
The three major signals indicated that the reunion was near, and the sound of surrender was heard on the island, and the chartered plane flew to the mainland

author:Enthusiastic little fish

Recently, Mrs. Hong Xiuzhu chartered a flight to the mainland, releasing an important signal. This signal indicates that the reunion in the Taiwan Strait is gradually approaching. However, in addition to this news, there are several other things around the Taiwan Strait that deserve close attention.

First, the mainland recently released a white paper that clearly outlines a road map for cross-strait reunification. This shows that whether it is peaceful reunification or military reunification, the mainland has already begun to work on relevant work. This move has attracted widespread attention because it marks the mainland's determination and plan on the Taiwan issue.

Secondly, Hou Youyi's trip to the United States has also attracted attention. Hou Youyi said that this was to let the United States understand its determination to make peace in the Taiwan Strait, while the United States stated that it would maintain its principles. This may be the beginning of the United States to recognize the reality in the Taiwan Strait and avoid touching the mainland's bottom line.

The three major signals indicated that the reunion was near, and the sound of surrender was heard on the island, and the chartered plane flew to the mainland

In addition, after the reunification of the two sides of the strait, it is necessary to think deeply about how to promote cross-strait integration. Taiwan's "Taiwan independence" movement has deepened misunderstandings over the years, and efforts need to be made to repair them after reunification.

Finally, the governance of Taiwan is also a key issue. If military reunification is eventually achieved, the governance of the Taiwan region may require a different approach to ensure the effective implementation of the one country, two systems policy. Historically, after recovering Taiwan, the Kangxi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty merged Taiwan with Xiamen, Fujian, and this experience is worth learning.

In short, the settlement of the Taiwan Strait issue will be a complex process that requires full consideration of various political, cultural and economic factors. For all those who care about the Taiwan issue, this is a moment worth paying close attention to.

The three major signals indicated that the reunion was near, and the sound of surrender was heard on the island, and the chartered plane flew to the mainland

In addition, as the mainland gradually takes over Taiwan, how to ensure the smooth operation of the global supply chain is also an urgent issue. Taiwan plays an important role in the semiconductor industry, so measures must be taken to reduce the destabilizing impact on the global economy. This will require close cooperation between the mainland and the international community to ensure that Taiwan's transformation does not have a major impact on the global economy.

Finally, the integration of the two sides of the strait after reunification also requires deep consideration. Taiwan's education system and culture have unique features that need to be integrated with the mainland's culture to promote the harmonious development of the two sides of the strait. In addition, it is necessary to protect the pluralism and free spirit of the Taiwan region and ensure that the residents of the Taiwan region can enjoy a better quality of life after reunification.

The three major signals indicated that the reunion was near, and the sound of surrender was heard on the island, and the chartered plane flew to the mainland

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