
Of the 78 cities in East China's GDP ranking in the first half of 2023, only 12 cities exceeded 500 billion

author:Gemini Daddy Data Agency


GDP ranking of 78 cities in East China in the first half of 2023 (over 500 billion yuan)

Of the 78 cities in East China's GDP ranking in the first half of 2023, only 12 cities exceeded 500 billion

In the first half of 2023, there were 12 cities in East China with a GDP of more than 500 billion yuan, and Shanghai ranked first, with more than 2 trillion yuan; In second place is Suzhou, with more than 1 trillion yuan; Ranking third is Hangzhou, with more than 900 billion yuan.

Of the 78 cities in East China's GDP ranking in the first half of 2023, only 12 cities exceeded 500 billion

Among the cities exceeding 500 billion yuan, there are 4 in Jiangsu Province, 2 each in Zhejiang, Shandong and Fujian Provinces, and 1 in Anhui.

GDP ranking of 78 cities in East China in the first half of 2023 (300-500 billion yuan)

Of the 78 cities in East China's GDP ranking in the first half of 2023, only 12 cities exceeded 500 billion

In the first half of 2023, there are 12 cities with an GDP3000-500 billion yuan in East China, including 5 in Jiangsu Province, 3 in Zhejiang Province, 2 in Shandong Province, and 1 each in Fujian Province and Jiangxi Province.

In the first half of 2023, the average GDP of East China was 304.45 billion yuan, exceeding the average for 24 cities.

Of the 78 cities in East China's GDP ranking in the first half of 2023, only 12 cities exceeded 500 billion

Among them, 9 in Jiangsu Province, 5 in Zhejiang Province, 4 in Shandong Province, 3 in Fujian Province, 1 in Anhui Province and 1 in Jiangxi Province.

GDP ranking of 78 cities in East China in the first half of 2023 (200-300 billion yuan)

Of the 78 cities in East China's GDP ranking in the first half of 2023, only 12 cities exceeded 500 billion

In the first half of 2023, there are 11 cities with a GDP2000-300 billion yuan in 78 cities in East China, including 4 in Shandong Province, 2 in Zhejiang Province, 2 in Jiangsu Province, 1 in Fujian Province, 1 in Anhui Province and 1 in Jiangxi Province.

GDP ranking of 78 cities in East China in the first half of 2023 (100-200 billion yuan)

Of the 78 cities in East China's GDP ranking in the first half of 2023, only 12 cities exceeded 500 billion

In the first half of 2023, there were 78 cities in East China with an GDP1000-200 billion yuan, and 27 cities. Among them, 9 in Anhui Province, 8 in Shandong Province, 5 in Fujian Province, 2 in Jiangsu Province, 2 in Jiangxi Province and 1 in Zhejiang Province.

GDP ranking of 78 cities in East China in the first half of 2023 (below 100 billion yuan)

Of the 78 cities in East China's GDP ranking in the first half of 2023, only 12 cities exceeded 500 billion

In the first half of 2023, there were 12 cities with less than RMB GDP1000 in 78 cities in East China (excluding 3 unannounced cities in Jiangxi Province), including 5 in Anhui Province, 4 in Jiangxi Province and 3 in Zhejiang Province.

In the first half of 2023, the GDP of six provinces and one city in East China ranked out

Of the 78 cities in East China's GDP ranking in the first half of 2023, only 12 cities exceeded 500 billion

Jiangsu Province, which ranks first in terms of GDP among the six provinces and one city in East China, Shandong Province ranks second, and Zhejiang Province ranks third.

Data source: The data comes from public data on the Internet.

Of the 78 cities in East China's GDP ranking in the first half of 2023, only 12 cities exceeded 500 billion