
How to develop healthy sleep habits? Expert advice...

Source: CCTV News Client

Today (10th) is World Mental Health Day. According to the International Classification of Diagnostic Mental Disorders, sleep disorders are also classified as mental disorders. On the mainland, about a third of people have a variety of sleep problems.

About one-third of people on the mainland have sleep problems

"Can't sleep" is the number one problem that plagues sleep. Behind "can't sleep", they are easy to wake up, insomnia, snoring, etc. Teenagers, women, and the elderly are prone to sleep problems. According to the survey, nearly seventy percent of late sleeps are related to mobile phones. Many people like to swipe videos before going to bed to relax and relax, but experts point out that this will be counterproductive and affect falling asleep.

How to develop healthy sleep habits? Expert advice...

Lu Lin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of Peking University Sixth Hospital: Current scientific research has confirmed that excessive use of mobile phones at night, especially for a long time before going to bed, will affect sleep, because the blue light of mobile phones, including the blue light of televisions, will stimulate our optic nerve, affect the sleep center, and make our brains in a state of excitement. For people who don't sleep well, it's easier to fall asleep, so we recommend putting the phone away half an hour before going to bed.

How to develop healthy sleep habits? Expert advice...

Experts suggest that primary school students should sleep enough for 10 hours a day, junior high school students should sleep enough 9 hours a day, high school students should sleep enough 8 hours a day, and adults should sleep enough 7~8 hours a day. To sleep in a dark environment, sleeping with the lights on will affect the rhythmic secretion of brain hormones and blood sugar metabolism. Many people have the habit of napping, experts suggest, it is best to take a lunch break 20 minutes after meals, the length of the lunch break is 20 minutes to 40 minutes as well, not too long, otherwise it will affect the quality of sleep at night.

Sleep problems are closely related to the development of many diseases

Experts said that sleep is the basis for maintaining life, sleep is not good, blood pressure, blood sugar indicators will be affected, sleep problems and many diseases are closely related.

Like eating and drinking, sleep is the foundation of our lives. About one-third of a person's life is spent in sleep. Adequate sleep is the prerequisite for our efficient study and work. Sleep is closely related to many physiological functions of the human body. Clinical studies have found that people who sleep healthy have a 35% lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those who self-report having sleep problems, and nearly 10% of adverse cardiovascular events can be attributed to poorer sleep patterns.

How to develop healthy sleep habits? Expert advice...

Lu Lin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of Peking University Sixth Hospital: If there is a long-term lack of sleep or insufficient sleep time, then it makes our blood sugar unstable and increases the risk of diabetes. If long-term sleep time is not enough, then our blood vessels are blocked and increase the risk of high blood pressure. If we do not sleep well in the long term, it will make our blood lipid metabolism abnormal, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. If you do not sleep well for a long time, the immune factors in our body will be abnormal, which will reduce the ability to remove abnormal cells that may exist in the body, including cancer cells, and it will also increase the risk of cancer.

Learn to self-adjust Develop healthy sleep habits

Experts remind that sleep quality is an important indicator to measure health, and when encountering sleep problems, we must learn to self-adjust and develop healthy sleep habits.

Experts suggest that in order to have a good sleep quality, you must first exercise properly and eat regularly. Maintain 30~60 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, such as jogging, swimming, etc. Exercise should be during the day, try to avoid strenuous exercise before going to bed. Eat three meals on time, especially breakfast, which can adjust the mechanism of operation in the body; It is best not to eat before going to bed, but also do not go to bed on an empty stomach, and try not to drink alcohol, coffee, strong tea, etc. after 2 pm. It is recommended to go to bed before 11 o'clock at night, get up at 7 o'clock in the morning, and maintain 7~8 hours of sleep every day. The nap time should not exceed half an hour; Waking up at the same time every day can help establish a "biological clock." Learn to self-adjust, reduce anxiety, and do not hold the doubt of "must fall asleep quickly" or "can't sleep today" before going to bed, these mandatory concepts of having to sleep will hinder falling asleep; Avoid overthinking before going to bed, and do relaxation training before going to bed to improve sleep quality.

How to develop healthy sleep habits? Expert advice...

In view of the phenomenon of some elderly people sleeping poorly, experts suggest that the elderly should properly carry out outdoor activities and bask in the sun during the day.

Lu Lin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of Peking University Sixth Hospital: The elderly also recommend that they should have outdoor activities for more than an hour during the day, be able to expose to sunlight, let the sunlight stimulate, so that our brain's secretion of melatonin during the day is inhibited, and when we sleep at night without exposure to sunlight, the better the melatonin secretion, the more fragrant we sleep, and the heavier we sleep.

Experts remind that if sleep problems cannot be effectively alleviated through their own adjustments, some drugs and psychological interventions for insomnia can be used under the guidance of doctors.

(CCTV reporter Long Xiaoqin Cao Wenyu)