
Shi Yuzhu was enforced to exceed 1.7 billion! After retirement, he made more than 100 male friends and lost a lot of money

Shi Yuzhu was enforced to exceed 1.7 billion! After retirement, he made more than 100 male friends and lost a lot of money

After being frozen 114 million yuan last month, Shi Yuzhu and others were once again forced to 1.7 billion yuan.

On October 7, according to the Tianyancha APP, recently, Shi Yuzhu, founder of Giant Network (002558), and Beihai Hongtai Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Beihai Hongtai") added a new piece of information about the person subject to enforcement, and the enforcement target was more than 1.76 billion yuan, and the enforcement court was the Beijing Financial Court.

Shi Yuzhu was enforced to exceed 1.7 billion! After retirement, he made more than 100 male friends and lost a lot of money

On the same day, the relevant person in charge of Giant Network responded, "Today's enforcement of external attention is caused by the guarantee at the personal level of Lao Shi and has nothing to do with listed companies." He will handle it properly and will not affect the listed company. ”

Shi Yuzhu has previously attracted frequent attention from the outside world due to financial disputes. Previously, in September, according to the Tianyancha APP, Giant Investment Co., Ltd. (Giant Investment) added an equity freezing information, Shi Yuzhu's equity was frozen, the amount was as high as 114 million yuan, the freezing period is from September 18, 2023 to September 17, 2026, the enforcement court is the Beijing Financial Court.

On September 21, Ma Quanzhi, a relevant spokesman for Giant Group, explained on Weibo that the "114 million yuan equity freeze" was caused by the guarantee of Lao Shi's help and would be properly handled. Lao Shi is mainly engaged in game development this year. In September last year, he figured out that he had made more than 100 male friends and lost a lot of money after retiring a few years ago, and now he wants to play games.

Shi Yuzhu was enforced to exceed 1.7 billion! After retirement, he made more than 100 male friends and lost a lot of money

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