
7 correct ways to use the humidifier, be careful to use the wrong one and go directly to the hospital emergency room!

  In the past few days, the country has begun to cool down, and in autumn and winter, the indoor will become very dry, and more and more families cannot do without humidifiers.

  However, most people do not know that humidifiers turn out to be the "culprits" of pneumonia! Use the wrong humidifier or even go straight to the hospital emergency room!

7 correct ways to use the humidifier, be careful to use the wrong one and go directly to the hospital emergency room!

So, how should you choose a humidifier? Look for these points, absolutely do not step on the thunder, I said!

  How to buy a humidifier?

  1. Choose the right humidifier according to your own use scenarios, such as bedrooms, living rooms or offices, etc., the size and power of humidifiers are different.

  2. Buy regular products. Whether you buy online or in an offline store, remember to carefully check the product's logo and instructions.

7 correct ways to use the humidifier, be careful to use the wrong one and go directly to the hospital emergency room!

  3. How to judge whether the humidifier is qualified? It is recommended to check whether the humidifier's production date, product name, specification model, implementation standard, enterprise name and other information are complete.

  4. It is recommended to purchase humidifiers through formal channels as much as possible, such as physical supermarkets, shopping malls, brand stores and other places, and be sure to keep relevant purchase records.

  What is the correct way to use a humidifier?

  1. Do not turn on the humidifier for a long time, especially for 24 hours continuously. The correct time to use is to turn off after 30 minutes of humidification, wait for a period of time, and continue to use.

  2. Pay attention to the humidifier must not use tap water and mineral water, try to use pure water. Because tap water and mineral water contain minerals, they may have effects on the respiratory tract.

7 correct ways to use the humidifier, be careful to use the wrong one and go directly to the hospital emergency room!

  3. Pay attention to indoor humidity, indoor air is not as humid as possible, humidity as far as possible to keep 45% ~ 65% is the most appropriate.

  4. The humidifier must be cleaned before and after use.

  5. The humidifier needs to change the water frequently, do not use overnight water, it is easy to breed bacteria.

  6. Patients with rhinitis, asthma and other patients are not recommended to use humidifiers.

7 correct ways to use the humidifier, be careful to use the wrong one and go directly to the hospital emergency room!

  7. Pregnant women should not use ultrasonic humidifiers as much as possible.

  It turns out that the small humidifier has so much attention, I hope everyone can use it correctly in winter to prevent the occurrence of respiratory diseases.

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