
Do all in one's power! Han Han Yu took on the great task of communication with the Kuomintang, and the power of one person became a bridge of communication between the three parties


Text | Zhang Youhua

Director Han came back on October 8, and was in the same frame as Ke Wenzhe on October 9. After the same frame, Director Han PO the photos of the two people, but he didn't expect to attract the attention of the three people. Ke Wenzhe replied that the second Hou Youyi also blessed, and the third Gou Taiming also welcomed it. In other words, a photo can cause three people to be in the same frame, which is what the Kuomintang has wanted to do since July this year, and so far it has not been possible, and a photo of Director Han has done it.

Do all in one's power! Han Han Yu took on the great task of communication with the Kuomintang, and the power of one person became a bridge of communication between the three parties

The first thing Han Yu did when he returned to Taiwan was to see Ke Wenzhe, because they had mutual friends. These mutual friends have been matching Han Yu to meet Ke Wenzhe, and the meeting place is at the entrance of Wanhua's temple. There are three things from the meeting between Director Han and Ke Wenzhe, the first thing is that after Zhao Shaokang met Han Yu on September 14 this year, Han Yu will definitely meet with Ke Wenzhe before October 11. The reason is very simple, because their mutual friends show that Han Yu has always wanted to meet Ke Wenzhe. However, because of the staggered itinerary of the two people, on the one hand, Ke Wenzhe wants to visit the United States, and on the other hand, Han Yu wants to go to Europe, so the meeting day is only before October 11.

Do all in one's power! Han Han Yu took on the great task of communication with the Kuomintang, and the power of one person became a bridge of communication between the three parties

Second, the reason why Director Han wanted to see Ke Wenzhe was because Ke Wenzhe now has a very stiff relationship with the Kuomintang. Han Han Yu met Ke Wenzhe as a third party, on the one hand, the relationship between the commander and his subordinates in the past, on the other hand, the relationship between friends, and on the third hand, Han Yu understood Ke Wenzhe better than the Kuomintang understood Ke Wenzhe. Therefore, Han Yu will not take any side, in other words, Han Yu's move is to stabilize the atmosphere of cooperation between blue and white first, and wait until the water is ready.

The third is very important, if the KMT can't get Ke Wenzhe, then Gou's problem will inevitably become a serious problem for the KMT. Therefore, Han Yu alone can attract the attention of the four parties, which is indeed unexpected. The so-called four parties are the Kuomintang, Hou Youyi, Ke Wenzhe and Gou Taiming , and in the process of exchanging views between the four parties, Han Yu should see it better than anyone. Of course, Han Yu's heavy responsibility now lies in the auxiliary selection of the "chicken" of the Kuomintang, not in communication, after all, Hou Youyi has already decided on the communication candidate, and Han Yu is just beating the side drum. Therefore, the burden of communication cannot be placed on Han Yu.

Do all in one's power! Han Han Yu took on the great task of communication with the Kuomintang, and the power of one person became a bridge of communication between the three parties

But from Han Yu's move, everyone should see very clearly that he is the only political figure trusted by the opposition parties. It cannot but be said that the Kuomintang has come to this point is very sad, Han Yu has no power and no power, and he can gain the respect of his opponents. On the other hand, whether Zhu Lilun or Hou Youyi, Jin Pucong, or Huang Jianting, it is even more difficult for them to see Ke Wenzhe. Of course, Han Yu stabilizes the atmosphere of cooperation between blue and white, and how the next step is not for Han Yu to decide, so everyone should not expect too much.

The reasons are nothing more than the following three reasons, the first is that Han Yu communicates with personal friendship to contact, listening to the other party's opinions or the other party's listening to Han Yu's opinions. When Han Han Yu met with Ke Wenzhe, Han Yu talked more and Ke Wenzhe listened more. On the one hand, at least Ke Wenzhe is willing to listen to part of the political reality that Han Yu talks about, which is a goal that the KMT cannot achieve.

Do all in one's power! Han Han Yu took on the great task of communication with the Kuomintang, and the power of one person became a bridge of communication between the three parties

Second, Han Yu communicates with personal friendship, and his main purpose is to open a window. After all, this time is more and more pressure on the Kuomintang, and time is not on the Kuomintang's side. So on October 9, Han Han Yu met with Ke Wenzhe for about an hour under the advice of a mutual friend. This hour was the first meeting between Ke Wenzhe and Han Yu in four years, and in fact the meeting should have been earlier, but I don't know what kind of calculations the Kuomintang made. Anyway, the KMT's calculations did not tell Han Yu that Han Yu would do what he should do with his heart, but he did not have any authorization from the Kuomintang. It can be said that a word is called pathfinding, at least Han Yu's pathfinding is successful, Ke Wenzhe did not give him a closed-door soup, which is a good start.

Do all in one's power! Han Han Yu took on the great task of communication with the Kuomintang, and the power of one person became a bridge of communication between the three parties

Third, you don't have to expect too much from Han Yu, after all, the object of Han Yu's auxiliary election is the "chicken" of the Kuomintang, and Cai Biru and others including later may also be the target of Han Yu's auxiliary election. Korean Yu people are good at bonding, but bonding will plant good or bad fruits, which is not something that Han Yu can influence. Under such circumstances, the KMT may wish to think more about how to return Han Han Yu to his position so that the KMT can complete the "blue and white cooperation" before the deadline. Of course, Han Yu's wish is like this, and whether it can be achieved depends on future changes in the situation.

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