
Did Israel really build it by robbing Palestinian land?

author:Three words of truth

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Today's Palestinian areas, also known as the Israeli area and the Holy Land of Israel, are the birthplace of the Jewish people. During the Iron Age, the first two Jewish kingdoms emerged here: Israel and Judah, which together controlled most of Palestine.

Did Israel really build it by robbing Palestinian land?

In 539 BC, the Persians conquered the Babylonian Empire and incorporated Palestine under their territory. Then, in 330 BC, Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire, beginning a long Hellenistic period in the region. In 63 BC, Rome annexed the area, a large number of Jews moved to Rome and other parts of Europe, and Jerusalem became a holy city for the Jews, and the local Jews established the Second Temple. Over the next few hundred years, with the baptism of the Roman Empire, Palestine became the center of Christianity, attracting pilgrims, monks, and scholars.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, several Muslim states succeeded each other and competed for control of Palestine. In 1099, Pope Urban II called for a holy war, and the crusaders recaptured Jerusalem from the Muslims and established the Kingdom of Jerusalem in Palestine. However, it was reconquered by Muslim countries in 1187. In 1516, the Ottoman Empire conquered the area and renamed it Ottoman Syria until the early 20th century.

Did Israel really build it by robbing Palestinian land?

Palestine (Syria) during the Ottoman Empire

During World War I, the British government issued the Balfour Declaration, which supported the establishment of a national home for the Jews in Palestine. Shortly thereafter, the British seized Palestine from the Ottomans and a large number of Jews returned. In 1922, the League of Nations granted Britain jurisdiction over Palestine. With the arrival of Jewish immigrants, sectarian violence between local Arabs and Jews increased, eventually leading the British government to announce the termination of the Mandate in 1947.

The UN General Assembly recommended that Palestine be divided into two states: one Arab and one Jewish. The Arabs rejected the partition plan, while the Jews accepted it and eventually declared the independence of the State of Israel in May 1948.

Did Israel really build it by robbing Palestinian land?

Land divided by the United Nations in 1947

At this point, we can see that Palestine is the birthplace of the Jewish people. From ancient Egyptian civilization, Jews lived in this land for more than 3,000 years, while Arabs existed for more than 1,400 years. For the last thousand years, however, the land has been controlled by Arabs. The return of the Jews also took hundreds of years.

It is therefore a complex historical issue, and respect for United Nations resolutions is the best way to solve it.

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