
Heavy burden of blood and tears, dilemma - before Chongzhen hanged, the ministers saw that death could not be saved

author:Twilight does not know the thunder

The Ming Dynasty, which had been exhausted by war and war, finally ushered in a moment full of challenges and difficulties. Before the Chongzhen Emperor hanged himself, he had ordered ministers with heavy troops to enter Beijing to save the car, but these ministers could not be saved. The reasons for this are worth pondering.

Heavy burden of blood and tears, dilemma - before Chongzhen hanged, the ministers saw that death could not be saved

I. The Dilemma of Power: The Eyes of Strife and Division

Power exists in people's hearts, and for the ministers, the action of entering Beijing to rescue the car must mean challenging the majesty of the emperor, and may even touch the interests of the concubines. At this critical juncture, the ministers were forced to confront numerous controversies over the emperor's status and personal interests mixed with it. The threat of internal and external troubles exacerbates their dilemma.

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The hanging of the Chongzhen Emperor itself has become an unsolved mystery, and history sees him as a symbol of "treachery". For the ministers who entered Beijing to rescue the car, they would bear more responsibility and criticism, because choosing to save the car may become an accomplice of the Chongzhen Emperor's hanging. The psychological shadow and burden made the ministers hesitate and die.

Heavy burden of blood and tears, dilemma - before Chongzhen hanged, the ministers saw that death could not be saved

Third, the five mixed considerations: the choice between life and death

Faced with the survival of the country, ministers must balance the livelihood of the individual, the continuation of the family, and the future of the country. The operation of entering Beijing to rescue the car means that they will face enemy attack and killing, and even possible defeat and destruction. Should they risk their lives and deaths for this? Once they fail, they will bury their whole family in chaos. Life and death, family, country, ministers are burdened with heavy responsibilities and dilemmas.

Heavy burden of blood and tears, dilemma - before Chongzhen hanged, the ministers saw that death could not be saved

Fourth, the situation is worse: official disappointment and frustration

The pain of losing the country in the last years of the Ming Dynasty not only came from foreign invasion and internal strife, but also was woven by the reflection and self-blame of a generation of officials. In this context, the Chongzhen Emperor's hangings became a symbol of the decline of the entire Ming Dynasty. In the face of such a situation, ministers once had ideals and ambitions, but now they feel that it is difficult for an official in a troubled world to undertake the mission of saving the perishe.

Time flies, and history records the death of ministers. In the face of desperate situations, their hesitation and helplessness have turned into the burden of history. Before Chongzhen, who shed blood and tears, hanged himself, the loneliness of the Chongzhen Emperor made people think about it extremely frighteningly. We can see the fragility and helplessness of human nature, but we cannot deny their entanglement in difficulties. This story is not only worthy of our deep consideration, but also a stronger call for us to cherish the era of peace, as well as the choices and responsibilities of each and every one of us.