
Feng Lun to Zhang Yue: The real estate developers who exploded the thunder missed an excellent opportunity to save themselves

Feng Lun to Zhang Yue: The real estate developers who exploded the thunder missed an excellent opportunity to save themselves

Feng Lun to Zhang Yue: The real estate developers who exploded the thunder missed an excellent opportunity to save themselves

Last month, Uncle Feng and his old friend Zhang Yue had a live conversation on the topic of "life, faith and living buildings".

Zhang Yue, chairman and president of Yuanda Technology Group, is one of the rare entrepreneurs in China who only engages in original innovation. For all products focusing on energy conservation and emission reduction, it won the United Nations 2011 Champions of the Earth Award.

How did Zhang Yue become Zhang Yue? Why do both Uncle Feng and Zhang Yue think that "living buildings" are world-changing buildings? How exactly do they think?

"Fengma Niu Real Estate Research Institute" has sorted out part of this live broadcast and shared it with you, hoping to inspire you.


About life

1. Broad origins: focus on social needs

Feng Lun:

The first time I came to Yuanda City was with Wang Shi in 1998. At that time, Yuanda Group was making air conditioners, which was the largest in the world. The first time I came, I was moved by the lofty ideals and the atmosphere.

You have actually done a lot of things before, but now many young people do not know more about you personally than about Yuanda products, which is a quality that is different from other companies. You're doing more about making products work better for customers and changing the world, rather than individuals talking a lot out there.

Why did you first do air conditioning, and why did you do sustainable construction?

Zhang Yue:

The entire history of our company's evolution is completely linked to a focus on the needs of society. In the 80s of the 20th century, when the south could not solve the heating problem in winter, the north was very comfortable, the south was very uncomfortable, I wondered if the south could also have heating, but the boiler explosion made us very vigilant, so the development of pressureless boilers.

The boiler was done for four years, and it was found that the summer was very hot, but at that time there was a lack of electricity, and many factories could only work for 3 days, and then rest for 4 days, we studied air conditioners that did not use electricity, and produced non-electric air conditioners that used industrial waste heat, power generation exhaust gas and natural gas as energy. After more than ten years of air conditioning, it was found that the building was insulated and the energy-saving space was much larger.

Feng Lun to Zhang Yue: The real estate developers who exploded the thunder missed an excellent opportunity to save themselves

2. No loans, no listing, no diversification

Feng Lun:

At that time, Yuanda had become the world's first non-electric air conditioner, according to this logic, many Chinese entrepreneurs would choose to go public, carry out capital operations, and then expand the scale and occupy the market. Why didn't you go down this path and turned to sustainable architecture?

Zhang Yue:

In 1994, a fund company specializing in listing contacted us, almost 30 years, but it was right not to go public, we felt that the listing was too complicated, and the purpose of listing, if in order to finance, we were not short of money at that time, we had not borrowed from banks for more than 20 years, and had not borrowed money from anyone, so we didn't consider (listing) at all, don't make yourself too complicated.

Feng Lun:

In fact, this is also a characteristic of you and Yuanda, which is to focus on doing things and not let complex and unrelated things distract you.

Zhang Yue:

It should be my personality, I don't want to get involved in any complicated things, but I spend my energy on management and product development, especially I always have new ideas. If a listed company is complicated and troublesome, many people will question you. An independent company, you can do whatever you want. In a sense, we can have so many original innovative technologies, which has something to do with the fact that we are not on the market.

Feng Lun:

Not simply driven by capital or investors.

Zhang Yue:

I won't be swayed by other people's opinions, and it doesn't matter to me what they think. So in the past, so many things have been done, whether it is air conditioning, air quality, the building itself, the seismic problems, energy saving problems, quality problems, and even how to ensure quality, improve efficiency, and reduce costs in the factory, all of which have been solved one by one, and later made core board roads and bridges, wind power products, etc. I believe that every product has a fundamental impact on the quality of human life and climate protection.


About faith

1. Don't go out or socialize for three years, focus on technology

Feng Lun:

The last time I came to see Zhang Yue in Yuanda, he told me that he had not been out of this garden for three years. That night, the two of us couldn't hold back and sneaked out, which was the first time Zhang Yue went out in three years. He also doesn't eat out either, minimizing almost all socializing. In this case, 9 billion yuan will be invested in 14 years to make sustainable buildings so that homes can be produced in factories.

In fact, in our private enterprises, whether it is technology enterprises or real estate industry, there have always been different choices, but such a company that is completely motivated by environmental and social considerations and committed to changing the world with technology, from my side, Broad is the only one, not because of profit and making money, but focusing on innovation, preferring not to make money for 14 years and constantly invest money into it.

About 10 years ago, when Zhang Yue and I attended the climate conference in Cancun, Mexico, we walked by the sea for more than an hour, I was imagining a three-dimensional city and didn't know much about technology, but Zhang Yue was completely engaged in technology and the process of solving problems, and today this living building building housing product can be sold like a car.

Zhang Yue:

Again, it is necessary to continue our dialogue in Cancún. In fact, protecting the climate and improving the quality of life have a common place, that is, commuting, the energy consumption of daily commuting, not only the wear and tear of citizens' time and energy, but also the wear and tear of the country's spiritual wealth and human resource wealth.

If we increase the density of cities, in the same area, where there are jobs, residences, health care, education and entertainment, our daily radius of activity becomes smaller, and globally, we can bring 25-30% emissions reduction. This is what we will do next, to promote the insulation and energy saving of the building itself; Permanence of building materials with a lifespan of 1000 years; At the same time, promote high-density cities.

Feng Lun to Zhang Yue: The real estate developers who exploded the thunder missed an excellent opportunity to save themselves

2. The larger the goal, the smaller the difficulty, the smaller the goal, the greater the difficulty

Feng Lun:

You shared a concept with you before, and I feel the same way. "The greater the expectation, goal or desire, the more tolerant the immediate difficulty is, and it is not the right thing to do."

Zhang Yue:

This is the relationship between the numerator and the denominator, for example, industrial housing has a market of 60 trillion yuan, my live building products can get a chance, so what are the usual difficulties? Not counting at all. Now it is only a difficulty of 600 million yuan, or a loss of 2 billion yuan, but then there is a market of 60 trillion yuan.

Feng Lun:

When the heart is bigger, the endurance is also greater, and the immediate difficulties are smaller. For example, my endurance is 1 million, and when I lack 1 million, my feeling about this thing is particularly difficult, but if my desire is hundreds of billions, then the difference is 1 million, I feel in my heart that this is not a big deal.

Zhang Yue:

Someone said to me, "In your mouth, it seems that innovation is easy, is it really that easy?" I said, "It's not easy, it's just that the time to tell you is limited, I can only understate and cut the complexity and simplify, innovation will encounter difficulties every day, especially if you want real money to spend." If I were a listed company or a multi-stock company, my boss would have been fired long ago, and it was too difficult, but it was not difficult for me.

Why not difficult? It's because my goal is there, a market size of 60 trillion.

3. Rely on innovation to solve the problem of lightning explosion for real estate developers

Feng Lun:

I know why there were so many obstacles [in promoting three-dimensional cities] in the first place, but it was actually the lack of you. As soon as everyone heard about the use of reinforced concrete, the old retorted to me, what good is it for the city that you make a cement forest? Now I can answer, we call it Stainless Steel Forest.

Zhang Yue:

Yes, due to the technological structure, high-rise and even super-high-rise have become very cheap. Now Yuanda is helping six or seven customers to do super high-rise solutions above 1,000 meters, such as Nusantara, the new capital of Indonesia, La Défense in Paris, France, Mexico City and Dubai, etc., because of the large amount and light weight, the traditional concept of luxury of super high-rise buildings is completely cracked.

Feng Lun:

I have been talking about innovation, don't keep watching the real estate industry explode, we are also using innovation to solve the problems of lightning, living environment improvement and quality improvement.

Zhang Yue:

Thunderstorming seems to be the general situation of the industry, but in fact, there is a reason. Bosses and decision-makers want to expand themselves quickly, and take a lot of financial and operational risks. But if you use live buildings to do it, everything is predictable, our construction speed is fast, you can develop yourself faster, there is no economic risk, customers also trust you, because live buildings are factory, standardized products, 100% delivery, will not rot.

Therefore, the real estate owners who have exploded in the thunder, if they cooperate with live buildings, can make the enterprise develop rapidly with minimal risk or zero risk, and even consider developing around the world, because modularity can be transported around the world according to the size of the container.

In addition, a company's ability is limited, Yuanda provides technology, can cooperate with any contractor, contractor or real estate company, in addition to simple buying and selling relationships, but also with the upstream and downstream industry chain of real estate production methods, supply chain cooperation.


About living buildings

1. Invest 9 billion yuan in 14 years to build a house like a car

Feng Lun:

Recently, more and more people have come to Broad Inspection, many of them real estate developers, which is a particularly important turning point. When you look at the real estate industry, you see a thunder explosion, and there is actually a trend called innovation. I know that Zhang Yue spent 14 years and invested a total of 9 billion yuan, using his own money, and did one thing - to solve the factory production of housing.

That is to say, in the future, the house we live in can be made on the broad production line, like a car, and then install 10 floors a day on the site, and then the air quality is good, the area is high, the scale reaches a certain amount, the cost is lower than the traditional way of building a house, in addition to the building itself can also move, and safety, earthquake, fire and so on.

Zhang Yue:

Compared with traditional buildings, living buildings mainly have these 6 advantages.

First, the construction method is different, the living building is completely factory manufacturing, through the assembly line to produce. At present, all human science and technology are very advanced, but the most closely related construction method is very backward, did not really use modern technology, the past hundred years are the same, design institute design, contract foreman construction, real estate developer sales, in the whole chain, the role of real estate developers is like a reseller, not a real technology provider.

Living buildings solve this problem through industrial means, turning buildings into a product, something similar to cars and airplanes. Although this is a difficult problem to solve, it is also a very big progress, and the most important thing is that everyone has this consciousness that human beings must keep up with modern technology and use industrial methods to solve the housing problem, not handicraft methods.

Second, traditional buildings are reinforced concrete houses, which have several major disadvantages:

Not earthquake resistant, this year in southern Turkey successively earthquake above magnitude 7, as a founding member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Turkey is a relatively developed country, but after the earthquake still fell one by one; Can not be inherited, the general house only has a lifespan of 50, 60 years, it can not become our wealth, many people say to buy a house to leave for children, but in fact what is left is a garbage; A few days ago, a foreign customer told me that recent research results show that 10% of the world's carbon dioxide emissions and 20% of air pollution come from concrete.

Our own original invention of stainless steel core board material, the weight is particularly light, the amount is also small, cheaper than steel, can compete with concrete at the price level.

Feng Lun:

After using the core board, how much is the weight of the living building building than that of the traditional building?

Zhang Yue:

1/10, the self-weight of the living building is 170 kg/㎡, and the traditional reinforced concrete building plus fine decoration is 1.7 tons/㎡. Another benefit is that it can save 80-90% of the foundation cost.

Third, comfort and energy saving. Through 5 major measures such as 22 cm rock wool insulation, four-layer glass windows, sun shading outside the window, heat insulation in the window and fresh air heat recovery, the use of near-zero energy building standards and passive house standards can reduce building energy by 90% at once.

Fourth, air quality. We have been inventing clean new fans for more than ten years, and there are very few people who can use them all the time, and everyone always thinks that I can open a window, but they don't know that sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, dust and smoke emitted by thermal power plants and vehicles will be inhaled into the lungs.

Therefore, if the air quality of a room is good, a new fan must be used, which solves the problem of window ventilation, and solves the problem of filtering outdoor dirty air, and isolates the noise. After all, most people now live in urban centers, and there are different degrees of mental harm such as pollution and noise.

Fifth, the room layout is extremely flexible. The 12X4.8 meter space has no obstacles, no columns and no load-bearing walls, and the space designed by the previous developer can only be passively accepted, but this living building is equivalent to deciding how the space is used.

According to the different needs of singleness, childbirth, and pension, you can do without a kitchen, move a wall away, make the living room larger, the bedroom smaller, or turn two bedrooms into one. This is a real living building, and in the past, it was thought that modular buildings looked rigid, but in fact, Yuanda Living Building is the only building that can make a house alive.

Sixth, efficient delivery, because it is factory, all customer needs can be solved in advance in the factory assembly line, we also design and dock the world's common container size transportation, the room is twice as wide as 4.8 meters after the on-site deployment. Convenient logistics allow the live building to reach any corner of the world.

2. Traditional architecture VS industrial housing, two and a half years VS half a year

Feng Lun:

I would add that from an efficiency point of view, it takes about two to two and a half years for traditional developers to build a home, and three months for an industrial house from the beginning of preparation to the final delivery.

Zhang Yue:

If you do the math, it is estimated that it will take half a year. In the first month, go through the formalities of the government; In the second month, when the land is purchased and construction begins, it will take three months for the foundation alone; In the third month, the factory production and inspection process, and finally to the installation and delivery, usually 3 floors a day, no matter how big your house is, the slowest and the slowest can be installed in a month.

Feng Lun:

So can save two years, the previous 100-meter house in the traditional way to build two and a half years, now factory production only 6 months, this is efficiency, efficiency corresponds to cost, in the future we must buy a house. You can't imagine buying a car now, buying a rough car, a pre-sale car, there is no such car.

As I just said, the real estate industry is thundering on one end and innovation on the other. In the future, how to ensure that the real estate company does not explode, my experience is to use Broad technology and products. Why? For customers, to ensure that you can get the finished product by paying money, it will definitely not be rotten, and the developer will not explode. The key price is not high, or fine decoration.


About life

1. Why did I become an extreme environmentalist?

Feng Lun:

Ask a few questions about you personally, and people who are familiar with Broad Zhang Yue have two impressions of you:

First, Broad does not lend, does not go public, does not diversify, and knows that Broad is immersed in hard work and makes products steadfastly; Second, Zhang Yue is the first entrepreneur in China to have a helicopter pilot's license, the last time I came to the factory to investigate, he took me to fly a helicopter, a few of us are more timid, he is still old (shaking) to tease us, Wang Shi was also amused by him. Why don't you fly big planes now, and become an extreme environmental activist?

Another point I also saw disc discipline when I ate: no three grains of rice, one noodles, one shred of meat, two slices, five spoons of soup. Everyone dares not leave food, what did you change for?

Zhang Yue:

When I became rich, I did not consider any responsibility and spent hard, but then I read more books and met the world's top people, and found that climate change will indeed expose our generation to disastrous consequences. After the average temperature increases by 5°C, about 1/4 of the city will be flooded, followed by reduced food production, rampant plague, and fierce floods.

We must take action, including three aspects:

First, start with me as much as possible to discipline yourself; Second, to solve the problem with products, I recently did a 30MW wind power project, in addition to energy conservation and emission reduction, but also do renewable energy, my optimism about wind power has exceeded my expectations; Third, is national education, whether there is a limit to the growth rate and level of wealth of our human beings, and the pursuit of material desires must also have boundaries. For example, Europe and the United States are already very developed, can growth no longer look at GDP, without growth there will be no votes, without growth will be depressed and uncomfortable, this concept should be changed.

2. Fanatical love for work, 24 hours in the office

Feng Lun:

Zhang Yue is very focused and devoted, a few years ago, when the Chinese New Year was over, the two of us talked on the phone, and I asked him where he was? He said in the office. I asked in amazement, why are you still in the office? I came a day or two later, and this office looks like now, with a lot of famous quotes on the walls, the kind that I like to stick to encourage myself at home as a teenager. He was not yet 60 years old, and I told him that it was a great, amazing power for someone almost 60 to believe in this and encourage themselves with famous quotes.

The key point is that Zhang Yue makes countless cards every day, writes down everything casually, and then solves it immediately. I often see him pulling a group of people into meetings, each with a problem. Therefore, in addition to courage and perseverance, the key to innovation is to focus, professionalism, concentration and perseverance.

I know that Zhang Yue is in this office almost 24 hours a day, except for going home to eat with his mother every night, returning to the office after eating, and even living here, the entire R&D team is downstairs.

Zhang Yue:

The R&D teams of different business departments of the company have offices here, and there are more people in the factory in Xiangyin, with nearly 1,000 people doing tests. I think studying in the office is the greatest joy of life, and I can compare it to my game.

When I leave the office, no matter what kind of big event I attend, although I talk to various celebrities and have rare mountain and sea delicacies, for me, as long as I leave the creation and technology, especially not to discuss problems with the team, I feel that there is no fun at all.

I have far more fun at work than the drunken money, the drunk, the top society, and much more than those things.

Feng Lun:

I have a deep experience that when Zhang Yue was rich, that is, more than 20 years ago, there was still a little interest in these, and I saw luxury cars such as lengthened Cadillac in Yuanda City, and now they are all mothballed, and the plane is also lost there. His greatest joy now is discussing problems and solving problems with colleagues in the office.

Zhang Yue:

I've been obsessed with it for almost the last 20 years, and like you just said, because there's a huge vision, a huge light, and every day that light shines on you, creativity and fun are interactive.

If a person does not have a fanatical hobby for his work, you can't tempt him with anything to do that thing well, only a strong hobby from the heart can continue to persist.

Feng Lun:

I was recently reading a new book "Musk Biography", I haven't read all the pages, if I look for an entrepreneur in China who contributes to mankind, in the scope of my familiarity, Yuanda Zhang Yue must be one, that is, to use technology to change the world, use business organizations to improve efficiency, and solve the climate problems, housing problems and urban problems facing mankind, which is particularly remarkable.

Compared with our other private enterprises, including my past experience, there have always been two motivations for entrepreneurship in private enterprises: one is Zhang Yue, who solves problems and serves the society through technology, and more human beings can obtain economic benefits in the process, and money is secondary; Also, in the early days of barbaric growth, many private enterprises initially focused on how much money they could make in this matter, and Zhang Weiying used to criticize us as arbitrage enterprises.

Looking at it now, in order to develop with high quality in the future and the sustainable domestic economy, more technology companies like Broad and Huawei are needed, which are more important to society than arbitrage enterprises.


Q&A session


Mr. Zhang Yue has always emphasized the use of technology to transform the world, and Yuanda Group itself is also a technology company, so a netizen is very curious, saying that Mr. Zhang has talked about so many professional things, are you from a technical background?

Zhang Yue:

I liked literature and art until I was 22 years old, and I have been engaged in technology since I was 23 years old, and the earliest technology was in the northeast to do decoration. Yuanda has been doing technology for 36 years, and I have been working on technology more than 90% of my time, and in the last three or four years, even 98% of my time is doing technology.

First, I haven't talked to any professors, and second, I don't know anything about mathematics, physics and chemistry, but it doesn't matter, from machinery, electronics, materials, heat transfer to fluids, I have the most comprehensive contact, maybe I learn more in one year than others in five or eight years, and I have developed and done experiments a lot.

I turn all my imagination into a sketch, and after three or five days I turn it into a test piece, every day I accept something new, and my new idea can turn into a new result, or it can become a huge failure. It doesn't matter, failure or achievement, every day is increasing knowledge, and most importantly, whether it is success or failure, it is a gain for me, and the biggest failure is precisely the biggest gain.

Feng Lun:

Success and failure are sometimes a little bit worse, just a technical breakthrough.

Zhang Yue:

In addition, there is a huge effect on knowledge ability, team level and project promotion, and failure is recurring and, in most cases, more valuable than success. The reason why Broad can engage in original innovation is because of my relatively accurate technical cognition, and the vision of original innovation is also my own insistence.

Only original innovation is the greatest value that exists in society; Only original innovation can form the greatest competitive advantage in business; Only original innovation has the courage to overcome difficulties. This is a kind of pride, just like heroes have to show off the scars on their faces, and the pride and satisfaction brought by original innovation are conducive to overcoming difficulties.


Uncle Feng mentioned the three-dimensional city before, and Zhang Yue also proposed the sky city, this concept is relatively advanced at present, not understood by many people, will the two have a sense of loneliness?

Feng Lun:

No, we are even less together, but we know that the trend is such that high-density cities are considered efficient, convenient, safe and cost-effective.

Zhang Yue:

For example, the average floor of buildings in Hong Kong is 45 floors, New York ranks second with 25 floors, Hong Kong belongs to the floor is too high, but the quality of life of residents has not decreased much because of the height of the building, but the highest density in Hong Kong is called Hong Kong Island, and the quality of life of those white-collar workers is the highest. Recently, Yuanda has connected with Hong Kong's department engaged in affordable housing, Hong Kong Island, Kowloon these prosperous areas lack rental housing, office capacity is 500,000 people, rental housing is less than 100,000, if there are still 300,000 affordable housing, these people can walk to work.

The central area of Manhattan, New York, with the United Nations Building as the radius covering an area of one kilometer, is the most efficient, a large number of United Nations foreign employees do not need to take a car, are walking to work, because the New York government has done a lot of renovation, turning office buildings into rental apartments, such as those towering pencil buildings. They set aside almost 4 hours a day to improve their quality of life, go to nearby bars for drinks and go to Broadway to listen to music.

Feng Lun:

For example, Singapore has a density of 40,000 people per square kilometer, but everyone does not feel crowded and is known as a garden city.

Zhang Yue:

Language often determines thinking, and it determines both national policy and everyone. Now we have to change the content, whether it is a city in the sky or a three-dimensional city, it is not equal to a high-energy city and a low-efficiency city, but is exactly equal to a pedestrian city, a comfortable city and a leisurely city.

Feng Lun:

So it won't be lonely.

Zhang Yue:

People will become very happy.

Editor-in-Chief|Wang Tao Editor|Chen Runjiang Consultant|Wang Shuqi

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