
See 8 o'clock in the news丨The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has killed more than 1,600 people; 706 suspected telecommunications fraudsters in northern Myanmar were handed over to us

author:Beijing News

【Current Affairs】

Foreign Ministry responds to the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict: China opposes the expansion of the conflict and hopes to restore peace

See 8 o'clock in the news丨The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has killed more than 1,600 people; 706 suspected telecommunications fraudsters in northern Myanmar were handed over to us

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

On October 9, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning held a regular press conference. Regarding the Palestinian-Israeli situation, Mao Ning said that China is highly concerned about the recent continuous escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, is very saddened by the civilian casualties caused by the conflict, and opposes and condemns acts that harm civilians. China opposes actions that expand conflicts and undermine regional stability, and hopes that a ceasefire, cessation of fighting and restoration of peace will be restored as soon as possible. Mao Ning stressed that the international community should play an effective role in jointly promoting the cooling of the situation, and the way out of the cycle of resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict lies in resuming peace talks, implementing the "two-state solution", and promoting the early and comprehensive and proper settlement of the Palestinian issue through political means, so that the legitimate concerns of all parties can be guaranteed. China will continue to work with the international community to make unremitting efforts to that end. Read the full >>>

Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Chinese citizens are reminded not to travel to Israel and Palestine

Recently, the conflict between Israel and armed groups in the Palestinian Gaza Strip has continued to escalate, Israel has declared a "state of war", and the security situation in Israel is grim. The Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Embassy in Israel remind Chinese citizens to pay close attention to the development of the local situation, not to travel to Israel in the near future, and Chinese citizens and institutions in Israel to maintain a high degree of vigilance, strengthen security precautions and make emergency preparedness. In case of emergency, please call the police and seek assistance from the Embassy in Israel. Read the full text >>>

706 suspects of wire fraud in northern Myanmar were handed over to our side in three batches

In response to the grim situation of telecommunications network fraud crimes involving China in northern Myanmar, Yunnan public security organs have continuously strengthened border police cooperation with relevant local law enforcement departments in Myanmar, and continued to carry out multiple rounds of crackdowns. Recently, on the basis of the remarkable results achieved in the previous work, the crackdown operation has added another major victory, 497 telecommunications network fraud suspects have been transferred to the Lincang public security organs in two batches, and 209 telecommunications network fraud suspects have been transferred to the Pu'er public security organs, including 26 online fugitives, effectively cracking down on the arrogance of overseas fraudsters. (People's Daily) Read the full article >>>


Beijing Handbook丨Beijing Key Projects in 2024 Launch Collection

On October 10, Beijing is expected to be sunny and cloudy today, with a north to a south wind of two or three degrees, and a maximum temperature of 22 °C. Recently, the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission launched the collection of key projects in 2024, with scientific and technological innovation and modern industries, infrastructure and people's livelihood improvement projects as the key points of application. Among them, the infrastructure category clearly includes the Haihe River "23.7" basin post-flood recovery and reconstruction project. (Beijing News)

From October 16, some roads around Beijing Capital International Airport have adopted traffic management measures

According to the Public Security Traffic Management Bureau of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, in order to ensure the safety and smooth traffic of the roads around Beijing Capital International Airport, in accordance with the relevant provisions of road traffic safety laws and regulations, it has been decided to adopt the following traffic management measures for some roads around Beijing Capital International Airport from October 16, 2023: 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, Airport West Road (Huayi Bridge to Hangping West Road), Airport South Road (Gangshan Road to Capital Airport Road), Capital Airport Road, Hang'an Road, Hang'an North Road, Airport Hotel East Road, Hangping West Road, Hangping North Road, Hangping South Road, Huayi Bridge are prohibited from 6 am to 11 pm daily. 2. Trucks going to the cargo area of Beijing Capital International Airport can detour to Jingping Expressway, Airport East Road, Tianbei Road, Freight Road and North Freight Road. (Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Public Security Traffic Management Bureau) Read the full article >>>

Online application for migrant workers with their children taking the higher vocational entrance examination in Beijing began on the 10th

In 2024, migrant workers will take the admission examination for higher vocational schools in Beijing with their migrant children, and the online application will be carried out from 9 am on the 10th to 5 pm on the 11th. (Beijing Education Examination Institute official website) Read the full text >>>


The head of a family in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, accused the teacher of failing to stop the children's dispute in time, and the health commission is mediating between the two sides

Recently, some netizens posted a video saying that her daughter was torn and bitten by a boy at a longnan nursery center in Ganzhou, Jiangxi, and the teacher did not stop the boy's behavior at the first time. On the afternoon of October 9, the Longnan Municipal Health Commission responded to the Beijing News reporter that the two sides are currently mediating on this matter. (Beijing News) Read the full article >>>

A case of hammering others occurred in Huangshi, Hubei Province: the case caused 1 death, and the suspect was controlled

At about 18 o'clock on October 8, 2023, a case of beating others with a hammer occurred on Hangzhou West Road, Xialu District, Huangshi City. The criminal suspect Yuan Moumou has been controlled on the spot by the public security organs, and the victim Zhang Moumou died after being sent to the hospital for rescue ineffectively. At present, the case is being fully investigated. Read the full text >>>

It is rumored on the Internet that a boy in Sichuan drowned in a swimming pool and no one rescued him, official: The swimming pool involved has been closed

Recently, it was rumored on the Internet that a boy drowned in the waterside pastoral swimming pool in Yanyuan County, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, and struggled in the water for more than a minute but was rescued, which attracted attention. On October 9, a reporter from the Beijing News learned from the local Market Supervision Administration and the Education and Sports Bureau that the swimming pool has been closed, and an investigation team has been set up to investigate the incident. (Beijing News) Read the full article >>>

Man climbing on luggage rack lying down to take a selfie? Nanchang Passenger Section of the South Railway: Critical education has been conducted for passengers

In response to the online video of "a man sleeping on the train luggage rack", after investigation, it was learned that at about 3:35 on October 5, 2023, the K788 train from Chengdu East to Nanchang was about to stop at Huaihua Station, and when the conductor was standing guard at the door of the train and preparing to serve passengers boarding and landing operations, a male passenger with a ticket with seat 73 of 18 cars climbed onto the luggage rack to lie down and take a selfie, and immediately discouraged him when the police patrolled the carriage at 3:37, and criticized and educated him for his unsafe and uncivilized riding behavior. The traveler said he was educated in criticism. (@南铁南昌客运段) Read the full >>>

Asian record diver missing in Guangxi, emergency department: professionals have launched to search and rescue

Recently, the well-known diver Han Jiu lost contact for more than 40 hours while diving in the Jiudun Skylight Scenic Area in Du'an, Guangxi, which attracted attention. On October 9, a reporter from the Beijing News learned from the Emergency Management Bureau of Du'an Yao Autonomous County that emergency personnel had gone to the scene on October 8 to search and rescue, and are still searching in nearby waters. At the same time, professionals from a number of diving clubs have also launched into the water to search and rescue, and no missing persons have been found. The Jiudun Skylight Scenic Area, where the incident occurred, was closed on the 8th and is still not open. (Beijing News) Read the full article >>>


Inner Mongolia, Tianjin and Liaoning issued special refinancing bonds

On October 9, China Bond Information Network showed that the nineth, tenth and eleventh phases of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region government's refinancing general bonds in 2023 have all completed bidding, with coupon rates of 2.59%, 2.88% and 2.72% respectively, with a total bond total of about 66.32 billion yuan. These three tranches of refinancing general bonds are somewhat "special" because the main purpose of general bonds is to repay the principal of mature bonds, while these three tranches of bonds are used to repay existing debts, so they are also called special refinancing bonds. This makes Inner Mongolia the first province to issue special refinancing bonds this year, and other provinces such as Tianjin and Liaoning are following suit. (Beijing News) Read the full article >>>


The Chinese Open attracted more than 18 million yuan in consumption, and the attendance rate of the men's singles final reached a record

On October 8, at the press conference of the 2023 China Open, Chen Jie, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau, introduced the operation of the event. As of October 7, the number of visitors to this year's China Network reached 184,000, and the comprehensive consumption attracted during the competition period exceeded 18 million yuan. In terms of athletes' participation, a total of 309 players from 51 countries and regions participated in the Chinese Open this year, and 329 matches were presented to the audience during the 13-day period. (Beijing News) Read the full article >>>

Shi Cong and Zhou Yaqin won silver, and the Chinese team finished with 2 golds, 3 silvers and 2 bronzes at the World Gymnastics Championships

The final five individual finals of the 2023 Gymnastics World Championships were held in Antwerp, Belgium on October 8, with Chinese athletes competing in four events, with Shi Cong and Zhou Yaqin winning silver in the men's parallel bars and women's balance beam respectively, and Su Weide winning the bronze medal on the men's horizontal bar. In the men's parallel bars final, Germany's Dawes, the silver medallist in this event at the Tokyo Olympics, won with 15.400 points. The Chinese team's Shi Cong came on with an injury and played steadily, finishing second with 15.066 points. Japan's Kaito Sugimoto won the bronze medal. (Beijing News) Read the full article >>>

The China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival was held in Xiamen from November 1 to 4, and the main poster was announced

See 8 o'clock in the news丨The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has killed more than 1,600 people; 706 suspected telecommunications fraudsters in northern Myanmar were handed over to us

The 2023 China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival released the main visual poster.

On October 9, the 2023 China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival press conference was held in Beijing, the main visual poster of the 36th China Film Golden Rooster Awards was released on the spot, and it was announced that the 2023 China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival will be held in Xiamen from November 1 to 4 this year, increasing from three days last year to four days, and the content of the event is correspondingly rich. It is reported that this year's Chinese Film Golden Rooster Awards will select the best feature film, special jury award, best small and medium-cost feature film, best children's film, best documentary/science and education film, best art film, best opera film, best foreign language film, as well as 20 awards such as best screenplay, best director, best directorial debut, best actor, best actress, best supporting actor, best supporting actress, and best supporting actress. (Beijing News) Read the full article >>>


The current round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict has caused more than 1,600 deaths and Israel has announced a "complete blockade" of the Gaza Strip

See 8 o'clock in the news丨The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has killed more than 1,600 people; 706 suspected telecommunications fraudsters in northern Myanmar were handed over to us

People view the scene following an Israeli air strike in Gaza City on 9 October. Photo: Xinhua News Agency

Three days have passed since the outbreak of a new round of conflict between Palestine and Israel on 7 October, and by 9 October. As of the evening of the 9th, according to the latest news from Israeli and Palestinian medical institutions, the conflict has caused more than 1,600 deaths. On the same day, Israeli Defense Minister Garrant said he had instructed the Israeli army to "completely blockade" the Palestinian Gaza Strip. Israeli Energy Minister Katz said on the 9th that he had ordered to cut off Israel's water supply to the Gaza Strip. Earlier, Israel's Ministry of Energy had announced the cutting off of electricity to the Gaza Strip. (CCTV News) Read the full text >>>

US Defense Minister: After the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the US aircraft carrier strike group will move closer to Israel

October 9 -- According to the US "Capitol Hill" and other media reports, on October 8, local time, US Secretary of Defense Austin said that the US aircraft carrier strike group will move closer to Israel in response to the attack launched by the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). Austin said that after the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the U.S. aircraft carrier battle group "Ford" will move closer to the eastern Mediterranean to "strengthen regional deterrence." The USS Ford aircraft carrier battle group includes the USS Ford, the most advanced aircraft carrier of the US Navy, as well as several guided-missile cruisers and guided-missile destroyers. Read the full article >>>

Zelensky appointed a new commander of the Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed an order on October 9, local time, dismissing Igor Tanyura from the post of commander of the Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces and appointing Major General Anatoly Bargirevich to this position. (CCTV News) Read the full text >>>

The 2023 Nobel Prize in Economics announced Claudia Golding won the award

See 8 o'clock in the news丨The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has killed more than 1,600 people; 706 suspected telecommunications fraudsters in northern Myanmar were handed over to us

Photo: Xinhua News Agency

On the evening of October 9, Beijing time, the 2023 Nobel Prize in Economics was finally announced. THE NOBEL PRIZE OFFICIALLY AWARDED THE 2023 NOBEL PRIZE IN ECONOMICS TO CLAUDIA GOLDIN OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY. This year's laureate in economics, Claudia Golding, provides the first comprehensive account of women's earnings and labour market participation over the centuries. Her research reveals the causes of change, as well as the main sources of the remaining gender gap. (Beijing News) Read the full article >>>

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Exclusive conversation with Nobel Prize judges in economics: I hope the Nobel Prize will inspire young women to pursue their dreamsRead the full article>>>

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Edited by Wei Mian Wei Yue Proofread by Chen Diyan

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