
The finale is coming? Hamas reinforcements have arrived, Israel is fighting on three sides, and China has received a signal for help

author:The official number of Road Observation

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which broke out a few days ago, is still escalating. For Israel at present, it is at a dangerous moment of fighting on three sides, and the US aircraft carrier has been dispatched, and at this time, China has received a signal for help.

According to Singapore media reports on the evening of the 8th, senior Israeli officials in China said a few days ago that Israel wants to see China "stronger condemnation" of the Palestinian militant organization Hamas, because China is a friend of Israel.

The finale is coming? Hamas reinforcements have arrived, Israel is fighting on three sides, and China has received a signal for help

It can be felt that China has received a signal for help from Israel. It is also interesting to say that Israel, which has always been known as the "little bully of the Middle East", has now been forced to seek help from China, an East Asian country, by a small armed organization.

First of all, the outbreak of this conflict was unexpected, and Israel was completely stunned. We note that more than one media person has bluntly stated that this is the biggest military defeat Israel has suffered in 50 years. Hamas's actions are very swift, completely unexpected by Israel, in fact, not to mention Israel, even the United States behind it is completely unexpected, just a week before the incident, White House national security adviser Sullivan also said that the Middle East is very peaceful today. Is this too peaceful? Therefore, after the incident, a large number of media criticized the intelligence failure of the Biden administration in the United States, and the US intelligence system did not expect it, let alone Israel.

Moreover, Israel has long since lost its former glory. In the past, we have noticed a large number of articles or videos telling us the myth of how Israel broke through and won in the face of the collective targeting of the Arab countries in the Middle East. But today's Israel is actually not as glorious as it was then, and in recent years, Israel has been repeatedly tormented by the Lebanese Allah Party, a local armed organization of only 3,000 people, which shows that Israel is not as strong as rumored.

According to the United Nations, since the 8th, the Lebanese Allah Party has also participated in the strike on Israel and fired a large number of artillery, so now the Lebanese Allah Party has also opened fire, Hamas reinforcements have arrived, and Israel immediately fell into the situation of being attacked by the enemy. And that's not all, in fact, because there are many Palestinians in Israel, at such a moment, these people cannot rule out that they will cause trouble for Israel, so Israel is facing a difficult situation on three sides.

The finale is coming? Hamas reinforcements have arrived, Israel is fighting on three sides, and China has received a signal for help

Some friends may think, will the US military not help? According to the latest information, the Pentagon has ordered that the latest US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier strike group "Ford" has gone to the Mediterranean Sea, ready to assist Israel. Some people may think that as long as the US military makes a move, Hamas, Lebanon and Allah Party will not be enough to see at all.

Indeed, we admit that if the US military intervenes, it will be really difficult for armed groups such as the Lebanese Allah Party and Hamas to deal with it. But the question is, will the US military really shoot? Leaving aside the fact that the "Ford" aircraft carrier sent by the US military is the latest aircraft carrier of the US military, but it is difficult to say that it is the strongest aircraft carrier, in fact, the "Ford" has been full of maladies since its inception, until the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, other aircraft carriers of the US military have no aircraft carriers because of their own other arrangements, there is no aircraft carrier available, and the "Ford" began to carry out its first mission. Therefore, whether the US military sent the aircraft carrier "Ford" to act as a façade to express its support for Israel, or really intends to help Israel by force, is really a bit debatable at the moment.

Moreover, according to recent relevant news, the United States itself admits that around the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the White House intends to pass relevant bills to provide military assistance to Israel, but because the current situation in Congress is not particularly stable, the relevant negotiations are lagging behind. Under such circumstances, the US military had no choice but to send the aircraft carrier "Ford" to show its support for Israel.

As for whether the US military will really strike if necessary? You might as well think so, no matter what the US military does, Ukraine is watching, if the US military really helps Israel, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will definitely immediately speak out and ask the US side to also help fight Russia, the United States will definitely not dare, how to explain it at that time? Even if Zelensky is prevaricated, then how should the Ukrainian army prevaricate? To put it bluntly, if the United States dares to intervene in this Palestinian-Israeli conflict by force, and then refuses to intervene in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict by force, then the Ukrainian army is afraid that it will mutiny on the spot! Therefore, we have reason to believe that the United States will probably not intervene in this Palestinian-Israeli conflict until the necessary moment.

So now Israel needs to deal with a situation of fighting on three sides on its own. The war situation is not ideal, and if the war continues, Israel's national security will be greatly challenged. Here, we need not wonder why Israel has spoken out for China's aid.

The finale is coming? Hamas reinforcements have arrived, Israel is fighting on three sides, and China has received a signal for help

So will China help them? In fact, China has made a clear statement on the conflict between the Palestinian armed organization Hamas and Israel, calling on all parties to maintain calm and restraint, immediately ceasefire, protect civilians and prevent the situation from deteriorating further, and then calling for the implementation of the two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. The question is can Israel do it? Apparently not, Israel hopes that China will condemn Hamas for the sake of Sino-Israeli relations.

Frankly speaking, China really respects China-Israel relations. It is precisely for this reason that China does not intend to solve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through military means, as the United States does, but gives a real solution that can completely solve the problem. If Israel can heed China's advice, then the finale of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is really coming. However, if Israel is unwilling to do so, but continues to cooperate with the United States to invade and occupy Palestinian territory, then even China may be powerless.

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