
First lose Hirano and then lose Hayada, then lose Miyu Kihara, 5 golden flowers or substitution, Qian Tianyi is hopeful

author:Love to write big speakers

Wang Yidi's state is worrying

The five golden flowers of national table tennis have always been the pride of the Chinese table tennis team, but recently, one of the golden flowers, Wang Yidi, fell into a state trough. She lost three times in a row to the Japanese player, a worrying move that sparked a debate about whether replacement was needed. Wang Yidi was once the backbone of China's table tennis team, but does her recent performance signal the end of her era?

First lose Hirano and then lose Hayada, then lose Miyu Kihara, 5 golden flowers or substitution, Qian Tianyi is hopeful

Wang Yidi's losing streak

Wang Yidi is a member of the Chinese table tennis team and was once invincible in foreign battles. However, in recent matches, her form has clearly gone wrong. In Singapore, Lanzhou and the Asian Games, she failed to beat the Japanese athletes. It was particularly impressive in the Lanzhou match, where she did not win a game and was swept by her opponent. This state is undoubtedly a huge blow for a former world champion.

First lose Hirano and then lose Hayada, then lose Miyu Kihara, 5 golden flowers or substitution, Qian Tianyi is hopeful

The impact of great change

In Wang Yidi's career, the Chinese table tennis team has undergone a major change. Ma Lin became the head coach, and he gave a lot of care and guidance to Wang Yidi. However, despite this support, Wang Yidi seems to be unable to withstand the pressure in crucial matches. She often makes mistakes in tiebreakers, while her opponents show greater competitive form and mental quality. Both Miyu Hirano and Hina Hayata showed their top level in key moments, while Wang Yidi always seemed to hesitate at key moments, leading to the defeat of the game.

First lose Hirano and then lose Hayada, then lose Miyu Kihara, 5 golden flowers or substitution, Qian Tianyi is hopeful

Whether the five golden flowers of National Table Tennis need to be replaced

The five golden flowers of national table tennis have always been the pride of the Chinese table tennis team, but now, people are beginning to think about whether they need to be replaced. From Sun Yingsha to Chen Meng, these five players have always been invincible in external battles, but Wang Yidi's state has obvious problems. Is the position of the five golden flowers of National Ping Pong really going to be replaced?

First lose Hirano and then lose Hayada, then lose Miyu Kihara, 5 golden flowers or substitution, Qian Tianyi is hopeful

A young up-and-coming rookie: Qian Tianyi

As a rookie who has attracted much attention, Qian Tianyi's performance is highly anticipated. Her outstanding performance at the Singapore Grand Slam was impressive. However, to truly replace Wang Yidi's place, she needs to go through more tests and prove her ability. The replacement of the five golden flowers of national ping ping is not an easy task, and it requires time and the accumulation of strength.

First lose Hirano and then lose Hayada, then lose Miyu Kihara, 5 golden flowers or substitution, Qian Tianyi is hopeful

Looking to the future

For Wang Yidi, we still expect her to get out of the trough as soon as possible, return to the peak, and win glory for the country. Her experience and strength remain trustworthy, and setbacks are part of every top athlete's growth. For Qian Tianyi, we hope that she can continue to move forward steadily and write a new chapter for the five golden flowers of National Table Tennis in the future. In any case, the glorious history of national table tennis will continue to be written, no matter who leads it.

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