widespread attention.

After 7 years of love, they finally entered the palace of marriage, gave birth to a lovely and healthy son, and the family of three lived a happy life. Today, although Tai Lihua is 44 years old, she has not given up dancing, but has transformed into a dance teacher, teaching children who love dance, and actively participating in charity and public welfare undertakings to help more disabled people like her find their value.

Tai Lihua's life, although voiceless, is full of silent tenacity and selfless dedication. Her stage shifted from performance to education, passing on her experience to a new generation of dancers. Every day, she stands in the dance studio, where sign language and body movements serve as a bridge between her and her students. With her enthusiasm and patience, she inspires young minds, teaches them dance skills, and more importantly, conveys the spirit of persevering in dreams and overcoming difficulties.

Tai Lihua, a strong and optimistic deaf mute, attracted widespread attention.

At the same time, Tai Lihua also actively participates in various charity and public welfare activities. She is well aware of the help and encouragement she receives, so she is grateful and strives to give back to the community. She cares about the disabled community, especially those who are deaf and mute, and hopes to be an example for them, encouraging them not to be discouraged by the difficulties of life, and to persevere in pursuing their dreams.

In addition, Tai Lihua also pays attention to the field of education, and she donates funds to support the construction of schools to provide a better learning environment for more children. Her charitable deeds have attracted widespread attention in the community, and many people have joined her charity to spread the power of love and hope.

Tai Lihua, a strong and optimistic deaf mute, attracted widespread attention.

Tai Lihua's story tells us that there are no insurmountable obstacles in life, as long as there is a strong will and unremitting efforts, miracles can be created. She was not only an outstanding dancer, but also a great humanist, and her life story inspired countless people to understand that everyone has the opportunity to pursue their dreams, no matter how difficult life is.

Tai Lihua's world may not have a voice, but she injects warmth and courage into the world with silent persistence and love. Her name will forever be etched in people

In the heart, as an immortal legend, a soul that radiates light. May Tai Lihua's story continue to inspire us to pursue our dreams bravely, spread love and hope, and make this world a better place.

Tai Lihua, a strong and optimistic deaf mute, attracted widespread attention.

Tai Lihua's life, although there is no voice, is full of deep connotations. Her stage career is synonymous with tenacity, and her story is the embodiment of dedication. She educates a new generation of dancers with an unspoken belief that no matter what life holds, dreams are always worth pursuing.

At the same time, she is actively involved in charity and public welfare undertakings. She understands that she has received support and love from the society, so she is obligated to give back to the society. Her focus has always been on those who are also facing difficulties, especially her fellow deaf and mute. She became their role model, sending them a message of perseverance and hope.

In addition, Tai Lihua is also dedicated to education. She is not only an outstanding dancer, but also a public welfare messenger who cares about education. Her generous donation provided financial support for the construction of the school and provided better learning conditions for the younger generation. Her actions have inspired more people's acts of kindness, and the transmission of social love has continued to spread under her guidance.

Tai Lihua's life is a timeless story, a legend full of inspiration. She tells us not to give up on your dreams, no matter how challenging it is. Her tenacity, dedication and love are role models for us to follow. Her name will always shine in our hearts and inspire us towards a better future.

Although her world has no sound, she uses the power of her heart to create countless beautiful notes. Her life story is a moving poem that plays a symphony of resilience and love. May her story continue to be passed on, bringing more warmth and courage to the world, inspiring everyone who pursues their dreams to move forward. Tai Lihua, you will always be our pride and role model, and your light will never be extinguished.

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