
On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

author:Abandon Reading International

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In the midst of unprecedented changes in a century, the global international situation has changed drastically, geopolitics has evolved rapidly, and countless events have emerged every day.

Now, let's focus on the big news that happened today!

3.3 billion has been divided, the EU has tasted the sweetness of boycotting Huawei's 5G, but the patent fee should not be paid

With the growing global boycott of Huawei's 5G technology, the European Union has become one of the leaders of the boycott movement.

However, when revisiting their relationship with Huawei, tech companies have had to face a big challenge – Huawei's strong patent portfolio.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

Huawei reportedly owns a multibillion-dollar patent portfolio.

These patents cover a wide range of fields, from communications networks to mobile phone devices.

Building such a large patent portfolio in the global market, which is widely used in various industries, is remarkable and difficult to achieve.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

Because of this, European countries may face a difficult and complex problem after resisting Huawei's 5G technology: whether they need to pay Huawei the costs incurred in using its patents.

Although there is no explicit requirement for such a fee, if similar litigation cases or negotiations arise in the future, it may lead to a bloody and fierce dispute.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

In fact, in addition to being a security and political issue, "money" is becoming an important consideration for tech companies.

Patent fees have gradually become an important source of income for these companies.

Globally, many tech giants rely on their large number of patents for stable and substantial earnings.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

EU countries should take their partnership with Huawei and other similar companies seriously.

While boycotting Huawei may temporarily solve some national security concerns, we cannot ignore the new issues arising from the controversy over royalties.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

After all, a patent portfolio is not only about the power and creativity behind a company, but also about the value that must be paid for a product or service that cannot be replaced in the market.

Therefore, in the face of today's complex and volatile international landscape, European countries need to think positively and weigh the pros and cons of boycott measures.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

No one can deny that 5G technology will play an important role in future information exchange and social development, and it is difficult to find a perfect replacement at this stage.

Ultimately, addressing Europe's security problems requires a combination of factors and smart, pragmatic and balanced long-term decisions.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

The EU should work to build a secure, reliable and competitive digital economy, while respecting and protecting intellectual property rights, in order to promote scientific and technological innovation and market prosperity.

Because the dispute over patent fees has become one of the focuses of the EU's boycott of Huawei's 5G technology, it must be taken seriously and properly resolved.

Only by finding a solution based on balancing the interests of all parties and upholding the principle of fairness that is in line with international norms and achieves its own development goals can the entire industry move towards a more stable and prosperous future.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

The PLA has drawn a forbidden zone in the Bohai Sea and made its position clear: no more warnings, if you want to fight, you will fight!

China's People's Liberation Army recently demarcated a territory in the Bohai Sea known as a no-go zone, a move aimed at tightening its control over the region and safeguarding the country's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights.

The PLA has made it clear that if someone provokes and threatens mainland interests, it will not hesitate to act.

As a country with strong military strength, the PLA has always adhered to the mission of defending the core interests of the country and promoting stable regional development.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

The designation of the restricted area is an important move to actively respond to the changes in the current complex situation.

First, in the deep adjustment of the global economic pattern, the major powers are more nervous about competing for the resources needed for their legitimate interests.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

As a country with vast land and vast water resources, China's strategic needs to ensure its energy supply, food security, and shipping lanes are crucial.

By delimiting restricted areas and strengthening the control of peripheral areas, we can effectively safeguard our maritime rights and interests and ensure the sustainable and stable development of the mainland.

Second, the PLA's tough stance also demonstrates a commitment to peace and stability.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

In the current world pattern, there are complex and delicate relations between major powers.

Although geopolitical competition is inevitable, China has always upheld the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and supported the resolution of disputes through dialogue and cooperation.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

The delimitation of restricted areas and warnings are intended to send a clear signal to those who deliberately provoke or seek to weaken the security interests of the mainland: we are willing to unite others to build a harmonious and stable regional environment.

In addition, in the context of economic globalization, maritime trade has become increasingly frequent.

As one of the important shipping corridors, the Bohai Sea acts as a bridge connecting the markets of Northeast Asia and Europe.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

Therefore, strengthening control over the area helps to guarantee freedom of navigation and promote economic exchanges and cooperation; At the same time, it also reduces the threat of illegal activities, terrorism and other threats.

In general, the news event "The Chinese People's Liberation Army Delineates a Forbidden Zone" is of far-reaching significance.

It is both a resolute defense of national interests and a demonstration of the PLA's role as a strong and responsible force.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

By stabilizing the regional environment and protecting maritime rights and interests, China has not only played a key role in safeguarding its own interests, but also brought more positive effects to the world.

Therefore, at a time when the world is undergoing turbulence and change, the position expressed by the People's Liberation Army in delimiting forbidden areas deserves recognition and respect.

Only by safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of every country and jointly promoting peaceful and stable development can we benefit the people and promote global prosperity and progress.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

The first-ever Su-57

Recently, a Russian-Ukrainian conflict has attracted global attention.

In this battle, there was an important event that attracted much attention - the Su-57 fighter successfully shot down two enemy aircraft.

Known as the world's first to shoot down a military aircraft, this stealth fighter demonstrated its superior performance and technical superiority in this operation.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

The Su-57 is reportedly an advanced weapons system with over-the-horizon strike capabilities.

It is designed to be stealthy and is equipped with state-of-the-art radar systems and missile installations.

Its outstanding performance not only surprised Western countries, but also raised concerns about their own security and competitiveness.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

In fact, in some areas, the Su-57 has a clear advantage over the American F-22.

First, it has a higher level of supersonic flight capabilities and long-range combat capabilities.

This allows it to better perform air missions and overcome the challenges of long-haul cruising.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

At the same time, the Su-57 is also known for its excellent low detectability and identification of friend or foe.

Its radar system is capable of effectively capturing enemy aircraft and providing accurate target information, giving it a preemptive advantage in combat.

In contrast, the American F-22 has obvious shortcomings in stealth performance due to radar technology limitations.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

It is also worth mentioning that the Su-57 also has super maneuverability and flexible handling characteristics.

It can maneuver in the air at high speeds, at large angles, and has excellent air combat reaction times.

These qualities make the Su-57 more comfortable against other fighters, and even deprive competitors such as the American F-22 of the stealth effect on which it originally depended.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

However, despite the outstanding performance of the Su-57 in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, we cannot ignore the complex and far-reaching impact on the adjustment of power relations and changes in the security situation.

The field of military technology is constantly evolving, and each new weapon system brings about a change that redefines the rules.

In general, the incident in which Su-57 fighters shot down two enemy aircraft in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has attracted widespread attention and research.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

As the world's first stealth fighter to shoot down a military aircraft, the Su-57 not only demonstrated its outstanding performance and technical advantages, but also triggered a discussion on the reassessment of military balance and competitiveness.

Undoubtedly, in future wars, the Su-57 will continue to play an important role and affect the security pattern among countries around the world.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

1,30,000 satellites into ultra-low orbit, the Japanese side is highly concerned, and the Chinese version of Starlink will surpass the United States

With the continuous advancement of science and technology, ultra-low orbit satellite clusters are gradually becoming the focus of global communication and navigation fields.

Recently, Japan has shown strong interest in this technology developed by China and plans to introduce the American "Starlink" terminal.

The technology has great potential to enable seamless communication and precise navigation on a global scale.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

The so-called ultra-low orbit satellite cluster refers to small artificial satellites that operate at a low altitude and form a huge network system through interlinkage.

These small satellites are numerous and widely distributed, covering the entire area above the Earth and providing stable and reliable communication and navigation services.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

Presently. The super-orbiting constellation of small satellites has become one of the future development trends.

Satellites ranging from hundreds to tens of thousands of orders of magnitude will operate in Earth orbit, making us more powerful and intelligent positioning and navigation capabilities.

However, while the ultra-low orbit satellite cluster brings many conveniences, it also brings problems to anti-satellite weaponry.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

Due to their large number and dispersion, these satellites are difficult to destroy or interfere with, thus challenging existing anti-satellite technology.

China's space launch capacity is constantly improving and gradually increasing its launch into orbit capacity.

China has performed well in the field of ultra-low orbit satellite clusters, and has attracted the attention and interest of many countries.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

In addition, the island of Taiwan plans to introduce new satellite systems to meet the growing demand for communications and navigation.

It is foreseeable that in the next few years, the cluster of satellites in ultra-low orbit will be widely used worldwide.

It will be possible to provide faster and more stable communication services for individual users or accurate and reliable navigation solutions for commercial enterprises and military institutions.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

However, while enjoying convenience, we must also face up to some problems and challenges.

The first is how to balance the contradiction between openness and security.

The large amount of data transmission and information exchange involved in the ultra-low orbit satellite cluster will inevitably involve cybersecurity and other issues, which requires countries to strengthen cooperation and supervision.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

At the same time, an increase in the number of satellites will also bring greater congestion and collision risks to Earth's orbit.

Therefore, while developing clusters of satellites in ultra-low orbit, scientists should pay close attention to the protection of space environment and seek solutions to reduce debris generation and prevent events that could trigger a chain reaction.

On the morning of October 7, 13,000 satellites entered ultra-low orbit, and the Japanese side was highly concerned!

In short, ultra-low orbit satellite clusters are gradually emerging as an emerging technology in the field of global communication and navigation.

It will bring us more convenient and reliable communication services and provide precise navigation solutions.

However, while enjoying these innovations, we also need to think about how to balance openness and security, promote international cooperation and standardized management, and work together to achieve good operation and sustainable development.

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