
Whether to stir-fry shiitake mushrooms directly or blanch water

author:Brother Long forages

Shiitake mushrooms are a nutritious and unique ingredient that is widely used in the preparation of various dishes. Whether blanching or stir-frying depends on the purpose of cooking and personal taste preference.

Whether to stir-fry shiitake mushrooms directly or blanch water

First of all, blanching water can help remove impurities and odors from shiitake mushrooms and improve cooking quality. In the blanching process, impurities and odors can be dissolved in water after boiling, thereby reducing impurities and odors in shiitake mushrooms and improving the taste and quality of food.

Whether to stir-fry shiitake mushrooms directly or blanch water

Secondly, blanching water can make shiitake mushrooms easier to cook. When stir-frying, if the shiitake mushrooms are not blanched and fried directly, it may make the stir-fry time longer, and may be unevenly heated, affecting the taste and nutritional value of the shiitake mushrooms. The shiitake mushrooms after blanching are already half-cooked, and when stir-frying in the pan, you only need to stir-fry a little, so that the cooking time is shorter and the heating is more even.

Whether to stir-fry shiitake mushrooms directly or blanch water

However, some people prefer to fry shiitake mushrooms directly, thinking that this can preserve the original taste of shiitake mushrooms and avoid the loss of nutrients during the blanching process. If you prefer to fry shiitake mushrooms directly, you can try rinsing the shiitake mushrooms with tap water first to remove impurities and dust, and then extend the cooking time appropriately when stir-frying to ensure that the shiitake mushrooms are cooked thoroughly.

Whether to stir-fry shiitake mushrooms directly or blanch water

Overall, while blanching can help improve cooking quality and efficiency, stir-frying can also work. It is recommended to choose whether to blanch water according to your taste and cooking needs. If you pay more attention to the taste and cooking quality, it is recommended to blanch and then stir-fry; If you prefer to eat the original shiitake mushrooms, you can try stir-frying them directly. There are actually more than 500 kinds of bamboo shoots in the mainland, do you know which kind of bamboo shoots are the most supplemental?

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