
The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

Behind every excellent child, there are parents who accompany them attentively.

During the child's limited growth period, parents must accompany their children more, and don't let this time-limited time become an eternal regret in the future.

Author | Coke Mama

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

Recently, I saw a father post about the changes of his left-behind daughter for a year.

The first video, filmed in June last year, when the daughter saw her father returning home, she immediately smiled, called "daddy" sweetly, and hurried to greet her.

Then, as if remembering something, the smiling daughter pulled the corner of her father's clothes and urged:

"Daddy hurry into the house, there are mosquitoes."

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

After the father entered the house, the daughter noticed that his shoes were dirty for the first time, and squatted down to help the father change his slippers.

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

This series of actions, let alone the girl's father, even the hearts of netizens are about to melt.

However, when the daughter saw her father again after a year of staying, many things changed from the other.

One year has made my daughter mature a lot.

When she saw her father, her daughter's little face was not as excited as it was at the beginning, and only strangeness and alienation remained in her innocent eyes.

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

She didn't even recognize the person in front of her, it was her father, who she had been thinking about.

In her daughter's heart, there are thousands of mountains and rivers between her father and herself.

She is familiar with the images and sounds on the screen of her phone, not the real person in front of her.

This scene made my father's heart ache, and he wrote:

"After thinking about it all night, I didn't want my child to continue to be a left-behind child, I was afraid that in the end the money would not be earned, and the child would not accompany me well, so I accepted poverty and ordinariness, and reconciled with myself."

The saddest thing about being a parent is working hard all day to fight for a better future for your children.

But because he missed the time of companionship, in the end, he became a stranger in the eyes of the child.

I once read such a statement in the People's Daily:

A person's life is only 900 months, and drawing a 30 by 30 table is enough for a piece of A4 paper.

Before your child goes to kindergarten, the time you spend with him is like this:

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

When your child goes to elementary school, the only time you can spend with him is the evening, so the time you spend with each other is roughly like this:

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

When your child is in middle school, you can only spend weekends with him, so the time you spend with each other is like this:

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

When your child is admitted to college, you will only spend winter and summer vacation with each year:

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

Sometimes, we have to admit:

Time is a journey with no return, and whether you have regrets or not, it will not give anyone a chance to do it again.

Parents, like food, have an "expiration date".

Some love, some companionship, missing a moment, will really miss a lifetime.

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

I once read a small poem on the Internet, written by an 11-year-old girl:

Snowflakes are unique

The sound of falling snow

It's like two leaves colliding

I was holding snowflakes

It's like hugging your mother in the air

It turned out that the girl's mother worked outside the home all year round.

In the heart of the daughter, the company, like snowflakes, can only be briefly possessed in winter.

And this is also the dilemma that thousands of children whose parents are not around.

It should have been an age to be coquettish in the arms of their parents, but they could only play alone, eat alone, face the high camera alone, and call out to the person they longed for the most.

A little boy shouted "Daddy" as he walked into the yard.

As a result, he accidentally fell to the ground, and he helplessly said to the camera: "Dad, I fell." ”

Fantasize about dad on the other end reaching out and holding himself in a warm embrace.

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

After her mother returned to work, her daughter, who stayed at home, asked into the camera with concern: "Mom, have you arrived?" ”

After speaking, her eyes couldn't stop reddening, and she said to herself:

"Mom, what do you think is wrong with me? As soon as you left, I started thinking about you. You have to pay attention to safety when driving, you see whose little girl and mother meet once a year, once a year..."

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

I think these children are not ignorant of their parents' difficulties and life is not easy.

It's just that compared to a big room, exquisite toys, and fragrant snacks, what they want more is actually a big hug from their parents and a warm palm.

There is also the "Oh, here" that immediately responds after shouting "Dad" and "Mom." ”

There is such a video:

The mother was about to go out to work, the boy grabbed his mother's collar, the whole person hung on the mother's body, and shouted hoarsely: "Mom, don't go!" ”

Others persuaded the boy that his mother wanted to go out to make money, but the boy still refused to let go, saying over and over again:

"No, no, I don't want money, I want my mother."

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

Mom said that you can only take you to play this and that when you make money, the boy cried and said that he would never play again.

For parents, if they leave their jobs, they cannot afford to raise their children; Pick up a job, and can't hold a child.

But for children, their own world is small, small enough to hold only their father and mother. Even if the days are a little hard and life is a little tired, as long as you have your parents by your side, it is enough.

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

In "Strange Words", there is a very poignant sentence:

"The child's life is a serial, from episode 1 to episode 20, he will slowly change.

If you don't watch TV series, you can make up for it, but our children's lives can't be made up, and if you don't watch it from 1 to 20 years old, you will never be able to watch it.

In a child's life, the order of appearance is important.

Money can be earned slowly, but once the child's growth is missed, it will not come again.

On Zhihu, a mother asked netizens: "Why do some children especially reject their parents when they grow up?" ”

Unexpectedly, many parents below have had similar troubles:

Obviously, when I was a child, my children always surrounded him all day, calling "dad" and "mom" in their mouths, and they couldn't wait to share everything with their parents.

But why do children grow up and become the most familiar strangers with their parents?

In fact, this is precisely because of the lack of companionship.

One of the high praise replies reads:

"When the child needs you most, you don't show up, and when the child grows up, naturally you are no longer needed."

At this time, you follow closely and press step by step, which will only make the child more and more resistant. ”

The child's heart is like a garden.

When you were a child, you didn't plant the seeds of love for it, let the darkness grow, and it will naturally grow overgrown.

Writer Liu Na shared a reader's story:

The reader and her husband worked in the field all year round, and the children were handed over to the grandparents to take care of, but they did not expect that every three or five days, they would hear the old man complaining that the child had stolen money.

The two combined, stealing needles when they were children, stealing gold when they grew up, this problem can not be used to.

So, the dust servant rushed back to his hometown and beat the child severely.

As a result, the front foot just returned to the city, and the back foot received another call: "The child went to play at a relative's house and stole another 50 yuan." ”

The reader and her husband broke down and asked Liu Na for help.

After Liu Na inquired carefully, she found that the child had been living with his parents until he was 6 years old, and there had never been a precedent of stealing adult money.

Until the parents went out to work for a living, and handed over their children to the care of the elderly, the children who missed their parents accidentally discovered:

As soon as they "take" the family's money, grandparents will call their parents in anger.

More times, Mom and Dad can even come back to see him.

Even if I get beaten, I think it's worth it.

In fact, the best education is not with the mouth, nor with a fist, but you are in me all the time.

Don't wait until one day, when the child closes the door of the heart and there is such and such a problem, only to feel regretful:

It turns out how important and urgent it is to accompany children and give them a sense of security and happiness.

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

Previously, I saw a video like this:

In the classroom, a dance teacher stands on tiptoe while carrying a skirt, demonstrating in front of him with a light gait and elegant movements.

Behind her was a little girl of four or five years old, and her father in a white gauze dress.

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

The father in the video said that it was his daughter's first day to learn ballet, but it was a little restrained, and many movements could not be let go, so the father decided to personally go into battle to serve his daughter as a sparring partner.

Seeing her father wearing a skirt and clumsily making movements, the daughter couldn't help but laugh, and the tension was swept away.

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

In fact, on weekdays, this father will spend a lot of time with his daughter.

He will accompany his daughter to dress up as a little monster because of his daughter's whimsy:

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

Will give my daughter fancy pigtails:

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

Even going downstairs to take out a garbage is full of rituals:

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

He said:

"After having children, there are many joys in life."

"I think the greatest happiness as a parent is to accompany my children, and I don't want to be absent from every step of my daughter's growth."

Yes, companionship is the longest confession of love, and it is also the warmest commitment of love.

As writer Chi Li said:

"This is the benefit and happiness of bringing children by yourself, not missing the key first step of children;

Every step is a surprise, every step is the first sharer, and every step is my own precious treasure;

In the years to come, when the child grows up and leaves you, when you enter the old age, how much can a person eat and wear?

Only family experiences and memories where blood is thicker than water can be used up for a lifetime. ”

Some companionship, not afraid of too long love, afraid that they can't afford to wait.

The less money earned can be made up later, but the days with the children are getting less and less every day.

What's more, children are actually more able to endure the difficulties of life than we think.

For them, as long as Mom and Dad are around, all hardship and poverty seem so insignificant.

In one episode of "The Venus Show", actor Zhu Yin talked about selling cakes at home when she was a child, and many people subconsciously felt that her childhood was very hard.

But Zhu Yin smiled and said that her mother would put herself in the car and push her to sell cakes together.

In her eyes, being with her mother is what happiness looks like.

The love and companionship received in childhood is the light of a child's future life.

It is in this minute and second of companionship, in the warmth of meal by meal, and in the troubles of worries, that the child finds the strongest step to sunshine and confidence.

The father leaves his daughter behind for a year, and tears thousands of parents: don't miss the validity period to accompany your children

Bolony Meyer, an American hospice nurse, summarizes 5 things people regret the most at the end of their lives. One of them is particularly poignant:

"I wish I hadn't put so much energy into my work."

Meyer mentioned that this is what every patient she has cared for will say.

Because of work, many people miss the joy of children's growth, which makes them regret it.

The "validity period" of parental companionship is really short.

In the blink of an eye, the child will no longer stick to you all the time to coquettish and hug, and in a short moment, the child will only leave you with the few days of reunion during the New Year.

Therefore, please remember that no matter how busy and tired you are, you must grow up with your children, which is the best way for a family to show off their wealth.

Give it a thumbs up, don't let the mountains and seas you promised to take your child to see, and the adventures you promise to experience with your child, are ultimately only in the imagination.

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