
Today's cold dew, rich and not rich, remember to eat this traditional food, nourish the yin and dryness, and eat cold dew to nourish people

author:Lily Food Talk

Today's cold dew, rich and not rich, remember to eat this traditional food, nourish the yin and dryness, and eat cold dew to nourish people

Today's cold dew, rich and not rich, remember to eat this traditional food, nourish the yin and dryness, and eat cold dew to nourish people

Today is the cold dew solar term, the arrival of the cold dew solar term, the temperature began to cool, the temperature in the north has become lower, and it has begun to prepare for winter. Cold dew, autumn dry, at this time we also need to work the diet, usually can eat more dry autumn food, cold dew traditional customs mainly include maple leaf appreciation, eating sesame, eating crabs, drinking autumn tea and so on.

Today's cold dew, rich and not rich, remember to eat this traditional food, nourish the yin and dryness, and eat cold dew to nourish people

Black sesame seeds are a health ingredient that cannot be missed during the cold dew solar term, and sesame seeds are divided into white sesame seeds and black sesame seeds. White sesame seeds are better for consumption, and black sesame seeds are better for medicine. Black sesame seeds are really very nutritious ingredients, the proverb says: "Chew black sesame seeds, live to be 100 years old without white hair", and there is a proverb that says: "Sesame green bean cake, eat not long bags", cold dew solar term eating black sesame seeds can moisturize and nourish yin, strengthen the spleen and stomach, black hair, nourish the skin, etc., the benefits are very many.

Today's cold dew, rich and not rich, remember to eat this traditional food, nourish the yin and dryness, and eat cold dew to nourish people

Health is also closely related to people's diet, and the custom of "cold dew eating sesame" emphasizes the role of sesame seeds in "four-hour health". There are also many ways to eat, you can directly beat black sesame paste is also very good, you can also make sesame cakes, sesame fire, etc., are good cold dew solar term traditional food, today cold dew remember to make for the family to eat Oh.

Today's cold dew, rich and not rich, remember to eat this traditional food, nourish the yin and dryness, and eat cold dew to nourish people

【Black Sesame Egg Cake】

Ingredients: Black sesame seeds, 2 eggs, some flour, a little sugar, pure milk.

1. Stir-fry black sesame seeds first, and the cake made of fried black sesame seeds has a more fragrant taste.

Today's cold dew, rich and not rich, remember to eat this traditional food, nourish the yin and dryness, and eat cold dew to nourish people

2. You can have more black sesame seeds, and then add 2 egg liquid.

Today's cold dew, rich and not rich, remember to eat this traditional food, nourish the yin and dryness, and eat cold dew to nourish people

3. Add an appropriate amount of flour, white sugar and pure milk and stir into a thick batter.

Today's cold dew, rich and not rich, remember to eat this traditional food, nourish the yin and dryness, and eat cold dew to nourish people

4. Take an appropriate amount of black sesame batter to make small round cakes, place them on a baking sheet, and pad a layer of baking paper to prevent sticking.

Today's cold dew, rich and not rich, remember to eat this traditional food, nourish the yin and dryness, and eat cold dew to nourish people

5. It can also be tiled into the shape of a large dough cake, put in the preheated oven, and bake at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes. Those that like to eat burnt and crispy texture can be baked longer.

Today's cold dew, rich and not rich, remember to eat this traditional food, nourish the yin and dryness, and eat cold dew to nourish people

It is ready to be served on a plate after baking, and the black sesame cake is very crispy. Nutritious, delicious and satisfying, when breakfast or snacks, afternoon tea snacks are super good, adults and children like it. The method is also very simple, eat some black sesame seeds appropriately in autumn and can nourish the yin and dryness, very nourishing, today is the white dew solar term, you can make it for your family to eat Oh, conform to the solar term delicious and very nourishing.

Today's cold dew, rich and not rich, remember to eat this traditional food, nourish the yin and dryness, and eat cold dew to nourish people

Lily Food Talk Tips:

1. Black sesame seeds can be fried first and then made into cakes, so that they taste more fragrant. Of course, if you don't fry, you can also go into the oven to bake later.

2. If you like to eat sweet, you can put some white sugar appropriately, and add pure milk to have a milk aroma and taste better.

3. If you like to eat crispy, you can bake for a longer time, and if you like soft, adjust the baking time appropriately.

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