
Don't scan the code when you encounter a "crab card"! Sun Yizhou said that he was suspected of a new type of fraud, and the police revealed the secret fraud routine

author:Xiaoxin gossip

A new type of scam called "crab card" shocked the country. It is reported that Sun Yizhou, a new-generation idol in the entertainment industry, was accused of becoming one of the victims of this malicious scam. This incident has attracted widespread attention and discussion, and the police have also reminded everyone to be vigilant by revealing the tricks of this scam.

Don't scan the code when you encounter a "crab card"! Sun Yizhou said that he was suspected of a new type of fraud, and the police revealed the secret fraud routine

According to reports, the scam method, called "crab card", once aroused the curiosity of many people. Criminals use social media platforms to lure users into participating by posting attractive offers. The most important part of this is to induce users to scan the QR code and thus enter the trap.

Sun Yizhou said in an interview that he himself had been deceived. He said he saw a message posted in his own name, claiming to be rewarded handsomely by simply scanning the QR code. However, it turns out that this is just an elaborate scam. Once a user scans the QR code, criminals can obtain the user's personal information and even remotely control the user's phone, resulting in more serious consequences.

Don't scan the code when you encounter a "crab card"! Sun Yizhou said that he was suspected of a new type of fraud, and the police revealed the secret fraud routine

Why can this "crab card" so easily deceive the trust of the victim? The author believes that this is mainly due to people's tireless pursuit of high-quality life and laziness. In today's society, we are often moved by lawbreakers who take advantage of our greed and ignorance to put something tempting in front of our eyes. Behind this scam is the weakness of human nature, and how to ensure our own safety in this information-flooded world is worth thinking about together.

Vigilance is not a new topic, but in this new type of scam era, we need to be vigilant at all times. Scams are constantly being renewed, and we have to keep up. First of all, we should strengthen our security awareness and learn to recognize all kinds of scams.

Don't scan the code when you encounter a "crab card"! Sun Yizhou said that he was suspected of a new type of fraud, and the police revealed the secret fraud routine

Always be suspicious of information and QR codes from unknown sources, and know how to use the security functions of the Internet and mobile apps. Second, we don't believe people or things that we are not familiar with. Always remember the lesson of "I've never seen a crab card QR code" and don't easily trust the promises of strangers on social media. Finally, we must stand up bravely and fight for our own rights. If any of us have been scammed, we should report it to the police and actively participate in the relevant investigation.

In the face of ever-changing scams, we cannot be overwhelmed by fear. On the contrary, we should face the problem more positively, strengthen our awareness of cybersecurity, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of ourselves and others. Government departments should also intensify their crackdown and severely punish these lawbreakers to maintain social harmony and stability. Only in this way can we jointly create a more secure and reliable network environment.

Don't scan the code when you encounter a "crab card"! Sun Yizhou said that he was suspected of a new type of fraud, and the police revealed the secret fraud routine

In an era of fraud, we need to be vigilant and prevent problems before they occur. Fraud is a widespread and serious social problem, and only by working together can we effectively curb its spread. Similarly, we would like to appeal to the media and social institutions to pay attention to and report such incidents in order to arouse the vigilance and attention of the general public. I hope that in the near future, we can create a truly safe and reliable online world, trust each other, and move forward together.

The police have revealed the fraud in detail. They point out that there is a huge chain of crime behind this scam. The criminals utilize QR code technology to hide fake campaign links behind seemingly credible pages, avoiding the user's suspicions. Once the user clicks on the link, they are directed to a fake website that is spoofed enough to convince anyone to be true. Once personal information is entered, these criminals can obtain sensitive information such as users' bank card information and ID numbers, so as to carry out illegal operations and even fraudulently claim users' property.

Don't scan the code when you encounter a "crab card"! Sun Yizhou said that he was suspected of a new type of fraud, and the police revealed the secret fraud routine

The police remind everyone to be vigilant against such scams, and staying vigilant is the first step to prevent scams. First of all, we must develop the habit of verifying information, and do not easily believe QR code links from unknown sources. Second, we must understand the safe use of bank cards and strengthen the protection of personal information. In addition, it is recommended that you do not fill in personal information on social media platforms at will, so as not to be used by criminals.

The tricks of fraudsters are endless, and we must remain vigilant and work together to maintain the security and stability of society. The police also call on everyone to report to the police or report to the relevant departments in time if they find suspicious activities or receive suspicious calls, so that the police can crack down on criminals. Only through the joint efforts of the whole society can we eradicate such crimes and create a safer and more harmonious social environment.

Don't scan the code when you encounter a "crab card"! Sun Yizhou said that he was suspected of a new type of fraud, and the police revealed the secret fraud routine

In the face of new types of fraud, we must keep a clear head, not covet temporary convenience and benefits, and attach importance to the protection of personal information. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the understanding and learning of fraud methods to prevent failure. Only through the cooperation and efforts of the whole society can we jointly fight crime and safeguard our social security.

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