
Harden has been criticized by many famous mouths! Serious decline: Three years for three teams Love to go to nightclubs can be called contemporary Rodman

Harden has been criticized by many famous mouths! Serious decline: Three years for three teams Love to go to nightclubs can be called contemporary Rodman

On October 7, Beijing time, the start of the new season is getting closer and closer, and the whereabouts of 76ers star Harden are still unclear. In response to Harden's current situation, including the big generals Arenas, Richard Jefferson have given criticism, and an NBA insider has also expressed dissatisfaction.

Harden has been criticized by many famous mouths! Serious decline: Three years for three teams Love to go to nightclubs can be called contemporary Rodman

General Arenas said on his podcast: "In terms of personal style, it seems to me that Harden is the Rodman of this era. When he's in the stadium, he sweats and trains hard, but off the pitch he goes to parties, so it's two sides of a person. Only Rodman is that kind of player, Harden may be able to score 60 points, and then he will go to the club, and you should hide this part of your life. ”

Harden has been criticized by many famous mouths! Serious decline: Three years for three teams Love to go to nightclubs can be called contemporary Rodman

Former NBA champion and current commentator Richard Jefferson spoke about Harden on Road Trippin'. He said: At the end of the day, Harden is still a 20+10 player, and I believe there will be teams who pay for Harden's first-round pick, and he can bring value to his team. However, Harden can't score 35 points every night, he can only score about 22 points. His decline is so fast that I don't believe any team will be willing to give him a 3-4 year contract. ”

Harden has been criticized by many famous mouths! Serious decline: Three years for three teams Love to go to nightclubs can be called contemporary Rodman

An NBA source said: "I don't understand why Harden keeps wanting to change teams, he has changed three teams in three years, if he can leave Philadelphia this time." He was really puzzling, it felt like he was just sitting there sulking. ”

Harden has been criticized by many famous mouths! Serious decline: Three years for three teams Love to go to nightclubs can be called contemporary Rodman

According to the latest reports, Harden has returned to 76ers training camp and started training, and the 76ers trade for Harden is still continuing, with the Heat and Clippers as potential next steps. However, due to reasons such as trade chips, the current trade for Harden is not moving very fast. Will he be able to find a new home before the start of the new season? Let's wait and see.

Harden has been criticized by many famous mouths! Serious decline: Three years for three teams Love to go to nightclubs can be called contemporary Rodman

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