
"Classic of Mountains and Seas" revealed: mysterious snakes cause great floods!

author:Read ancient books lightly

According to the second sutra of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, there is a mountain called Yangshan, and there are no grass and trees growing in the mountain, but there are many stones. Yangshui originates in this mountain and flows north into the Yi River. It is worth noting that there are many mysterious snakes in Yangshui that can cause floods!

"Classic of Mountains and Seas" revealed: mysterious snakes cause great floods!

According to the Classic of Mountains and Seas, this snake has a human-like face, a jackal-like body, bird-like wings, and crawls and swims like a snake.

It makes sounds like a person shouting loudly, and can swim in water or walk on land. Where it appears, there will be major floods.

The name of this snake is the chemical snake. The name seems to imply its mystery and fickleness.

"Classic of Mountains and Seas" revealed: mysterious snakes cause great floods!

The image of the serpent in the Classic of Mountains and Seas

The snake is not only in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", but also in ancient books such as "Soushenji", "Baopuzi Inner Chapter", and "Natural History".

Although the descriptions of the snake in these ancient books are similar to those in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, there are also huge differences.

As described in the "Search for God", the snake is called the "son of the dragon", which has the shape, color and characteristics of the dragon "naked and black-headed and six-legged, which can change." It chirps. ”

And the biggest difference is "see the drought in Zeqiyi." And the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" records that "see the great water of Qiyi." ”

"Classic of Mountains and Seas" revealed: mysterious snakes cause great floods!

The image of a snake in ancient books such as "Soushenji"

The serpent is said to be a mysterious ancient beast with the power to manipulate water. When it is dissatisfied with a certain place, it will show up to control the water source, causing a major flood. This is reminiscent of the mythical image of the water god, who all have the power to manipulate water, but also have different personalities and behaviors.

The serpent is classified as a mysterious ancient beast, and the five elements belong to water. This makes people wonder, why is the snake considered to have the power to manipulate water? How does it relate to the water of the five elements?

The image characteristics and behavior of the snake are closely related to water. It can swim in water and walk on land. Its voice sounds like someone shouting loudly, which seems to suggest that its mood is fickle and as elusive as water.

When it is dissatisfied with a certain place, it will show up to control the water source, causing a major flood. This is further proof of its image of the water god in people's minds.

The Five Elements Theory was a widely circulated philosophical system in ancient times, which divided things in nature into five basic types: metal, wood, water, fire and earth, and believed that there was a mutual relationship between them.

"Classic of Mountains and Seas" revealed: mysterious snakes cause great floods!

The serpent is believed to have the power to manipulate water, probably because of its close connection with the water of the five elements.

In addition, ancient books such as the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" also mention that the snake can change, and its song is like a clang. This fickle character also coincides with the way of change in the Five Elements Theory.

In ancient philosophical concepts, change is one of the basic laws of nature and one of the important means for human beings to deal with nature. The image and behavior of the snake is a vivid embodiment of this concept.

The Yangshan and Yangshui in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, as well as the legend of the snake, are full of mystery and fantasy. These stories not only show the ancient people's understanding and imagination of natural phenomena, but also their awe and worship of mystical forces.

Although the records in these ancient books have been precipitated and revised by history, they still retain part of the essence and charm of the original story.

"Classic of Mountains and Seas" revealed: mysterious snakes cause great floods!

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