
Hollywood brunette actress: In order to hide her Indian origin, she recognized her mother as her sister and lived as a liar all her life

author:Little durian who loves beauty

The mirror of the world: The true life of Mel O'Brin of Hollywood reveals the world like a huge mirror, in which everyone and everything cannot hide their true selves. This also means that when a lie is told, there are often many stories behind it that need to be recovered. The life of Mel O'Brion is a perfect example of this.

Hollywood brunette actress: In order to hide her Indian origin, she recognized her mother as her sister and lived as a liar all her life

Mel became a household name for Wuthering Heights. Her unique facial features seem to blend the gentle elegance of the East and the independent confidence of the West, making her a bright pearl of Hollywood. In that era, Hollywood was full of beautiful actresses, but an existence like Mel, with its unique temperament and appearance, was indeed precious.

Hollywood brunette actress: In order to hide her Indian origin, she recognized her mother as her sister and lived as a liar all her life

However, the heights are cold. Especially when a man named Harry appears in her life, Mel's meticulously woven web of lies seems to begin to crack. Harry, a young man very close to her blood, reveals a shocking truth: he and Mel are half-brothers, not ordinary kinship.

Hollywood brunette actress: In order to hide her Indian origin, she recognized her mother as her sister and lived as a liar all her life

This reminds us of Mel's previous doubts. During her popularity, her origin, birthplace and early life were always the focus of controversy. Although Mel has repeatedly stated that she is from Australia, in public she always seems to be vague about her experience.

Hollywood brunette actress: In order to hide her Indian origin, she recognized her mother as her sister and lived as a liar all her life

Not only about Australia's background, but also about her origins, Mel also created a lot of doubts. Although she always refers to herself as a mixture of British and Sri Lankan, the subtle darkness of her skin color seems to tell another story. Although Mel has always insisted on her origins, her mystery and concealment confuse even her husband.

Hollywood brunette actress: In order to hide her Indian origin, she recognized her mother as her sister and lived as a liar all her life

When Harry appears, Mel's secret seems to be no longer hidden. Her background gradually became clear. She is not Australian, but of Indian descent. Her mother, Charlotte, is actually her maternal grandmother. And the real mother is Charlotte's eldest daughter Constance. Mel was the product of an unmarried pregnancy, and for the sake of the family's reputation, Charlotte chose to adopt Mel.

Hollywood brunette actress: In order to hide her Indian origin, she recognized her mother as her sister and lived as a liar all her life

All this stemmed from the discrimination against mestizo and Indian ancestry at the time. In order to embark on the road of acting, Mel chose to escape and disguise, hiding his past unfathomably.

Hollywood brunette actress: In order to hide her Indian origin, she recognized her mother as her sister and lived as a liar all her life

But in any case, the truth cannot be covered up after all. Soon after Mel made it public, he chose to retire from the entertainment industry and no longer care about the world that was disturbed. In the year she left, she ended her magnificent life, leaving the world with countless reveries and nostalgia.

Hollywood brunette actress: In order to hide her Indian origin, she recognized her mother as her sister and lived as a liar all her life

Conclusion: Life is like a play, and a play is like life. Mel O'Brit's life, as if it were a play, is full of climax and reversal. But her story teaches us that no matter where you are, no matter what situation you are in, being true to yourself is always the most important thing. No matter how the outside world looks at it, inner truth and self-identification are the most valuable.

Hollywood brunette actress: In order to hide her Indian origin, she recognized her mother as her sister and lived as a liar all her life

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