
Qin Hui descendants were high school champions, passing by Yue Fei's tomb and writing 2 poems, which were later passed down and recited famous sentences from the ages

author:Bert Shiwen


Qin Huan, whose name left a deep imprint on Chinese history, was regarded as the greatest traitor of the Song Dynasty, betraying the country and nation for his own selfish interests, framing Zhongliang, and leading to the decline and demise of the Song Dynasty.

Qin Hui descendants were high school champions, passing by Yue Fei's tomb and writing 2 poems, which were later passed down and recited famous sentences from the ages

His sins were reviled endlessly by posterity, and his kneeling statue was erected in front of Yue Fei's tomb as a sign of eternal repentance and punishment.

However, among the descendants of Qin Hui was a talented champion Lang, who was admitted as a junior scholar during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty and became a high-ranking minister of the imperial court.

Although he admitted that he was a descendant of Qin Huan, he also felt ashamed and remorseful for the crimes of his ancestors.

Once, when he passed by Yue Fei's tomb, he wrote two poems: sad and slow to mourn the past, Huaishui and now surnamed Qin.

These two poems have been passed down by posterity as ancient famous sentences and have become a good story.

Qin Hui descendants were high school champions, passing by Yue Fei's tomb and writing 2 poems, which were later passed down and recited famous sentences from the ages

So, what is the name of this high school champion of Qin Juniper's descendants? What is his story?

Qin Hui framed Zhongliang

There are always a few characters in history who have been reviled, and Qin Hui of the Song Dynasty is probably one on the list. His life is full of twists, betrayals and intrigues, and the grudge between him and Yue Fei is a mystery through the ages.

Qin Huan, formerly known as Ming Zhong, was born in Nanjing in 1090. This later "traitor" was originally not prominent and came from a poor family.

However, with his outstanding wisdom and hard work, he was admitted to the junior high school in 1115 and gradually entered the political arena. At that time, he was still an unswerving anti-gold fighter, fighting for the territory and people of the country.

Qin Hui descendants were high school champions, passing by Yue Fei's tomb and writing 2 poems, which were later passed down and recited famous sentences from the ages

In 1127, the shame of Jingkang occurred, the capital of the Great Song Dynasty fell, and the emperor was captured. At this time, Qin Hui was also captured by Jin Bing, but to everyone's surprise, he chose to submit to become a puppet of Jin Guo for his own interests and fate.

After the surrender, Qin Hui could be described as a surge in power.

He betrayed his country, and even actively assisted Jin soldiers in attacking the Southern Song Dynasty, and the continuous rivers and mountains and loyal people seemed to be no longer important in his eyes. But the pinnacle of his crime was undoubtedly the framing of Yue Fei.

Yue Fei, an outstanding general during the Southern Song Dynasty, won the admiration of people for his determination and courage against the Jin Kingdom. In Qin Huan's opinion, Yue Fei was the biggest obstacle to his peace plan.

Qin Hui descendants were high school champions, passing by Yue Fei's tomb and writing 2 poems, which were later passed down and recited famous sentences from the ages

So, he decided to remove this "obstacle". Qin Hui used his relationship with Emperor Zhao Shu to fabricate the charge that Yue Fei had the intention of restoration, and even forged twelve gold medals to order Yue Fei to return.

In the end, Yue Fei and his son Yue Yun were executed in a winter storm pavilion, which is also regarded as one of the great wrongs in Chinese history.

Yue Fei's death undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the anti-gold cause of the Southern Song Dynasty. And Qin Hui took the opportunity to sign the "Shaoxing Peace Conference" with Jin Guo.

Although this treaty temporarily preserved the lifeblood of the Southern Song Dynasty, it also paid a heavy price: the Southern Song Dynasty not only lost a large area of land, but also paid tribute to the Jin State.

Qin Hui descendants were high school champions, passing by Yue Fei's tomb and writing 2 poems, which were later passed down and recited famous sentences from the ages

After Qin Hui died, his various crimes were finally fully exposed. His wealth and honor were stripped away, and his kneeling statue was erected in front of Yue Fei's tomb as an eternal condemnation of him.

A descendant of Qin Juniper and a high school champion Qin Daishi

The high school champion of this descendant of Qin Hui was Qin Dashi, who was born during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty and was a native of Nanjing, Jiangsu.

His ancestor was the Prince of Qin, the king of Nanjing, who was said to be the 16th grandson of Qin Hui in the late Ming Dynasty.

From an early age, Qin Dashi showed extraordinary talent and knowledge, he was well-read, and he was proficient in various arts such as poetry, music, and calligraphy.

He was able to compose poetry at the age of ten and music at the age of fifteen.

Qin Hui descendants were high school champions, passing by Yue Fei's tomb and writing 2 poems, which were later passed down and recited famous sentences from the ages

He also enjoys sightseeing, scenery and poetry. He is known as "prodigy", "talent", "literary hero" and other good names.

Although Qin Dashi is talented, he cannot escape the influence of his family's background.

Since the world knew that he was a descendant of Qin Huan, there were different degrees of discrimination and ridicule against him.

Some people even think that he will also become a traitor and traitor like Qin Huan.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Dashi's heart was bitter and unspeakable, and he faced worldly eyes and discussions every day, and his heart was full of pressure and contradictions.

He could only seek spiritual solace through reading and writing, and could only communicate and friendship with some like-minded literati.

Qin Hui descendants were high school champions, passing by Yue Fei's tomb and writing 2 poems, which were later passed down and recited famous sentences from the ages

Qin Dashi and Yuan Zhen became confidants

In Qin Dashi's life, there was one person who had a profound influence on him, and that was Yuan Zhang.

Yuan was a famous writer, gourmet, calligrapher, musician, etc. during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, a native of Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, born into a family of eunuchs.

He once held the posts of governor of Jiangning Zhi County and Liangjiang, and was a heavy minister of the imperial court.

His literary works are unique in style, humorous and popular.

He is also a foodie with a deep research and tasting of various cuisines, known as "Foodie Everyone".

Qin Hui descendants were high school champions, passing by Yue Fei's tomb and writing 2 poems, which were later passed down and recited famous sentences from the ages

Yuan Zhen and Qin Dashi had known Qianlong for ten years, when Yuan Zhen had just been appointed to Jiangning Zhi County, and he heard that Nanjing Yanziji had a good work carved on the stone wall, so he went to see it.

The poem is: Fishing fire only suspects the stars to pour out, and the bell wants to fight for the current.

This poetic sentence is far-reaching and outstanding, which makes Yuan admire it.

He saw that the payment of this poem was Qin Dashi, so he wanted to meet this talent, so he found Qin Dashi and talked with him very happily.

He discovered that Qin was not only talented, but also humble, and felt ashamed and remorseful for his ancestor's crimes.

Yuan feels the same way, because he himself is a person with a complex family background.

Qin Hui descendants were high school champions, passing by Yue Fei's tomb and writing 2 poems, which were later passed down and recited famous sentences from the ages

His grandfather Yuan Chonghuan was a famous general in the late Ming Dynasty, who resisted the invasion of the Qing army, but was also criticized by later generations for doing wrong.

Yuan became a confidant with Qin Dashi, and often visited Nanjing's scenic spots together, and wrote poems on this theme.

They teach each other and have a deep friendship. Yuan also recommended Qin Dashi to take the imperial examination many times and gave him a lot of guidance and help.

Qin Dashi took the top prize examination and wrote down famous sentences from the ages

With Yuan Zhen's encouragement and support, Qin Dashi finally took the imperial examination in Qianlong in the fifteenth year and successfully won the honor of champion.

Qin Hui descendants were high school champions, passing by Yue Fei's tomb and writing 2 poems, which were later passed down and recited famous sentences from the ages

However, this period of victory did not last long.

Some of Qin Daishi's former friends were jealous and dissatisfied, and united to create trouble for him.

During the Spring Festival in the sixteenth year of Qianlong, while Qin Dashi was out playing, they sneaked into his residence and rummaged through his study and bedroom, trying to find some evidence or clues that could be used to frame him.

What they didn't expect was that Qin Dashi's residence was very neat and safe, leaving no suspicious items or documents.

They only found some poems and calligraphy and paintings, all of which were the works of Qin Dashi himself, without any problems.

They were very disappointed and annoyed, and they decided to bring down Qin Dashi at all costs.

Qin Hui descendants were high school champions, passing by Yue Fei's tomb and writing 2 poems, which were later passed down and recited famous sentences from the ages

They thought of a most vicious plan, that is, to use Qin Dashi's life and ancestral crimes to falsely accuse him of having the intention of reversing the Qing Dynasty.

They prepared an anonymous letter that read:

'Qin Dashi was the 16th grandson of Qin Hui (槧槦王氏), a shangshu of the Nanjing army in the late Ming Dynasty, who fought against the Qing army.

Although Qin Dashi was a champion of the Qing Dynasty, he had bad intentions and secretly colluded with the Ming Dynasty remnants in an attempt to restore.

His poems are all suggestive, such as his poem "Swallow Rock": "The fishing fire only doubts the stars pouring out, and the bell wants to fight for the current." "This indicates that the star of the dynasty has fallen, and the water of the Qing dynasty will also rise.

Qin Hui descendants were high school champions, passing by Yue Fei's tomb and writing 2 poems, which were later passed down and recited famous sentences from the ages

Another example is the poem "Yue Fei's Tomb": "Sadness is slow and sad about the past, Huaishui and now surnamed Qin." "This is referring to Yue Fei's sadness, and there are still Qin Hui on the bank of the Huai River.

These verses have the meaning of rebellion and must not be ignored. ’

They sent the letter to the Qianlong Emperor with some poems by Qin Dashi as evidence, hoping that the Qianlong Emperor would believe the letter and put Qin Dashi to death.

However, their plan did not succeed, and after receiving the letter, Qianlong did not believe its contents, but ordered an investigation into Qin Daishi's life and behavior.

After detailed examination and verification, Qianlong discovered the truth of the letter: it was a deliberate and designed slander and frame-up.

Qin Hui descendants were high school champions, passing by Yue Fei's tomb and writing 2 poems, which were later passed down and recited famous sentences from the ages

The Qianlong Emperor was so angry and shocked that he immediately ordered that those who had lost their friends be arrested and severely punished.

He also personally wrote a letter to Qin Dashi, expressing his trust and appreciation for him, and apologizing and comforting him for the grievances he had suffered.

Qin Dashi became a major minister of the imperial court

Under the protection and promotion of the Qianlong Emperor, Qin was able to live safely and continued to play his talents and role in the imperial court.

He successively served as a squire in the transfer department, a waiter in the ceremonial department, and an attendant in the official department, and participated in major national decisions and events many times.

Qin Hui descendants were high school champions, passing by Yue Fei's tomb and writing 2 poems, which were later passed down and recited famous sentences from the ages

He was known in the imperial court for his integrity, diligence, and erudition, and was respected and praised by the Qianlong Emperor and other ministers.

Although Qin Dashi had unlimited prosperity in the imperial court, he did not forget his old friend Yuan Zhang.

The two of them still maintain close contact and exchange, often giving each other poems and calligraphy and paintings, praising and criticizing each other.

They also often travel together, visiting scenic spots around the world, tasting food and delicacies from all over the world, and enjoying the rare friendship of their soulmates.

Qin Dashi served in the imperial court for more than thirty years and made many contributions to the country and the people.

Qin Hui descendants were high school champions, passing by Yue Fei's tomb and writing 2 poems, which were later passed down and recited famous sentences from the ages

However, instead of indulging in power and status, he voluntarily requested retirement in the forty-sixth year of Qianlong and returned to Nanjing.

He built a villa in Yanziji, Nanjing, named "Slow Xuan", and lived in seclusion there.

During his seclusion, Qin Dashi lived a quiet and free life.

Every day, he reads and writes, practices calligraphy and music, communicates and exchanges with some literati, and often recalls his friendship with Yuan Zhang.

Yuan had died in the thirty-sixth year of Qianlong, which was deeply regretted and remembered by Qin Dashi, who died in the fifty-sixth year of Qianlong at the age of seventy-eight.

After his death, he was buried on a hill near Yanziji in Nanjing.

Qin Hui descendants were high school champions, passing by Yue Fei's tomb and writing 2 poems, which were later passed down and recited famous sentences from the ages

His tombstone is engraved with a poem he wrote himself: Life can be full of meaning, today returns tomorrow. Slowly the flowers in front of Xuan are blooming, and the swallow isogami water flows east.

The poem expresses his emotion for life and praise for nature, and also shows his calm and calmness with death.


Although Qin Dashi died, he left behind an immortal reputation and works.

His poems, calligraphy and paintings were widely praised and collected by later generations, and are considered to be one of the representatives of Qing Dynasty literature and art.