
Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?

author:Prosperity leader
Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?

The school uniform is the symbol of the students and the image of the school. School uniforms should be comfortable, neat, beautiful and reflect the culture and spirit of the school.

However, recently, a parent from Jilin in the northeast posted a video on social platforms, revealing that his daughter's winter school uniform was full of dirty and messy strips of cloth, which not only could not keep warm, but also could cause harm to the body.

Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?

What is even more infuriating is that the school not only did not give a reasonable explanation and treatment, but also forced students to wear such uniforms to class, otherwise they were not allowed to enter the school.

They also called the police to drive away their parents. Such an approach has aroused strong condemnation and concern from netizens. Is this an ordinary quality problem or an educational difficulty? What is the purpose of the school calling the police?

Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?

The chain of interest behind the quality of school uniforms

According to the video provided by the parents, it can be seen that in addition to a thin layer of cotton, the winter school uniform is stuffed with many dirty rags, and some even have blood stains and stains.

Not only does such a school uniform not keep warm, it may also irritate the skin or trigger an allergic reaction. Parents said that these uniforms were ordered by the school, and the price of each set was about 300 yuan, and they were not allowed to enter the school if they did not wear them. This is clearly fraud and infringement on students and parents.

Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?

So, why do such quality issues occur? It is reported that this school is called Dunhua No. 2 Middle School, located in Dunhua City, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Province.

The city's education bureau responded that the strips in the video were windproof and waterproof coatings of fallen clothing, not fillers.

Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?

At present, the sample school uniform has been sent to the provincial authority for quality inspection, and a joint investigation team has been established to investigate the procurement of school uniforms and other links. The results of the investigation will be released to the public in a timely manner.

However, such a response did not convince netizens and parents. Many people question⁵: If only the windproof and waterproof coating came off, why are there so many rags?

Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?

Why are there blood stains and stains? Why aren't there any labels or instructions? Why is it not subject to quality inspection or fire inspection?

Why didn't parents consult or provide return and exchange services? Why is it mandatory for students to wear it? Why call the police to drive away parents?

Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?

These questions point to a possible answer: there may be a chain of interests behind the quality of school uniforms. In other words, there may be improper exchange of benefits or benefits between schools and uniform suppliers.

In order to save costs or obtain rebates, the school chooses low-cost and low-quality school uniform suppliers, and school uniform suppliers use inferior materials and processes in order to make huge profits.

Substandard school uniforms were produced. Such uniforms can neither meet the needs of students nor reflect the level of the school, and can only cause losses and injuries to students and parents.

Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?

Motivation and consequences of school alarm

In the face of parents' doubts and protests, the school did not give a reasonable explanation and treatment, but adopted a tough attitude, not only did not allow parents to enter the campus, but also called the police to drive away parents.

Such an approach has sparked even greater controversy and resentment. What is the purpose of the school alarm? And what are the consequences?

Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?

On the one hand, the school may call the police to maintain its authority and image, and avoid parents' protests affecting normal teaching order and campus safety.

Schools may believe that parents posting videos on social platforms is an irrational behavior that will damage the reputation and credibility of the school, and will also cause panic and unease to other students and parents.

Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?

Therefore, the school hopes to stop the behavior of parents by calling the police and maintain stability and order on campus.

On the other hand, the school alarm may be to evade their own responsibility and mistakes, diverting public attention and public pressure.

Schools may realize that they have problems or mistakes in the procurement of school uniforms, and if they are thoroughly investigated or exposed, they may face legal or administrative penalties, and may even affect their position and interests.

Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?

Therefore, the school hopes to call the police to beat parents as troublemakers or troublemakers, and themselves as victims or rights protectors.

Whatever the motive, calling the school is a bad choice. First of all, the school's alarm will damage the communication and trust between itself and parents, and exacerbate the confrontation and conflict between the two sides.

Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?

Parents, as guardians and educational partners of students, have the right to care for and supervise the education and life of students. If you encounter problems or are not satisfied, you have the right to raise a question or complaint.

Schools should respect and understand parents' demands and emotions, and provide timely responses and solutions, rather than using coercion or violence to suppress or expel parents.

Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?

Doing so will only make parents more angry and disappointed, more suspicious and distrustful of the school. Secondly, the school's alarm will damage its image and reputation in the public, triggering greater public pressure and social responsibility.

In the Internet era, information is disseminated quickly, widely in scope and influential. Once a negative event or controversial event occurs, it is easy to attract the attention and comments of netizens and the media.

Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?

If the school mishandles or evades responsibility, it will trigger greater public pressure and social responsibility.

Schools should face up to the problem, actively cooperate with the investigation, and assume corresponding responsibilities, instead of using the police to divert attention, evade public opinion supervision, and even challenge the law and public order and good customs. Doing so will only make the public more dissatisfied and puzzled, and more questioning and condemning the school.

Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?


In short, the school uniform is stuffed with rags, what is the purpose of the school alarm? This matter involves not only the quality of school uniforms, but also school management and education.

We believe that schools should provide students with qualified, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing uniforms that reflect the culture and spirit of the school.

Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?

Schools should also maintain good communication and trust with parents, and respect parents' rights and opinions. Schools should show an image of integrity, responsibility and integrity in front of the public, and accept public opinion supervision and legal suppression.

Only in this way can the school truly fulfill the duty and mission of education and cultivate outstanding talents and citizens.

Stuffed with rags in the school uniform, what is the purpose of the school calling the police?

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