
Nian Xinyao was a hero of the Qing Dynasty, holding hundreds of thousands of troops, why did he not rebel until he was given death?

author:Ah Satan immediately

The Qing dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history, and later generations had mixed reviews of it. In particular, the closed-door policy implemented by the Qing Dynasty led to China's gradual disconnection from the rapid development of the world, and then fell into a relatively embarrassing historical period. However, the Qing dynasty also produced many outstanding ministers and military generals, among which Nian Xinyao was one of the most high-profile.

Nian Xinyao was a hero of the Qing Dynasty, holding hundreds of thousands of troops, why did he not rebel until he was given death?

Nian Xinyao was born during the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, and his family was a family of eunuchs at that time, and his family status was prominent. When Nian Xinyao was a teenager, he not only learned superb martial arts, but also became interested in literature, and finally successfully passed the junior high school entrance examination, and was known as both literary and martial arts. During the Kangxi era, he was promoted to the rank of governor of Sichuan for meritorious service and became an important political official. During his tenure as governor of Sichuan, Nian Xinyao was committed to benefiting the people with his rigorous work style, which won widespread praise.

Nian Xinyao was a hero of the Qing Dynasty, holding hundreds of thousands of troops, why did he not rebel until he was given death?

Subsequently, when the leaders of the Dzungar tribe sent to invade Tibet, the Qing Dynasty sent troops from Sichuan to suppress the rebellion. In this war, Nian Xinyao brilliantly guaranteed the logistical supply of the Qing army, demonstrating his outstanding talent. The Kangxi Emperor therefore valued him even more, and promoted him to the governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi, responsible for the stability of the frontier.

Nian Xinyao was a hero of the Qing Dynasty, holding hundreds of thousands of troops, why did he not rebel until he was given death?

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, Nian Xinyao received more weight. After he pacified the Qinghai War, he was made a duke of the first rank, and his father and son also received additional rewards. At this time, Nian Xinyao had a very high prestige in the northwest region, and he was also directly involved in Yunnan affairs, so it can be said that he had become the ruler of the northwest region.

Nian Xinyao was a hero of the Qing Dynasty, holding hundreds of thousands of troops, why did he not rebel until he was given death?

However, why was Nian Xinyao finally given death? The reason can be traced back to his arrogance. Although he enjoyed the favor of the emperor, his behavior became more and more flamboyant. He even owns a privately maintained vegetable garden in the Northwest to serve his personal enjoyment. He also required both junior and junior officials to bow down and dared to ride their heads high among officials, an act that was a clear violation of the etiquette system. Later, the imperial court even had a "annual election", which meant that as long as it was a talent recommended by Nian Xinyao, most of them would be reused, and this obvious party-forming behavior posed a threat to the imperial power.

Nian Xinyao was a hero of the Qing Dynasty, holding hundreds of thousands of troops, why did he not rebel until he was given death?

In addition, what Yongzheng hated most was corruption, and the punishment of corrupt officials was extremely harsh. It is a pity that Nian Xinyao did not perform well in this regard, and did not know how to converge at all. This eventually angered Yongzheng, who changed his previous views on Nian Xinyao and began warning him to be cautious in his words and actions. However, Nian Xinyao did not agree with this and was still wanton. Yongzheng then found an opportunity to demote him. Yongzheng ordered his detention for review, and Nian was found guilty of as many as 92 crimes, more than 30 of which were punishable by death. In the end, considering Nian Xinyao's past exploits, Yongzheng allowed him to commit suicide in prison.

Nian Xinyao was a hero of the Qing Dynasty, holding hundreds of thousands of troops, why did he not rebel until he was given death?

Why didn't Nian Xinyao choose to resist in the end? There are several reasons for this. First of all, he was grateful, full of gratitude to Kangxi and Yongzheng, so he had no intention of betraying. Second, he believed that Yongzheng would not harm him, after all, he was the emperor's in-law and had made great achievements for the Qing Dynasty. In the end, he knew that even with military power, resistance was doomed to failure. Although Nian Xinyao had a strong army, without solid logistical support, the rebel operation was not destined to succeed. Therefore, he chose to keep a low profile, hoping that Yongzheng would forgive his mistakes.

In general, Nian Xinyao overestimated his position in Yongzheng's heart and underestimated the extent to which Yongzheng was determined to deal with him. Despite the fact that he was an outstanding general, he forgot to follow the principles of low-key and modesty. In the end, he can only spend the rest of his life in prison, a story that reminds us that no matter how good, the virtues of modesty and prudence should not be forgotten.

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