
Top 50 global traffic list of AI websites released: ChatGPT and other dialogue products are prominent

author:IT House

IT House News on October 9, American venture capital company a16z ranked the 50 AI products with the highest traffic on the market that are open to C-end users.

a16z claims that the ranking is mainly based on SimilarWeb's website traffic data as of June 2023, and for products with apps, it is estimated (MAU multiplied by the average number of monthly visits per user) traffic data and weighted.

A16z also said that the list does not include products that "do not provide a web version", nor does it count products such as Midjourney that need to rely on third-party platforms such as Discord to run.

Top 50 global traffic list of AI websites released: ChatGPT and other dialogue products are prominent

▲ Image source A16Z

IT House learned from the form that ChatGPT ranked first in the list, and the product accounted for 60% of the total traffic of this Top50 list.

In second place is, which is said to be a "personalized AI chatbot", which pays more attention to personality attributes than ChatGPT, which can meet the needs of users such as social, emotional, companionship, and support.

The third place is the Bard provided by Google, which is cheaper for overseas users to use the robot than ChatGPT, and with the user base of overseas Google engines, the end users are quite large.

Overall, the traffic of conversational generative AI models accounts for 68.7%, and it is not difficult to find that the vast majority of overseas users are mainly early adopters when experiencing AI products.

Top 50 global traffic list of AI websites released: ChatGPT and other dialogue products are prominent

▲ Image source A16Z

For example, Runway, Stable Disffusion and other more "productivity" video and picture AI audiences are less, Microsoft's Clipchamp editing AI software ranked 19th, Stable Disffusion only ranked 36th.

Top 50 global traffic list of AI websites released: ChatGPT and other dialogue products are prominent

▲ Image source A16Z

AI products are still in the industry today, but the vast majority of user experience is still quite mild, while showing the coexistence of "entertainment" and "productivity" throughout the track, although most users are more early adopters, but some users have found the advantages of generative AI in terms of tools.

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