
It was not Zhuge Liang or Liu Chan who led Shu Han into the abyss, and the real culprit was these four people

author:Don't play with

In the chaotic times at the end of the Han Dynasty, heroic men came out one after another. Among them, Ma Chen, Zi Yuancai, was born in the early years of Emperor Xian of Han and was a dragon of Peiguo. When he was a teenager, he was already famous for his courage and good fighting, and he joined Liu Bei and achieved many battle achievements.

Qian Zhou, a native of Nanyang, Berkshire, is quick in thinking and good at making suggestions. However, he played a role in the fall of the Shu Han dynasty. Deng Ai approached Chengdu, and Zhou was eager to persuade him to surrender, but ignored that Shu Han still had the power to fight back.

Elk Fang, Zi Gongye, brother-in-law of Liu Bei, from Nanyin, Brazil. From the son of a rich family to a tooth gatekeeper, he harbored personal anger and formed an indissoluble feud with Guan Yu. In 219, Jingzhou was lost, and his loss in Xiangyang killed Guan Yu and greatly damaged the power of the Shu Han.

It was not Zhuge Liang or Liu Chan who led Shu Han into the abyss, and the real culprit was these four people

Zhuge Zhan, the son of Prime Minister Shu Han, was intelligent and studious, and his intelligence was not as good as his father's. In 234, he took over military and political power, but he was a great talent. In 263, in the face of the Wei army's large-scale march south, he underestimated the enemy and insisted on facing Deng Ai, but returned defeated.

The reason for Ma Chen's defeat was that he thought too much of himself and did not dare to humbly ask for advice. He did not respond to the situation rationally and insisted on his own opinion, which eventually led to the fall of the Shu Han. If he had humbly accepted Huang Chong's words, perhaps the course of history would have been different.

The defeat of Yifang stemmed from personal grudges and abandoned the country's righteousness, resulting in the loss of Jingzhou and a good general in Shu Han. If he had taken care of the overall situation and stuck to Xiangyang at that time, perhaps Shu Han might not have fallen into such a situation. However, Elk Fang was carried away by personal vendetta and achieved a part of the downfall of the Shu Han.

It was not Zhuge Liang or Liu Chan who led Shu Han into the abyss, and the real culprit was these four people

These heroic men, each of whom were loyal to each other, turned their backs on the country's righteousness at a critical moment. They either because of their private thoughts or because of private grudges, which led to the downfall of the Shu Han and became ironclad evidence of history.

Ma Yan became famous and brave and good at fighting, but in the Battle of Jieting, he was obsessed and ignored the importance of water sources, which eventually led to the rout of the Shu army. This defeat not only discredited his bravery, but also became the trigger for the demise of the Shu Han.

Yi Fang was originally a member of Liu Bei's family, but personal grudges caused him to lose loyalty to the state. At the critical moment of Jingzhou's defeat, his betrayal led to a drastic decline in Shu Han's power, and the loss of an important general.

It was not Zhuge Liang or Liu Chan who led Shu Han into the abyss, and the real culprit was these four people

Tan Zhou was full of intelligence, but he made a mistake at the critical moment of the fall of the Shu Han. His words of persuasion made the last resistance of the Shu Han also come to naught, becoming part of the fall of the Shu Han.

These lessons teach us that a courtier should put the interests of the country first and should not make arbitrary decisions based on personal feelings or personal prejudices. Loyalty, humility and wisdom are the qualities that every loyal general should have, and it is also the foundation of a country's long-term peace and stability. The lessons of history are always worth remembering.

It was not Zhuge Liang or Liu Chan who led Shu Han into the abyss, and the real culprit was these four people

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