
Behind Midea's layoffs: the hard life of young people has just begun

author:The erudite autumn breeze is cool

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In these turbulent times, the world of work is constantly changing. On May 21, a conversation between the chairman and Fang Hongbo at the internal employee symposium in the United States caused an uproar, and the news of layoffs spread. Under the cloud of layoffs, vivid stories unfolded in front of people's eyes. Some regret the breakdown of their families, while others hesitate because it is difficult to find a job. The wave of layoffs at large internet companies has caused an uproar throughout the workplace. In this storm of unemployment, the pain of middle-aged people deeply touches people's hearts. Their stories make us see the harsh reality of the workplace and make us think that the optimism of young people may stem from the fact that they have not really faced the challenges of life. Difficulty.

Behind Midea's layoffs: the hard life of young people has just begun

In this workplace fog, we discover together the forgotten humanity and the true meaning of life.


Chapter 1: Unemployed middle-aged men

The storm of layoffs has swept the workplace, and middle-aged people have become the most vulnerable group. The Economic Observer's in-depth report reveals the plight of the middle-aged unemployed. 600 people lost their jobs in Mukeng Maimai. Once the backbone of all walks of life, they are now struggling with unemployment. The actor has experienced ups and downs in the troupe and may end up being just a delivery man; Migrant workers who used to work hard in urban construction now cannot find regular jobs; Tour guides, who once made their fortune from tourism, are now only taxis left.

Behind Midea's layoffs: the hard life of young people has just begun

For the unemployed, these journeys are a true portrayal of the bittersweet and bitter workplace. The number of middle-aged job seekers aged 35-50 has increased, but the number of open positions is minimal. Having experienced the baptism of time, they know that once lost, many things are difficult to regain. The sharp decline in new car sales in Shanghai not only plunged the car market into a cold winter, but also concentrated on the problem of middle-aged unemployment. In these challenging times, the employment problem of middle-aged people is more prominent and deeply worrying.

Chapter 2: The wave of layoffs by large Internet companies

The dream job for young people is a large internet company.

Behind Midea's layoffs: the hard life of young people has just begun

In recent years, however, the specter of layoffs has been hanging over this sea of numbers. From Meituan to ByteDance,, Didi, and iQiyi, every well-known company has been affected by the wave of layoffs. The scope of layoffs continues to expand, and the layoffs in core business branches have plunged countless employees into a whirlwind of work.

Everyone's perception of an internet company is always based on its success and brilliance. However, no. Large companies cannot escape the laws of the market. Advertisers have to pay, gamers have to download, and consumers have to buy. In this competitive market, even large companies must constantly enter gold bars to maintain the survival of the business.

Behind Midea's layoffs: the hard life of young people has just begun

Young people don't seem to know anything about it. They are too optimistic to see the cruelty of the workplace.

Chapter 3: Young People's Workplace Philosophy

Young people are the new force of the times and the new blood in the work. However, in this digital age, their perception of the workplace seems to be distorted. Social surveys show that graduates have higher expectations for the workplace and higher salary requirements. They prefer civil servants, public institutions and state-owned enterprises to Internet + private enterprises. This shift in perception also raises questions about career opportunities.

Behind Midea's layoffs: the hard life of young people has just begun

Perhaps young people are too dependent on the nutrients of Internet platforms, believing that this digital land will always bring them wealth and happiness. However, the workplace is full of competition and challenges, and more strength and wisdom are needed. The loss of young people in the fog of the workplace is not only a unique case, but also a characteristic of an era.

Chapter Four: The Cruelty of the Workplace and the Glory of Human Nature

We see the brilliance of humanity in the complexity of the workplace. Even if these middle-aged people are unemployed, they have dignity and perseverance to face the difficulties of life. They may have lost their jobs, but they haven't lost hope.

Behind Midea's layoffs: the hard life of young people has just begun

Small and medium-sized enterprises are also the protagonists of the storm of layoffs by large enterprises. They may be bankrupt, but they have not lost their original roots.


This era is challenging for everyone, and the cruelty of the workplace is heartbreaking, but behind every job loss there is a resilient soul to support. The brilliance of humanity shines in adversity, allowing us to see the dawn of hope. The storms of the workplace may pass, but the beauty of human nature will never fade.



The workplace is like a rough sea, full of opportunities and challenges. The cloud of layoffs may hover over the workplace, but in this ocean, everyone has their own path.

Behind Midea's layoffs: the hard life of young people has just begun

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