
7 days of news about lost children

author:August 1 and August 2, 2023

I watched the news about lost children for 7 days! I'm so sad! Full-time 8 years without visiting! Keep an eye on your children at home to prevent accidental loss! Today tell me about my daughter who almost got lost! Or see the man in black and be so scared that he almost took her away! It's scary to think about it now! I also want to protect my children's safety at home. This is the responsibility of motherhood!

Many people say that it is not good for me to take children at home, and I have tried to take it out to play. That is, taking the children to grandma's house this year. Some people say take children, don't keep the children locked up at home all the time. So when I came to my grandmother's house to play, I also tried to relax. On that day, we adults were playing in the old house, and the children ran to the new house to play, and the two houses were only 10 to 20 meters away. At that time, I didn't feel any danger, and I thought that there would be bad guys who wanted to come and catch children! On that day, we adults also talked about how children can play casually!

But it didn't take long to talk about the topic of raising children! On the side of the old house, I suddenly heard the child shouting on the other side of the new house. Hurry up and help us open the door, and shouted many times in a row. I heard the voice loud and scared! Then the adults immediately ran over to see the children!

When I walked through the new house, I found that the door was closed, and the door of the room on the second floor was also locked by the children inside, and I couldn't get out! When I went up to the second floor and asked the child what had happened. The second man told me what happened!

It was the eldest and my daughter who saw the scene of the man in black that day, and she knew more than the second eldest did, but my daughter was scared at my grandmother's house that day, and she really didn't dare to say anything about the black man! The second elder was on the second floor that day and only knew part of it, so he also told us. They said that there were black people going upstairs, and when they saw it, they immediately ran to the room and locked the door, and the second said that they only saw one person, because there was another person at the door, and the second man did not see it. My daughter and her last person entered the first floor from the outside and then went up to the second floor, she saw two people that day, but at her grandmother's house that day, she didn't dare to say a word!

It wasn't until I got home that Dawa told me at one fifty-one. I saw two strangers that day, and when I saw her last one enter the new house, I found that there was a tall masked man in black who seemed to have walked into the hall with her, and Da Wa said that there was another person at the door at that time, and when I saw my daughter's slippers going upstairs, Da Wa also saw that the man in black wanted to follow upstairs. Da Wa was so frightened that she ran upstairs and shouted to hurry up and enter the room and lock the door. Then he immediately entered the room and locked it, and his heart became even more afraid. Lock the door, and then also know to shout from the window, mom hurry up and open the door! When the man in black heard the child yelling, he also knew to run out and casually close the door and run! We also heard the child scream several times before going out. We've never seen anything like this happen before, and we didn't expect bad guys to come and try to steal children! And the day also talked about, don't look at the child so closely, in the village, don't be afraid!

Fortunately, I have known all these years that bad people are everywhere in this world! Even in the countryside, you must be very careful to watch your children at home! I usually teach my children a lot, and I say that when you are disobedient, I am used to recording my mood. There are also many people on the Internet who have checked our address, and this year one still claims to be from the village, and the person who called the village also said that your mother is a bad person, that your mother's reputation is not good in the village, and what we have lost in the past 2 years. So when we are at home, when there are no adults with us, we must not play outside the village. After often being educated like this, without the company of adults, my children also run out less to play!

And my child has also seen the Man in Black after this. I know that without adults in the village, there will be bad people who want to come and steal children.

In the past two years, many people have asked me to go out to work. Of course, if there is an adult at home, the two children can do the following responsibility, take care of the children at home, and I also went out to work in other provinces early! 1, rarely run for about 10 hours each time to go out, rarely leave the child alone at home for 6 hours a day. 2, than I will make the food that the child likes to eat, or there is something I cook suitable for the child to eat, and the two children also say that the dishes he cooks are delicious. 3. There is also a monthly request for how much living expenses I will give. Because in the past two years, I have not asked the other party how much money to give me a month to take care of my children full-time. 4, and the daughter is also willing to accept him to take the child. At the age of 7, she will choose who brings it better. 5, and the child's clothes are very dirty, know to wash them by hand. No, I only wash it in the washing machine every time! 6. If the daughter is sick, know to take the child to the doctor.

If the full-time dad can do these 6 points, or have more safety awareness education for the two children, I will also be willing to work outside the province 100%!

In general, the safety of the family and the health of the family are the most important! I know that money is not everything, but I also know that I can't do it without money! I also realized that it is really not a taste to reach out for living expenses all these years full-time!

Fortunately, I am a person who can endure hardships, and I am also a mother who knows how to save money and be meticulous! In the 6 years of my second marriage, I have been growing vegetables for 6 years when I brought my baby full-time. In the past 6 years, I have really rarely bought adult clothes here! In the past, when I was in my mother's family full-time with my baby, I couldn't grow vegetables to eat, and when I was a single parent with children, I always only ate vegetables grown by my parents. After marriage, it is different, the month of receiving the certificate immediately hoeed and can only grow vegetables to eat, one has been growing vegetables for six years now! When I first met him, I saw buying vegetables to eat, and I felt that it was too expensive, including even a pumpkin was sent by others, so from the beginning of that month, I immediately went to the field to grow vegetables and eat!

In the 8 years that I have been full-time, in order to prevent my children from being lost, I decided to keep my baby full-time, and during this period, I also encountered several times when my children were almost lost. After experiencing so many things, I also saw a lot of news reports about children getting lost on the Internet. From now on, if I go out, I will never dare to let my 7-year-old daughter and baby leave my face.

Think carefully about the lost child before! I should pay more attention and take care of the safety of my children! Know that nothing in this world is more important than the safety of your child! I hope that the lost child can be reunited with his parents as soon as possible!

7 days of news about lost children
7 days of news about lost children
7 days of news about lost children
7 days of news about lost children
7 days of news about lost children
7 days of news about lost children
7 days of news about lost children
7 days of news about lost children
7 days of news about lost children

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