
On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

author:Out-of-print uncle says history

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The conflict is fierce and the danger is everywhere! The international pattern is between people and people, the status game is fierce, and the world stands at a crossroads.

At this changing moment, there is no way to eliminate this situation, which has triggered endless speculation and heated discussions.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

Seeking, let's look at the world together.

After Ma Ying-jeou's showdown on Taiwan independence, he suggested that Singapore be the host and hold a cross-strait dialogue meeting, and Lee Hsien Loong expressed his position

Asia Foresight Summit 2023 attracted a lot of attention at the closing of the summit.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

The most notable of these was the proposal made by former Taiwanese leader Ma Ying-jeou calling on Singapore to host the cross-strait dialogue.

This move is believed to promote the easing of ongoing tensions between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and promote peace and stability.

Ma Ying-jeou said that in the current complex and challenging international situation, it is necessary to seek consensus and cooperation opportunities through dialogue.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

He pointed out that "without the participation of a neutral and friendly third party, it is difficult to carry out direct cross-strait dialogue." ”

He therefore hoped that Singapore would be invited to take on that role.

It is worth noting that at the Asia Foresight Summit, not only Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam and other important dignitaries participated and delivered speeches.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

Other well-known personalities, including Li Yinhe, a well-known scholar of Chinese mainland, have discussed regional issues.

After facing Ma Ying-jeou's proposal, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong responded positively, offering to provide a venue for the talks and pour water for both sides to serve tea.

This statement is widely regarded as a positive response to Ma Ying-jeou's appeal.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

As one of the important countries in Asia, Singapore has always attached great importance to the Taiwan issue and the situation that may lead to conflict between China and the United States.

Previously, the former foreign minister of Singapore advocated the process of peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait and continued to pay close attention to the complex and sensitive developments between the two sides of the strait.

In the past few years, cross-strait relations have become tense for various reasons.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

Ma Ying-jeou's renewed invitation to Singapore as host not only reflects his desire for substantive dialogue and lasting stable development.

It also reflects his respect for and appreciation of the role that third parties can play in advancing complex issues.

Although the mainland has not clearly responded to whether it accepts the request for dialogue, it can be seen that since 2019, the mainland has repeatedly indicated dialogue and cooperation with Taiwan.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

There is no doubt that dialogue is the most fundamental, effective and only correct way to resolve differences and contradictions.

It is worth mentioning that in order to promote the success of the cross-strait dialogue, Ma Ying-jeou also refused to attend the Double Tenth Day celebration on the island.

This clear statement shows his expectations for peace and stability and the development of cross-strait relations.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

The current tensions between Taiwan and the mainland cannot be ignored, and differences and misunderstandings need to be resolved through sustained and pragmatic dialogue.

Ma Ying-jeou's call for Singapore to host the Cross-Strait Dialogue is to introduce a neutral and friendly third-party participation role in promoting peaceful development.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

Only by working together, with mutual respect and honest cooperation, can we achieve long-term peace and stability in the region and the well-being of the people.

A fire, burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, such a loser, Canada is indeed arrogant

Canada has suffered a massive forest fire that has become the focus of global attention.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

This tragedy not only burned huge amounts of wealth, but also had serious ecological and environmental impacts.

During the seven-month burning, the area has exceeded 200,000 square kilometers, which is one of the largest ecological disasters in human history.

As a country rich in forest resources, Canada is regarded by many as an economic powerhouse with advanced development and modern development.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

This wildfire has led us to deep thought.

In fact, it is the abundance of forest resources that has led to such a large area being affected and hundreds of millions of dollars in losses.

The toxic substances released in this disaster are even more worrying.

Although various rescue measures are underway with some success, prolonged exposure to harmful gases and particulate matter can cause irreversible damage to people's health.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

According to statistics, about 6% of the forest cover was burned in this fire, which is equivalent to the loss of $7,260 billion in timber wealth.

This is not only a huge economic loss, but more importantly, it has a serious impact on ecological balance, species diversity and the natural environment.

The entire disaster process has lasted for seven months.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

Countless people have worked hard and sweated to protect wildlife, provide emergency relief and stop the spread of fires.

They are the heroes who truly deserve our praise and gratitude.

The warnings from Canada's bushfires go far beyond that.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

It awakens all mankind to the question of the value of the natural environment and forces us to reflect on whether there is a sustainable coexistence between human activities and the natural world.

With the benefits of scientific and technological advances and industrialization, many countries are ignoring or underestimating the impact on the environment and its consequences.

Concepts such as "development first" and "resource mining" can easily lead to over-exploitation of resources, deforestation and other destructive behaviors.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

These are exacerbating the risks of global climate change and environmental catastrophe.

We should learn from this bushfire and take more active and effective measures to protect the natural world.

Initiatives such as reducing deforestation, improving forest management and limiting industrial emissions are essential.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

In addition, people need to pay more attention to and participate in the cause of environmental protection, and form a good cooperation trend of joint efforts.

Needless to say, humans were only one of the faint beings before the natural interface.

If we do not clearly value and respect nature and take substantial action to maintain its stability and balance, we will pay a heavy price.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

The news story "Canada's bushfires" is a reminder of the need for countries around the world to carefully choose and weigh their interests when dealing with environmental issues.

Only by aiming at sustainable development and seeking a balance between economic growth and environmental protection can we truly achieve harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature.

On October 7, the fire burned more than 7.2 trillion US dollars, and just now, new news came from the world

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