
The Chinese women's volleyball team won the championship! Sanjiangyuan teenagers realize their dreams of the Asian Games

author:Red Net
The Chinese women's volleyball team won the championship! Sanjiangyuan teenagers realize their dreams of the Asian Games

On the evening of October 7, in the women's volleyball final of the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Japan 3-0 and successfully defended the Asian Games championship with a record of six victories. This is also the ninth time in the history of the Chinese women's volleyball team to win the Asian Games gold medal.

Almost at the same time, the Chinese Olympic Committee officially announced the results of the Most Valuable Athletes (MVP) of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, and Chinese swimmers Zhang Yufei and Qin Haiyang won the title of "Most Valuable Athletes" in this Asian Games.

The Chinese women's volleyball team won the championship! Sanjiangyuan teenagers realize their dreams of the Asian Games

With the victory of the Chinese women's volleyball team, the "Taibao Blue Team" has won 14 gold medals in this Asian Games, including 6 gold medals for Zhang Yufei, 5 gold for Qin Haiyang, 2 gold for Xie Zhenye, and 1 gold for the Chinese women's volleyball team, which ended perfectly with a grand slam attitude.

When the cheers rang out like a sea of mountains, when the five-star red flag was raised in the stadium, the Chinese women's volleyball girls hugged each other tightly, and then bowed to the audience in a "concentric circle" gesture to thank them.

In the audience, the "Dream Viewing Team" composed of five children from the No. 2 Boarding School of Gonghe County, Hainan Prefecture, Qinghai Province was particularly eye-catching, and when the score of the two sides chased me, they couldn't help but stand up and cheer in unison - "Chinese women's volleyball, come on!" Come on! ”

The Chinese women's volleyball team won the championship! Sanjiangyuan teenagers realize their dreams of the Asian Games

Sanjiangyuan teenager, cheering for the Chinese women's volleyball team. The Asian Games viewing team, composed of employees, customers and partners of China Pacific Insurance (CPIC), was also enthusiastic, unable to contain their excitement, cheering, shaking the flag, and displaying banners on the scene "Taibao Blue Team Shining in the Asian Games Arena", which intertwined with the "Life Arena Too Conservative Protection" on their bodies, and merged into a passionate blue ocean.

The Chinese women's volleyball team won the championship! Sanjiangyuan teenagers realize their dreams of the Asian Games

There is a kind of pride, called the Chinese women's volleyball team!

Looking back on the Asian Games promotion to the final, the Chinese women's volleyball team did not lose a game, defeating the Indian women's volleyball team, the North Korean women's volleyball team, the South Korean women's volleyball team, the Vietnamese women's volleyball team, and the Thai women's volleyball team with five 3-0 results. The more difficult the moment, the more the girls of the women's volleyball team showed the spirit of tenacious struggle, and such a spirit of competitive sports infected every audience at the scene.

The girls of the women's volleyball team are not arrogant or impetuous on the field, calmly and calmly fight for every ball, with their tenacity and belief in victory, they finally defended the glory of the women's volleyball team with a hearty victory, vividly interpreting the spirit of "motherland first, tenacious struggle, unity and cooperation, never say die".

Ms. Wang from the Asian Games viewing team in Taibao, China, said, "I have been paying attention to the women's volleyball team since the 80s when the women's volleyball team won the world championship for the first time, and I have grown up and excited with the women's volleyball team all the way, and I am still a firm supporter of the team! ”

Compared with riding the wind and waves in good times, perseverance in bad times requires more courage and strength. This is the essence of the spirit of women's volleyball - never say die!

Xing Zhaoxiang from the "Dream Viewing Group" said, "Especially inspired by the spirit of the women's volleyball team, every minute and second on the field is going all out, no matter whether the score is ahead or behind, as long as the game is not over, the women's volleyball team will not give up, even if the last ounce of strength is exhausted, this tenacious fighting spirit is worth learning." ”

There is a power called the Dream Asian Games!

In the women's volleyball final of the Asian Games, there were several special small spectators. On October 6, students from the No. 2 Boarding School in Gonghe County, Hainan Prefecture, Qinghai Province, under the guidance of school teachers, set off from Xining, Qinghai Province early in the morning and took a plane to Hangzhou for more than 2,300 kilometers.

Because the children have an agreement with the Chinese women's volleyball team.

In May 2023, China Taibao walked into the No. 2 Boarding Primary School in Gonghe County, Qinghai Province to carry out the theme activity of "Responsibility Illuminates the Future, Volleyball Builds Dreams for the Asian Games". Chinese women's volleyball player Ding Xia appeared at the event to teach students the standard movements from flipping the ball, serving to catching the ball.

The Chinese women's volleyball team won the championship! Sanjiangyuan teenagers realize their dreams of the Asian Games

"We want to see the outside world", "We want to watch the Chinese women's volleyball competition", "We want to Hangzhou to feel the charm of the Asian Games"... At that time, the children shouted their wishes.

In order to help the children of Sanjiangyuan realize their dreams, China Pacific Insurance specially invited teachers and students from Sanjiangyuan to form a "dream viewing team" to watch the Chinese women's volleyball final at the Asian Games.

The Chinese women's volleyball team won the championship! Sanjiangyuan teenagers realize their dreams of the Asian Games

"Seeing the Chinese women's volleyball team defeat strong opponents and win the championship in the Asian Games, my heart is extremely proud and moving! It also motivates us to study hard and grow up to win glory for the country! Student representative Cao Yuewen said.

"We will bring back what we have seen and heard about the big and small lotus, the tenacious and hard-working spirit of women's volleyball, and the importance of sports and pass on the importance of sports to the teachers, students and all parents of the school," said Sonam Ben, vice principal of Gonghe County No. 2 Boarding Primary School.

Do not leave or give up, taibao agreement. This trip to the Hangzhou Asian Games is not only a journey to realize the dreams of young people from Sanjiangyuan, but also a journey to enlighten and lift their spirits. The stop by the West Lake, the dance on the side of the big lotus, and the shouting in the women's volleyball hall will become the beauty of the teenager's memory

The athletes sweated and bravely challenged the Asian Games, and also inspired the children to do their best for their dreams in life.

Accompanying the game, the spirit of the women's volleyball team continues to move forward

The Chinese women's volleyball team won the championship! Sanjiangyuan teenagers realize their dreams of the Asian Games

As the official partner of the Hangzhou Asian Games, China Taibao joined hands with the Chinese national women's volleyball team, swimmers Zhang Yufei and Qin Haiyang, and track and field athlete Xie Zhenye to form the "Taibao Blue Team" to go to the Asian Games.

China Taibao and the Chinese women's volleyball team have been associated for a long time - since officially becoming the official partner of the Chinese women's volleyball team in 2018, China Taibao has accompanied the Chinese women's volleyball team from the trough to the glory of "ten consecutive championships". Along the way, China Taibao has always adhered to the commitment of "never leaving or abandoning the Taibao agreement", and guarded the female volleyball girls who won glory for the country on the field with warmth.

On the occasion of the 100-day countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Chinese women's volleyball team officially joined the "Taibao Blue Team" and competed in the Asian Games as the "Taibao Service Experience Officer", while winning glory for the country, while fully experiencing the ubiquitous Taibao services in the Asian Games.

For a long time, China Taibao has always silently guarded behind the Chinese women's volleyball team; The women's volleyball spirit of "motherland first, tenacious struggle, unity and cooperation, and never give up" has been internalized into the brand gene of CPIC, inspiring all CPIC people to do in-depth and practical "CPIC services". No matter when and where, CPIC will do its best to support the Chinese women's volleyball team, continue to practice the responsibility, wisdom and temperature of CPIC services, and unite to contribute CPIC's wisdom and strength to the wonderful Asian Games.

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