
Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

author:Mu Xiaonan

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Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

Wen | Mu Xiaonan

Editor|Mu Xiaonan


"Teacher You Benchang's "Jigong" should be the childhood memories of many friends."

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

Superb acting skills often make us when we were children believe that there is really a "living Buddha and Jigong" in this world.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

In fact, what many people don't know is that when Mr. You Benchang filmed "Jigong", he really encountered a lot of things that cannot be explained scientifically so far.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

I have been associated with Buddha since childhood

When many people watch "Jigong", they feel that Teacher You Benchang has a Buddha nature beyond ordinary people, which is particularly obvious in the play, as if he is really the kind and compassionate "Jigong".

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

In fact, this is inseparable from the life experience of teacher You Benchang.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

Teacher You Benchang was born in Jiangsu Province in 1933, his health has not been very good since he was a child, often "a small illness in three days, a major illness in five days", and the soup medicine has never been broken.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

Seeing that their son became a "medicine jar" at a young age, the parents were distressed, and they were desperate to find a way to hire a master, hoping that the superior could find a way to bless their son to grow up.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

However, as soon as Gao Ren saw Xiaoyou Benchang, he asserted that he would not live to be thirteen years old.

Hearing this, Xiaoyou Benchang's parents were extremely worried, and they quickly asked for a way to resolve it.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

The masters told them that unless they sent Xiaoyou Benchang to the temple, they could only avoid calamity by serving in front of the Buddha.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

Hearing Gao Ren's words, although Xiaoyou Benchang's parents were very reluctant in their hearts, in order for Xiaoyou Benchang to grow up safely, they still made up their hearts and sent him to the temple.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

Strange to say, since arriving at the temple, Xiaoyou Benchang's body has really slowly improved, until he successfully survived the "fateful calamity".

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

When You Benchang was 15 years old, he finally walked out of the temple and lived the life of an ordinary person.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

Later, You Benchang accidentally saw a movie on TV, although the movie at that time was only black and white, but the vivid performance of the actors on TV deeply attracted his attention.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

It was also from this time that becoming an actor was You Benchang's biggest wish, so he worked extra hard and spent his time learning various acting tips every day.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

After the college entrance examination, You Benchang applied for the Shanghai Theater Academy without hesitation, and the heavens never really failed a person who worked hard, and after the admission results came out, You Benchang lived up to expectations and was admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

However, since You Benchang at this time was just a small actor who had just come out, the opportunity to play the protagonist was naturally not his turn, and he could only get a "dragon set".

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

But You Benchang firmly believes in his heart that "there are no small roles, only small actors".

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

He will pay very seriously to figure out each role, even if there are only a few pictures, but under You Benchang's superb acting skills, these small characters are endowed with unique "souls".

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

It is precisely under the polishing of such small roles that You Benchang's acting skills are becoming more and more extreme.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

Finally, in 1985, he met "Jigong", in fact, it can also be said that "Jigong" met You Benchang.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

This encounter left a classic role for Chinese film history that has been passed down to this day.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

Perhaps, as the childhood master said, Teacher You Benchang is really "related to the Buddha."

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

When Mr. You Benchang filmed "Jigong", he really encountered a lot of things that cannot be explained scientifically so far.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

Next, let's take a look at the "strange things" that Mr. You Benchang encountered in the crew of "Jigong".

The butterfly of "friendship support"

During a shooting of the exterior of "Jigong", Mr. You Benchang suddenly saw a butterfly flying towards him, and when the crew saw this scene, they were afraid that this naughty butterfly would make trouble.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

But Teacher You Benchang directly stretched out his hand, and in his call, this butterfly actually flew towards Teacher You Benchang, and this scene simply stunned everyone at the scene.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

You must know that butterflies are extremely afraid of people, and under normal circumstances, they will fly away in fear without waiting for people to approach, but this butterfly seems to suddenly have spirituality, and is not afraid of Teacher You Benchang at all.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

This may be animism, the butterfly probably also felt the "Buddha nature" in Teacher You Benchang, and knew that there was no danger, so it flew to Teacher You Benchang.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

No coincidence is not a book, under the "friendship assist" of butterflies, this scene has also become a classic fragment in the play.

Heavy rain "just in time"

Different from the current "high-tech" rain and snowmaking, in the past, people often had to wait for "heaven to make beauty" when filming dramas.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

There is such a scene in "Jigong" that needs to rain, but the entire crew waited for several days without signs of rain.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

However, when Teacher You Benchang rushed to the crew, several dark clouds suddenly floated in the sky, and the originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and it rained not long after.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

This rain can be said to have come very timely, the crew also hurriedly set up the machine to prepare for shooting, under the superb acting skills of Mr. You Benchang, this scene soon ended perfectly filming.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

And what is even more amazing is still behind, after the filming of this scene, this rain miraculously stopped, as if this rain was specially designed to help Teacher You Benchang complete the shooting.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

Such a scene made the staff present feel very strange, all claiming that "Jigong" had appeared, of course, this is only a joke, but this matter can not be explained by science so far.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

So the romantic Chinese gives it a "magical" color.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

"Sudden" wind

There is rain and wind, this time when filming the scene of Jigong fighting with a demon road, the crew chose the scene in a forest, because to create a feeling of "fighting method", there needs to be a strong wind to set the atmosphere.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

At first, the crew found several "large" electric fans, but because the venue was too large, the wind blown by the electric fans always did not achieve the effect the director wanted.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

Just when the crew was worried about this, Teacher You Benchang arrived, and guess what, the scene really suddenly blew wind, and this wind was getting stronger and stronger, and it didn't take long to blow the trees in the woods.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

When the director saw the scene in the woods, he was instantly excited, isn't this the wind he always wanted, and the happy director immediately gave the order to start shooting.

Miraculously, this time the wind still stopped just after the shooting.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

The "coincidence" three times and twice made the people in the crew amazed, if you say a coincidence, it's just a coincidence, but the number of times, and then it is impossible to talk about coincidence.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

However, Mr. You Benchang himself did not take these rumors to heart, he still concentrated on filming his own scenes, and never paid attention to how the outside world talked about these "strange things".

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

However, these things did leave unforgettable memories for Mr. You Benchang, when talking to reporters about the drama "Jigong", talking about these "strange things" encountered in the crew, Mr. You Benchang himself could not explain clearly.

Becoming a monk again

In fact, Mr. You Benchang's life was not as smooth as when he filmed "Jigong".

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

When Mr. You Benchang's career was at its most prosperous, his wife suddenly fell seriously ill, and after learning of this, Teacher You Benchang pushed off all his work and concentrated on accompanying his wife for treatment.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

After his wife recovered from illness, he started his work again, but there was never a shortage of actors in the entertainment industry, and after his comeback, Mr. You Benchang could not receive any good roles at all.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

So he began to invest in the film himself, but the effect was not satisfactory after the broadcast, and Mr. You Benchang became heavily in debt.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

As he got older, perhaps with a new understanding, Teacher You Benchang suddenly thought of the master who asserted that he was "related to the Buddha" in his childhood.

Perhaps he really should serve in front of the Buddha, and after careful consideration, Teacher You Benchang chose to become a monk again.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

However, although Mr. You Benchang chose to become a monk, he still did not leave his beloved actor industry, and now he is 90 years old, he is still physically tough, and from time to time brings us "small surprises" outside the TV.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

And his acting skills are still online, and just one look in the movie can allow the audience to fully experience the inner emotions of the characters.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain

Finally, I hope that Teacher You Benchang will always be healthy, and as for those bizarre and strange things, I will treat it as "Jigong" to help.

Since he played Jigong, "strange things" have happened one after another, and it is still unclear to explain