
Forest fire prevention

author:Extraordinary milk tea rES

Forests are known as the lungs of the earth, and they absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide to continuously produce the oxygen we humans need. The forest is an oxygen production plant, a dust filter, a natural oxygen bar... Forest belt

Give us endless benefits! Forests are closely related to people's lives, but forests are always under the threat of fire! Fire can wipe out precious resources!

Let me give you a few examples: in 2004, in a town in Fujian Province

A mountain field. A farmer accidentally caused a forest fire by burning weeds in a vegetable field, which affected an area of 28 hectares, and the fire lasted for 19 hours, and the cost of fighting the fire was 26,000 yuan! Just during the Spring Festival this year, several young boys started a fire because they played with firecrackers.

There are two kinds of causes of forest fires: human factors and natural factors, of which human factors occur much more than natural factors. Human factors mainly include playing with firecrackers, smoking cigarettes and throwing cigarette butts. Fire is merciless, not a joke, there is an old saying: those who play with fire will burn themselves! person

Forest fire prevention

One casual move can bring destruction to the forest

Disasters bring endless pain to mankind itself! It is people's weak fire protection

Consciousness has led to tragic consequences again and again! With the development of society, human beings are more and more aware of the importance of environmental protection. There are more and more green activities in life, so why is the environment seriously damaged? Because we can't live without wood. How much help these woods have helped us! It is our home that it has today's glory.

The trees in the forest are the only hope for human survival and the only home for plants and animals. So what can we do to make trees work for good forever? For the prosperity of the country, for us to have a beautiful home, we must do forest fire prevention, in carelessness, burn a lot of trees, bring serious damage to the forest, and sometimes flood or cause sandstorms, giving serious punishment to mankind.

Protecting the environment, and thus the forest, starts with me, from the small things around me. It is the power of green that makes our lovely home so beautiful. Green is the source of life, and green is the hope of the world. Green is the harmony between man and nature, green is the home of animals and plants, green is peace and tranquility, green is realization and dreams! Let's have more green environment, less fire hazards, and add a green to our beautiful home!

Dear Mother Earth, you are a beautiful and kind mother.

The Himalayas are your tall head; The clear lake is your pretty eyes; The vast sea is your broad heart; The Nile in Africa, the Volga in Europe, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in Asia are the pulsating pulses;

Forest fire prevention

The reckless forest and the boundless grassland are your emerald green dress.

In the lush forest, thousands of animals live, running happily in the woods and dancing by the stream; The urs chirped on the branches, as if telling a fairy tale of spring. The world in the forest is a picture, a harmonious ballad.

The sudden fire mercilessly engulfed large expanses of green. Many animals have been displaced, they have no homes, they have no homes

Food, no happy paradise. People also lose fresh air and clean water. Large swaths of charred earth, weeping, in


Mother Earth gasped anxiously, her cracked body scarred. This shocking sight made my heart tremble:

Who destroyed our forests, our green homes? Who let

The originally young and beautiful mother earth has become so weak and old?

It's a forest fire. It is we humans who cause forest fires.

In the face of Mother Earth, we say sorry to you, it was our rash and irresponsible behavior, as well as the lack of awareness of protecting the forest, that made you suffer so much pain and suffering.

Protecting forests starts small, starts with me. We act as

Primary school students should become small propagandists to convey the knowledge of forest protection to everyone.

The forest is a natural oxygen bar, let us in the four seasons of life

Inside, enjoy the beauty of life; Forests can deter disasters such as sandstorms and tsunamis. Imagine that without forests, we humans would cease to exist.

In the forest, there are tall pine trees, crooked date trees, beautiful willow trees, and tall cedar trees. A bush of wildflowers in the forest

Bunches bloomed, purple, yellow, blue, red... Dress up the forest beautifully and colorfully. In the forest, the birds are playing freely, and the little boys, the little monkeys, the little squirrels, and the little bears play games together, because it is their home.

Forest fire prevention

Forests absorb carbon dioxide, produce oxygen, conserve water and soil, regulate climate, reduce noise and purify the air, and are faithful protectors of the planet.

If there is a fire in the forest, it will burn the flowers and trees to ashes, destroying the homes of the animals; It would hurt the faithful guardians of our planet. Mother Earth, I want you to be dressed in green forever.

Let forest fires become history, let humans and forests accompany each other, and let forests and humans coexist harmoniously.