
12 Horoscope Analysis for Next Week (October 9-October 15)

author:Zodiac signs don't ask for people
12 Horoscope Analysis for Next Week (October 9-October 15)


Emotionally: This week's Aries seems to be very suitable for devoting themselves to their love, single Aries may always have episodes when dating the opposite sex, and you are worried about affecting the other party's view of themselves, which may seem a little restrained. So what about Aries, who already have a significant other, if you meet someone who makes you feel good during the relationship, remember to keep your distance and be responsible for your partner.

Work: The workplace has always been a mixed environment, you can feel a little uneasy this week, mainly with some differences with old employees, the more uncomfortable you feel in this environment, the less you should pay attention to this situation, do what you think is right, your life is up to you, don't be too aggrieved yourself.

Financial: This week's finances seem a bit unoptimistic, and you need to plan ahead to deal with it. Previous installments or impulsive purchases that exceed your burden can make you feel stressed and have to eat a lot.

Compound: There may be people who miss you at this time, but it is not about your lost feelings, or your lost youth, or the nostalgia for the good times you spent together, you can also be nostalgic, as long as you can still keep looking forward.

Lucky color: eggplant red, dragon fruit color


Emotional aspects: Taurus' feelings this week may bother you a bit. Single Taurus is best able to take the initiative to socialize and meet some friends of the opposite sex, you must dare to add color to your life, and you cannot be trapped in your own small field. There is the other half of the Taurus seems to have some quarrels recently, the Taurus itself is not a rhetorical personality, encounter difficulties and grievances are not very good at expression, it is better to talk with the other half well, crying when aggrieved is also a language.

Work: You're a little resistant to going to work this week, and your career luck isn't very good. There are many difficulties at work, not you alone can solve, you need the help of colleagues and seniors, but it is hindered by face, and the trade-offs need to be considered by yourself.

Financial: It is best to be able to save expenses this week, as if there is a broken fortune, if you really encounter a dilemma that requires a large amount of money, don't scare yourself, face it calmly, your friends and your family will help you get through the difficulty.

Compounding: It's clear that you're a bit overwhelmed this week, and it's best not to take it too seriously, and you may not even have the leisure time to think about it this week.

Lucky colors: big red, burgundy


Emotionally: This week is generally good, you have learned to be dashing through the ups and downs. Single twins are a bit entangled with a member of the opposite sex, you have enough affection for each other, but you don't know whether to enter the next state, or observe more. There are other half of the twin can consult the other half more this week, you have been a little confused recently, always make wrong judgments and regret later, you can refer to the opinions of others.

Work: If you feel that your recent work has been very difficult, don't be discouraged, give yourself a moderate vacation, and release some of your own stress. After adjusting the state and continuing to work, maybe many problems will be solved.

Financial: The first thing you need to do this week is to invest rationally. Analyze how much you have made and how much you have lost in your previous investment, and this time it is not worth adding. If you feel like you have money to spare, buy yourself some gifts.

Composite opposite: You've had a lot of troubles lately, and when these troubles cross in your mind, you may think of the person who used to complain with you, but you can also tell it to your good friends.

Lucky color: corn yellow, gourd yellow


Emotionally: Your relationship should be considered a trend of improvement this week. Single cancers have romantic encounters, peach blossoms are not much, but as long as the soul fits, it is a peach blossom that makes your heart move, that is a good peach blossom, isn't it? Cancer with a partner is also very happy, you and your other half go deep into soul communication, you understand and appreciate each other, the only thing to pay attention to is to express love more, don't let the love that surges everywhere finally go out of the fire.

Work: Even if there is a problem with the work this week, it is not a big problem, you only need to put in a little time to solve it, but if it is work outside of the work task, you don't have to be so "perfect".

Financial: It seems like there will be a little extra income this week, which should put you in a much happier mood. You can choose to buy some household items, spend your wealth reasonably, and if you have pets, you can buy some snacks or toys for your cubs.

Compound: This week is unwell, sleep is unstable, you can drink a cup of hot milk before going to bed, listen to soothing music to help sleep, compared to compounding, you should adjust your current life state.

Lucky colors: Sen green, malachite green


Emotionally: This week has been somewhat polarized. The first is the single lion, the opposite sex you felt quite fond of before, recently seems to make you feel very uncomfortable, want to get out of this relationship, but there is no suitable reason, can only observe, and during the observation period is quite painful. The lion with a mate is very sweet this week. Lovers want to spend a pleasant weekend with you, you have a lot of topics to talk about, and your eyes are involuntarily approaching, and the happiness of love reaches its peak.

Work: This week's work seems to be exceptionally smooth, there are many projects that you thought were difficult to get and completed perfectly, believe in yourself, this is what you deserve after working hard before. So much good luck is on you, which is more suitable for chasing after victory.

Financial: This week's financial luck mainly comes from salary rather than financial management, in fact, this is better, financial management needs to take risks to make people profit and suffer from losses and regrets, it is better to distribute their hard-earned wealth.

Compounding: This week your heart is extremely relaxed, like the wind, naturally, just focus on your own life, don't worry too much about the past.

Lucky colors: gray, beige


Emotional aspect: You seem to be a little tired of love this week, in fact, it comes down to being a little tired in the relationship. Single virgins substitute the feelings of others, feeling as if they will not find a suitable partner, and inevitably feel a little lonely. There are other half of the virgins who always have an argument with their partner, and you don't want to take a step back, some glue, just communicate well. After all, love will have many forks, and two people can only walk hand in hand if they think about each other.

Work: This week should be a week with a small amount of tasks, but not a very stable mentality. You may be unhappy that your work task is interrupted, and you want to be able to complete the task in one go, adjust yourself, and try to adapt to this working state.

Financial: There seem to be some expenses that will give you headaches this week, maybe it's impulse spending, maybe it's buying small items that aren't worth it, but you always have what you've bought, and you can give it more value yourself.

Composite aspect; You seem to be a little soulless recently, the other party's magnetic field you are more and more insensible, if you really don't hit the south wall and don't die, then take the initiative to bother again, but you have to bear the consequences yourself.

Lucky color: wood pulp color


Emotional aspect: Libra this week is simply a master of feelings. But Libra can prepare for a good date with your favorite person, see the other person's attitude, and if you take the initiative properly, there should be a good result. With your significant other's Libra, you feel deeply in love, and your love for your partner only grows, telling you the good news that your partner feels the same way. You can date, you can chat, and feel each other's strong affection for you.

Work: This week is the time for you to shine, encounter opportunities to express yourself, be brave to perform, don't feel that this is too high-profile, because your strength is here, others will only admire you, so, do it boldly!

Financial: Your mood this week will affect your financial fortunes. Try to make yourself happy, you can go shopping with friends, make a movie to relax, and your state will make wealth slowly gather around you.

Compound aspect: This week you are in a very good mood, you are full of yearning for a new life, you rarely miss the past, although the memory is not as heavy as in the past.

Lucky color: silver


Emotional aspects: This week's emotional fortunes can be described as exuberant. Single Scorpio will always exude its own charming charm in the process of getting along with the opposite sex this week, and the other party admires you very much and agrees with your three views. Scorpio with a significant other may harvest a clingy little cutie this week, your partner doesn't want to leave you for a moment, and you enjoy the process of spending time with him.

Work: Your work week may be a bit busy. There are always endless classes and endless tasks. You can at least calm yourself emotionally over and over again, and it is best to do what you can when it comes to work.

Financial: How to describe your financial luck this week, there may be suitable financial opportunities, but it seems that it is not so smooth, you may also face a financial crisis, it is best to consider more before starting.

Compounding: All you have to do this week is fitness, entertainment, enjoy your life, enjoy being with the new opposite sex, and your life will be brighter and brighter, instead of sticking to the old people.

Lucky color: turquoise green


Emotional aspects: The relationship fortunes have been good this week. Single shooters and the opposite sex get along more easily, your chat is always very harmonious, and the fit with each other is very high, which is very good progress. Shooters with partners will also be in a good mood this week, your lover is very considerate and tolerant of you, likes to create small surprises for you, wraps you with warmth, and more importantly, these do not ask for anything in return, the other party loves you, not only responsibility, but from instinct.

Work: Maybe this week you will encounter an unprecedented problem at work, and there are still a little difficult interpersonal relationships after work. First of all, you do yourself well, a certain explanation and communication is necessary, try to avoid letting interpersonal relationships destroy your work progress.

Financial: Try not to make financial-related decisions this week, you won't necessarily be able to make the right decision this week. Instead, it's easier to fall into some financial traps. Make a clearer plan for your finances.

Compounding: The focus of this week's shooter is not compounding, maybe the ex will want to contact you, but you were deeply hurt in the previous relationship, and when you want to look back, think back to whether it is worth it.

Lucky color: orange, golden yellow


Emotionally: Capricorn's love hasn't gone very well this week, but it's not bad. The main manifestation is that the single Capricorn seems to face a situation of confession failure, or it may not be a straight ball confession, but when the other party feels your heart, he will no longer respond. But there is the other half of Capricorn, it seems that he and his partner have been arguing about details recently, and both of them feel tired, but it should be relieved by communication.

Work: This week you seem to have reduced a lot of pressure in the work environment, someone is willing to help you, you have made friends, they are also willing to talk to you, then you are not afraid of the difficulties of work in the future.

Financial: You may have a lot of investment opportunities this week, all with good prospects, it looks like this week is good financial luck, and maybe there will be opportunities to travel to your favorite city.

Compound: This week your body has some discomfort, easy back pain, neck, knees may have discomfort, now the focus can not be on the deceased, the body is more important.

Lucky colors: grass green, bean paste green


Emotional aspects: This week's emotional fortunes are a little bad for the time being. Single water bottles have not met the opposite sex who has a good feeling, and they have not talked about the soul, and many people whose appearance is not clean and tidy enough have been passed, how can they want to fall in love? The other half of the water bottle feels that the other party has been a little indifferent recently, many things are taken by you, you also feel a little tired in this relationship, and you are very confused about the future relationship.

Work: This week's work is not very much, and the completion is okay, that is, it is likely to meet the boss's PUA. Of course, I believe that you must have a stable kernel, not to be disturbed, if you encounter a situation that suppresses you, please be brave to say no.

Financial: This week's financial luck is also okay, especially business people, may reap a lot of profits, but the business is not suitable for cooperation with acquaintances, may make you feel laborious in the future, if possible, change the partner in time.

Compounding: This week you always inadvertently think of that person, miss the bits and pieces of your past, ta also misses you at this time, whether you can compound depends on whether the magnetic fields of the two match.

Lucky color: pearl white, off-white


Emotional aspects: This week's emotional fortunes have flattened. Single Pisces can get along with the opposite sex you like, and even a little ambiguous spark between you, but there is no tendency to go one step further. The other half of the Pisces does not seem to have the same turbulent love as before, your life seems to have no passion, but it is also warm, if you can enjoy a dull life, it is also a blessing.

Work: This week's work is honestly a little annoying, you want regular work instead of working overtime at every turn, wiping the ass for others at every turn, but there are many such situations in the workplace, find a suitable reason to refuse this matter.

Financial: This week's fortunes are a bit scattered, you may have some small fortunes coming up, such as winning the lottery, but they will be spent quickly, but overall there will not be much spending.

Compound: This week is very suitable to meet new people, that ta has been integrated into the new life, you don't have to reminisce, it is better to improve yourself and live your own life.

Lucky color: purple, sweet potato purple.

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