
"Looking" is scarier than getting older! Looking at Yang Zi and Lou Yixiao, you can know that it affects the appearance very much

author:Ha YYY

The early autumn breeze blows the leaves, gentle and quiet, just as women pursue beauty. In this ever-changing fashion world, women put countless efforts into maintaining their appearance and striving to be as beautiful as ever. Sometimes, however, this pursuit also leads to winding places, and the case of Lou Yixiao and Yang Zi is the most striking example, who have lost the brilliance of youth due to some facial fine-tuning. This phenomenon is jokingly called "looking", which is embarrassing. Are you also worried about your appearance? 1. Exploring the causes of "looks" 1. The essence of steamed bun is "steamed bun", this professional term in the field of medical beauty, its appearance is usually related to facial fillers. Some people make up for flattenness or hollowness in the face by filling it to improve their appearance, but sometimes the position of the filling is inaccurate, resulting in stiffness and swelling of the face, like steamed buns on the face. This situation does not only occur in plastic surgery people, many middle-aged people also feel uncomfortable due to facial fat, although they do not actually gain weight, but because of the sagging face looks a little bloated, losing the line and agility of the past.

"Looking" is scarier than getting older! Looking at Yang Zi and Lou Yixiao, you can know that it affects the appearance very much

2. The difference between steamed bun and other phenomena However, steamed bun is different from ordinary facial obesity or edema. Ordinary facial obesity refers to the increase of facial fat, while edema is a feeling of swelling caused by the inability to expel excess water from the body. Both of these conditions are caused by physiological factors and can be improved and mitigated by natural methods. In contrast, the swelling sensation produced by "hair noodle steamed buns" is more pronounced and unacceptable.

"Looking" is scarier than getting older! Looking at Yang Zi and Lou Yixiao, you can know that it affects the appearance very much

3. How to avoid deterioration of aesthetic surgery choose a small number of multiple fillings: blindly following the trend of filling may lead to unsatisfactory results. Supplements should be made according to individual needs, following the principle of small number of times to ensure a natural filling effect. Choose a high-level doctor: The success of aesthetic surgery largely depends on the doctor's technique and aesthetics. It is important to fully communicate the needs and expectations with the doctor, and it is also key to choose a regular hospital. Topical fillers based on facial depressions: Different areas of the treatment require the selection of different types of filling materials to achieve the best results. Second, in addition to steaming, what is more frightening is that aging medical beauty methods can indeed quickly improve facial problems, but it is accompanied by risks. When faced with the threat of "looking", it is worth considering a natural and elegant way of aging.

"Looking" is scarier than getting older! Looking at Yang Zi and Lou Yixiao, you can know that it affects the appearance very much

【0 cost, can also have natural and effective anti-aging! 】 】1. Sun protection is the key sunlight, especially ultraviolet rays, which is one of the main factors of aging. Ultraviolet rays reduce skin elasticity and accelerate the formation of wrinkles, causing the skin to lose moisture and blemishes, which in turn accelerates aging. Therefore, sun protection is key to maintaining youthful skin.

"Looking" is scarier than getting older! Looking at Yang Zi and Lou Yixiao, you can know that it affects the appearance very much

Choose the right sunscreen for your skin: Different skin types require different sunscreens, especially when exercising, it is more important to choose products with strong water resistance. Sunscreen clothing and umbrellas: Choose a material with good breathability, or use a light jacket as sunscreen clothing, and use a sunscreen umbrella at the same time, which can be both beautiful and effectively block UV rays. 2. Suitable skincare products Different age groups need different skincare products, especially the choice of eye cream.

"Looking" is scarier than getting older! Looking at Yang Zi and Lou Yixiao, you can know that it affects the appearance very much

18-25 years old: Refreshing eye cream that provides hydration, hydration and dark circles. 25-35 years old: Moisturizing eye cream with moisturizing, firming, darkening and antioxidant anti-aging benefits. 35-49 years old: Highly concentrated, highly moisturizing regenerative products that focus on firming sagging skin and delaying aging, and eye serums cannot be ignored. 50 years and older: Use more cream eye creams combined with eye serums for daily care. 3. The charm of natural agingAlthough medical beauty methods can maintain a certain appearance, natural and elegant aging is the safest way. It is better to maintain the correct skincare routine from daily life and stay away from the risks of aesthetic medicine.

"Looking" is scarier than getting older! Looking at Yang Zi and Lou Yixiao, you can know that it affects the appearance very much

In this fashion season, every woman has her own beauty pursuits. Whether it's resisting "looking" or choosing to age naturally, the key is to find the way that works best for you and stay beautiful and confident. There is no need to worry too much about the change in appearance, because every woman has her own unique charm. May every woman walk confidently and gracefully on the road of beauty, because true beauty radiates from the inside out and never fades.

"Looking" is scarier than getting older! Looking at Yang Zi and Lou Yixiao, you can know that it affects the appearance very much

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