
Military genius, literary genius

Military genius, literary genius

Winters in the south are extremely wet and cold.

Two quasi-elderly people who are nearly half a hundred years old, but there is a fire burning in their hearts.

Warm wine, raise a glass, drink to each other.

By the time I was drunk, it was already dark. Staring at the dusty sword on the case in the haze, the two talked about the past, eating meat and drinking in large bowls in the barracks, trumpets sounding, and soldiers on the battlefield.

Such a scene of agitation and generosity has not been seen in the whole country for many years.

Drunk, the war horse galloped, the bow and arrow went off the string, a vicious battle, began.

One sentence for you, one sentence for me. To the excitement, slap the thigh and scream.

The cold wind wakes up the drunk. The gray hair on each other's heads was clearly visible, and they realized that everything was just alcohol at work.

This scene happened in the winter of the fifteenth year of the Southern Song Dynasty (1188).

Military genius, literary genius

▲Jinan Xin Jiaxuan Memorial Shrine Xin abandoned disease portrait. Image source/Figureworm Creative

The hero is old

In the winter of the fifteenth year of Chunxi (1188), 49-year-old Xin abandoned his illness and 46-year-old Chen Liang (character Tongfu) met again after a lapse of ten years.

The marginal people of the two empires, gathered together, are worried about national affairs: how to recover the lost territory of the Central Plains.

The year before, the general representative of the Southern Song Dynasty's surrender faction, Emperor Taishang Zhao, died.

Chen Liang, who has always scolded the surrender faction and advocated being tough on the Jin State, believes that the anti-gold cause will usher in a good time. So he went early to meet another representative of the main war faction who was idle in the countryside of Shangrao, Jiangxi Province - Xin Qiqiao.

Where Xin Qiqi lived, he had to pass through a river.

It is said that because the water was too cold, Chen Liang's horse did not dare to cross the river, and he urged three times, but the horse still did not enter the water. Chen Liang jumped off the horse directly, pulled out the knife, raised the knife in his hand, and cut off the horse's head.

Xin Qiqian was waiting for Chen Liang upstairs and saw this scene from a distance. This fierce man who had been in and out of the Golden Soldier's camp like a no-man's land was actually calmed by Chen Liang's arrogance:

"This is the eldest husband!"

Chen Liang and Xin Qiqian originally invited Zhu Xi. However, Zhu Xi's attitude towards the Northern Expedition was already quite negative at this time, saying that he was an idle man who was nearly sixty years old and only wanted to stay in the mountains to bite the roots.

Looking at the whole country, there are few people in the main war faction.

Xin Qiqian and Chen Liang cherished each other even more.

The two ate and slept together, swam Goose Lake together, and discussed the great cause of anti-gold together. Through the wine, sometimes the blood is surging, sometimes it is sober and painful.

Chen Liang stayed for a total of ten days, then separated, and rode away.

After Chen Liang left, Xin Qiu was stunned. Really reluctant, he rode to chase Chen Liang. Because of the cold and cold, I didn't catch up in the end, leaving endless regrets in my heart.

After going back, the two sang and exchanged words, and wrote friendship and passion into the words.

Drunkenly picked up the lamp to look at the sword, and dreamed of blowing back the horn company camp. Eight hundred miles under the command, fifty strings to turn over the outside, the battlefield autumn soldiers.

Lu of the horse is fast, and the bow is like a thunderbolt. But the king did everything in the world and won the posthumous name before his death. Poor white happens.

——Xin Qiqian "Breaking the Formation, Giving Chen Tongfu Strong Words to Send It"

The reality is too cruel, and the phrase "poor white happens" makes the fame and career an impatient imagination.

Heroes are old.

Debut is the pinnacle

The hero is really old. The most glorious deeds of Xin's life were completed at the age of 23.

It is not because he became famous early, in this life, he can lie on the merit book and show off. But because, for the rest of his life, he never got the opportunity to go to the anti-gold front.

Melancholy, depression, cone pain.

He could only recall the feats of his youth again and again.

In 1140, the year Xin was born, the Song and Jin Dynasty were in full swing. However, Yue Fei, a famous general of the Southern Song Dynasty, received edicts from the imperial court to return to the dynasty one after another, and could only endure the pain of abandoning the Henan lands recovered by the Northern Expedition and retreating all the way south.

Xin was born in Shandong, which was occupied by the Jin people, but since he was a child, his grandfather Xin Zan has always stressed to him: "Our hometown is now a fallen area, and the Southern Song Dynasty is our motherland."

When the Jingkang change occurred, Xinzan was forced to accept the false post of the Jin Dynasty because of his family fatigue, and often blamed himself in his heart, always seeking opportunities to contribute to his homeland.

Therefore, Shinzan pinned his lifelong wish on his grandson.

When Xin was two years old, Yue Fei was wrongfully killed. No one would have thought that he would most likely become a Yue Fei-style battlefield hero in the future, but unfortunately he was eventually put down by politics.

Xin Qiqian has been studying both literature and martial arts since he was a child, not only reciting classics, but also familiar with military books.

His growth environment and training determined that he would not be a literati in the traditional sense, but a strong and sharp-eyed man when he grew up.

According to Xin's later recollection, in the Jin Kingdom, Han people were second-class citizens:

If the people have grievances, and if they litigate the officials, the Hu people will win, and the Chinese people will drink the gas and be humiliated; The fields are adjacent to each other, and the Hu people are strong and seize them; Breeds and animals are mixed, and the Hu people steal them.

Want fairness? No. Conquest and tyranny, but every year, every day.

The anti-gold uprising was turbulent.

At the age of 22, Xin Qiqian raised a 2,000-strong anti-gold team in Shandong. Subsequently, he led the crowd to Geng Jing, the largest leader of the Jinan rebel army.

Geng Jing was very fond of Xin Qiqian and was directly appointed secretary of the hand.

At that time, a monk named Yiduan also pulled up a team of more than 1,000 people to resist gold. Xin abandoned his illness and persuaded Yiduan to defect to Geng Jing.

Unexpectedly, Yiduan was a speculator, and it didn't take long to steal the military seal controlled by Xin Qiqian and abscond.

According to the "History of Song", when Geng Jing found out, he was furious and threatened to kill Xin Qiqiao. Xin abandoned his illness but did not panic, and issued a military order on the spot, saying that I would not be able to catch Yiduan for three days, and it would not be too late to die again.

Xin Jiu decided that he wanted to defect to the Jin Bing Barracks and invite rewards with secrets and military seals. So he chased all the way in the direction of Jinying, and sure enough, he caught up with Yiduan.

Yiduan was very surprised, so he begged for mercy and said: I know that you were a green (rhinoceros) in your previous life, and you can kill people, I hope you don't kill me.

Without saying a word, Xin Qiqian raised his knife and fell, beheaded the head of Yiduan, and took back the military seal.

With the rise of Jin Shizong to the throne, he adopted the strategy of "those who are in the mountains are thieves, and those who come down are good citizens", and the anti-Jin rebels in various places were dispersed and returned to the fields.

Xin immediately offered advice to Geng Jing, and instead of sitting still, he led his troops to the Southern Song Dynasty.

Geng Jing gladly accepted, so he sent Xin Qiqian and 11 other people as representatives to the Southern Song Dynasty to contact the imperial court.

Xin and others arrived in Jiankang (present-day Nanjing), where they were received by Emperor Gaozong of Song and accepted appointments from the imperial court. When they hurried back to bring the good news to Geng Jing, bad news came halfway:

Their boss, Geng Jing, was killed by the general Zhang Anguo!

Zhang Anguo harmed the lord for glory and surrendered to the Jin people.

The 23-year-old Xin was shocked to hear about the incident and quickly formulated countermeasures. According to history, he said to everyone, I was entrusted by the commander Geng Jing to annex the court of the Southern Song Dynasty, who knows that something has happened, how can I be revived now? Therefore, he commanded Wang Shilong and Zhongyi Ma Quanfu and others to "go to the gold camp" to capture Zhang Anguo.

Today, Xin's famous feat of abandoning illness is only sporadic historical records, and it is difficult to restore the specific deployment at that time.

It is only known that Xin Qiqian and the others infiltrated the camp of 50,000 people with 50,000 people. At that time, Zhang Anguo was drinking with the general Jin Bing, and Xin Qu suddenly appeared in front of the banquet, tied Zhang Anguo up, like a rabbit, carried it on horseback, and then rushed out of the camp. The accompanying cavalry, in the field, answered and left together.

Xin abandoned his illness and tied his horse's snag and worked day and night until he crossed the Huai River and the Yangtze River, sent Zhang Anguo to Jiankang, and handed it over to the Southern Song court to correct the law.

This bold and resourceful feat made the 23-year-old fierce man Xin abandon his illness and the world know overnight. His friend Hong Mai described:

The mighty voice was heroic, and the coward rose for it, and the Holy Son of Heaven sighed at first sight.

It means that the cowards in the world are eager to learn Xin's heroic deeds, and even the emperor is full of praise when he sees Xin Qiqian himself.

But who knows, people's destinies depend on each other with joy and sorrow, and heroes are even more unpredictable in adversity.

Military genius, literary genius

▲ Hangzhou Yue Wang Temple, but it is a pity that Xin abandoned his illness and did not have the opportunity to become Yue Fei. Source/Photogram

Caught up in the course of history

The fate of heroes is always wrapped up in the course of history. Yue Fei died in the Songjin Peace Conference, and Xin Qiqi was also buried in the Song Jin Peace Conference.

To be fair, when Xin abandoned his illness and returned south, he was valued by the imperial court.

Song Xiaozong just succeeded to the throne, and the blood and qi were square, and he used the veteran general Zhang Jun to launch the Northern Expedition, aiming to recover the Central Plains.

As a "reformed person" with no merit, Xin Qiqian was personally received by Song Xiaozong because of the explosive news of Zhang Anguo's capture.

The emperor listened to him discuss the situation between the north and the south.

But after the summons, Emperor Gaozong of Song gave him the position of chief bookkeeper of the Sinong Temple, in charge of grain. This is far from Xin's expectation of leading troops to resist Jin.

The reason given by the history books is that Xin Qiqi "holds his arguments vigorously and does not cater to it." Probably speaking too straight, not good at catering to the will, Song Xiaozong felt that it was not interesting.

At this time, Zhang Jun's Northern Expedition failed, and the theory of "Northern Expedition misleading the country" prevailed in the imperial court. Song Xiaozong was completely entrapped, not only issued an edict to depose Zhang Jun, but also used a compromise faction to send envoys to negotiate peace with the Jin Dynasty. This is the famous "Longxing Peace Conference" in history.

Longxing peace negotiations maintained peace between the Song and Kim Dynasties for 40 years, in exchange for a high degree of material and cultural prosperity in the Southern Song Dynasty.

But behind this is the 40 years of boiling blood of Xin Qiqiang, Lu You, Chen Liang and other main combatants, gradually getting cold, suffering bitterly, and bumpy everywhere.

People with ideals are painful. People whose ideals are incompatible with reality suffer even more. People whose ideals are incompatible with reality and do not change their original intentions may only understand the taste of Xin Qiqiao.

After being summoned by Song Xiaozong, shortly after the Lantern Eve, the depressed Xin Qiqian wrote a poem:

Thousands of trees bloom at night in the east wind. More blowing down, stars like rain. BMW carved cars are full of fragrance on the road. The phoenix flute moves, the jade pot turns light, and the fish and dragon dance overnight.

Moths snow willow golden wisps. The laughter is full of dark fragrance. The crowd sought him out a thousand degrees. Looking back, the man was there, in the dim light.

- Xin Jiu Disease "Qingyu Case Yuanxi"

Such a lively and beautiful scene, the beauty hides alone in the place of the lights. Beauty is unknown, like heroes are useless.

To be honest, only after in-depth understanding of Xin's life experience can we understand the deep meaning of this word:

Behind a bright color, what a lonely soul is hidden!

In the good years of Xin's abandonment of illness, in the entire Southern Song Dynasty, the main peace was the mainstream, and the main battle was non-mainstream. No wonder he can only sigh in the words, "Those who know me, two and three sons"; No wonder he wanted to ride a horse to chase Chen Liang, there were too few soulmates.

The most rare thing is that Xin Qiqian is not an ordinary angry youth or mouth cannon, he is really a recognized handsome talent.

At the same time, people either said that he was "a hero in the history of young history" (Lu Youyu), or he was a "Zhuo Xing wizard" (Zhu Xi), and even the emperor said that he was "a sufficient material for civilization and martial arts".

In the heart of the junior Liu Zai, Xin Jiu is even more "curled with the spirit of the world, like a sub-room; The strategy of the dose is timely, Ruolong Zhong Zhuge ". It means that Xin's talent is comparable to Zhang Liang and Zhuge Liang.

Friend Hong Mai also lamented with great regret that if he had the opportunity, Xin Qiqian could completely establish a meritorious cause like Zhou Yu of the Three Kingdoms and Xie An of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

It is a pity that a generation of heroes, throughout their lives, cannot wait for the opportunity to be reused.

Xin Qiqian once crossed the level to present the "Ten Treatises on Meiqin" to the emperor, and a few years later, he submitted the "Nine Discussions" to the prime minister Yu Yunwen. In these two brilliant essays, he proposed many far-sighted strategies, as well as specific and feasible tactics.

For example, he advocated that the Southern Song Dynasty should bluff, vigorously preached the importance of recapturing Guanzhong and Luoyang and Bianjing, induced the Jin people to defend with heavy troops, and in fact set the main attack direction in Shandong, where the army was weak.

These suggestions are eye-catching, showing that Xin Qiqian is a military expert who knows how to strategize.

But his recital sank into the sea.

Peace was the main theme of that era, and the main war was to undermine social stability. Even though Xin Qiqian had great talents, he was only sent to suppress civil unrest, and tried the cow knife a few times, nothing more.

As a "northern returne", he lived in the Southern Song Dynasty for more than 40 years. During this period, he had more than 20 years of experience as an official, and he frequently circulated between localities, and was transferred more than 30 times; For the other nearly 20 years, he was idle and reclusive in the countryside of Shangrao Lead Mountain, Jiangxi.

When the country was in trouble, it was appointed for a few days, and the imperial court had defamations, which were immediately abandoned. This is the normal state of life for Xin to abandon illness.

Yue Fei is a tragic hero, and Xin Qiqian is even more tragic in comparison. Yue Fei once commanded the battlefield, full of blood, and turned into a golden iron horse; And Xin Qiqi has a great talent in the world, but he is not born at the right time, and can only fall asleep with iron horse jingo.

The times doomed Xin to abandon illness can only be a tragedy within a tragedy.

Military genius, literary genius

▲ Ganzhou Yu Gutai, Xin Jiu wrote here "green mountains can't be covered, after all, the east flows".

Inner battle

At one time, entering the enemy's camp was like entering no man's land; Today, in the great rear of peace, it is hitting a wall everywhere.

The end of the hero, lonely and sad.

There are some heroes in history, in the helpless reality, gradually wear down their fighting spirit, decadent and sentimental. There was a fire in their hearts, but it was slowly extinguished.

Xin is a tenacious outlier. No matter how unbearable the situation is, he can resist the erosion of negative emotions with firm willpower.

Some people say that although Xin Qiqian failed to return to the battlefield after returning to the south, he still fought, but it was a battle of hearts, a battle of will and emotions.

Unable to serve the country and kill the enemy, he still shows his true colors as a hero.

We now know Xin Qiqiao more from a literary point of view, and he has left countless classic lyrics, which is a generation of grandmasters of the Song Song Poetry Extravagant School, and is equal to Su Shi.

But Su Shi wrote bold words, pouring into artistic conception, while Xin Jiuqian poured out his state of mind. When Su Shi writes heroes, he is writing history; When Xin abandons illness and writes heroes, he is writing reality and life.

When wild, he wrote:

Sigh a young mind, a hero. Put the yellow and red calyx, even the same. Unless the waist wears a gold seal, the seat is embraced, and the red pink is delicate. At this time, Fang called the feelings, and drank a thousand minutes.

- Xin Jiu Disease "Jin Ju to Furong Chongyang"

Frustrated, he writes:

Saw Wu Hook, the railings were photographed all over, no one will, Denglinyi ... Who summoned, red scarf green sleeves, tears of heroes?

——Xin Jiu Disease "Water Dragon Yin Dengjian Kang Appreciation Pavilion"

The hero is old, he writes:

Tired of Xinfeng, mink fur, and dust. Play the short sword, the green snake three feet, who continues the hao song. If you don't think of the hero Jiang Zuo Lao, you can use it to respect China.

——Xin Jiu Disease "Manjiang Red Tired Ke Xinfeng"

As Xin's protégé Fan Kai said:

The pride of the first life of the gong (referring to Xin abandoning illness), conceited with integrity, and self-proclaimed with meritorious deeds. Fang will hide it to clear the space, what does it mean to the lyrics? Straight pottery writing ears.

It means that killing enemies should be Xin's main business, and writing words is only his side job, and it is only a tool to dispel sorrows when the hero feels sad.

Scholar Ge Xiaoyin has a paragraph commenting on Xin's lyrics, which is very good:

Xin's personal heroic temperament and fighting spirit permeated the creation of the word. His legendary life experience enriches the subject matter of the word and is directly reflected in the lyric creation, so Xin Ci is full of golden and stone sounds, masculinity, and this is an important reason why Xin Ci is called "Heroic Word".

It is clear that he is the hero of the country, but he has become the "dragon in the word".

Alas, how to say it? This is a great fortune in the history of Chinese literature, but it is a great misfortune for Xin Qiqi personally.

In the history of Chinese literature, apart from Xin Qiqiang, there is really no second person who can write "heroic words" like him. You think, he can even write the farewell words, the most sentimental and sentimental situations in tradition, and the most sentimental and hateful situations.

Bidding farewell to Zhang Jian to be the prefect, he wrote:

Hanzhong opened Hanye and asked whether this place was Yefei. Want to point the sword at the Three Qins, the king is proud, and returns to the east in a war. The chase is gone, but the mountains and rivers are full of tears. The sunset is not broken, and the west wind is empty.

——Xin Jiu Disease "Magnolia Slow Sending Zhang Zhonggu Shuai Xingyuan on the Table"

Bidding farewell to his cousin, he wrote:

The general's reputation was cracked in a hundred battles, and he turned back thousands of miles to the river beam, so he was extinguished. Yi Shui Xiao Xiao West wind cold, full of clothes like snow. The righteous and strong man, the sad song is not finished. The bird also knows that it is like a hate, and it is expected that it will cry tears and blood. Who shares me, drunken bright moon.

- Xin Jiu Ji "He Bridegroom Bemaojia's Twelve Brothers"

Bidding farewell to Chen Liang, he wrote:

After all, how many clutches? The sweat and blood salt car is unattended, and the bones are collected in the air. The river is cut off. I have the greatest pity for the gentleman in the middle of the night, and the Taoist man is as dead as iron. Look at the test hand and make up for the crack.

——Xin Jiujiao, "He Bridegroom, Same Father See and Answer with Rhyme"

Xin Qiqian highly admires Tao Yuanming, but his understanding of Tao Yuanming is quite unique.

He said: "Look at Yuanming, the wind flow is similar, Wolong Zhuge . In his eyes, Tao Yuanming, who lives in the countryside, and Zhuge Liang, who has made great achievements, are the same popular figures, but their life circumstances are different.

No matter how you look at this, this is the self-condition of Xin abandoning illness in the countryside for many years. Take advantage of other people's circumstances and pour out the blockade in your heart.

From the winter of 1181, when he was impeached and removed from office at the age of 42, until his death, for more than 20 years, except for two or three years when he was occasionally used as a pacifying envoy in Fujian and eastern Zhejiang, he basically lived in his home by the lake in Shangraodai, Jiangxi Province.

He named this home for the rest of his life "Jiaxuan".

You pick up his collection of words and look through the works of this period, and all you come to mind is this artistic conception: sorrow, wine, sword, white hair...

His words encapsulate his grief, anger and sorrow, like these words:

"If you want to go up to a tall building to avoid worry, worry will follow me to a tall building."

"And now I know all the sorrows, and I want to say it and rest. If you want to say it, take a break. But the sky was cool for a good autumn. ”

He was extremely addicted to alcohol and drank almost every day. Drunkenness became his daily routine, conveying his feelings:

"In the glass of life, everything is empty. Three or five heroes in ancient times. Where the rain blows and the wind blows, the Han Palace Qin Palace. ”

"I always put my life into a drunken country, most of them 36,000 times. How many things are going on in ancient times, Mo thinks. ”

Drunk, he could see that the young man who had been a combination of books and swords, and both civility and martial arts, seemed to not be far away, so as to maintain the blood and passion in his heart. So there is a sword and a heart in his words:

"Raise your head to the northwest floating clouds, lean on the sky and have a long sword."

"Evoke a bright moon, and shine on me full of ice and snow, and a mighty river. The whale has not swallowed the sea, and the sword qi has fallen. ”

Only after the alcohol subsided, and I accidentally glimpsed the gray hair of the person in the mirror, I suddenly realized that the hero was old:

"In the mirror, I have felt that the stars are wrong, and people live up to their conceit. Dreams return to people far away, only in the pear blossom wind and rain. ”

"Talking about the sword and poetry, drunken dancing and singing, Lao Tzu is quite sad. There are kinds of white hair ning, and they are planted when they wake up one by one. ”

Xin Qiqi's poetic mood, every sentence, corresponds to the life of an old hero who has no way out: reality (sad) - hallucinogens (wine) - past / dream (sword) - reality (white hair).

The only consolation is that Xin has a strong sense of humor, otherwise he would have been drowned by the bitter waters of politics. This is also a manifestation of his inner strength.

Last night Matsube got drunk and asked Matsume why I was drunk. I only suspect that loose to help. Push it with your hand.

- Xin Jiu Disease "Xijiang Yue Fuxing"

Before the cup came to the day, Lao Tzu was now in the dynasty, and the remains were checked. I have been thirsty for many years, my throat is like a scorched cauldron, and I am happy to sleep today, and my breath is like thunder. Ru said that Liu Ling, an ancient and modern master, died and buried after being drunk. So, sighing at a confidant, it's really little kindness.

——Xin Jiu Disease "Qin Yuan Chun Will Stop Drinking, Stop Drinking Glass So Don't Get Close"

The white hair hung in the air for 3,000 zhang, and he laughed at everything in the world. Q: What can make the public happy? I saw how charming Aoyama was, and I expected Aoyama to see me as such... I don't hate the ancients, I don't see the ancients, I don't see the ancients. He who knows me, the second and third sons.

- Xin Jiu Disease, "He Bridegroom, Even the Decline of Wu"

Military genius, literary genius

▲Jinan Xin Jiaxuan Memorial Shrine Xin abandoning illness statue. Image source/Figureworm Creative

The last call

By the time the times need heroes, heroes have long since aged.

Exactly 40 years after returning to the south, Xin finally waited for the opportunity to go to the front.

At this time, Han Kanxuan, a powerful figure in the Southern Song Dynasty, used a large number of people from the main war faction to try to launch a Northern Expedition against the Jin Kingdom.

In 1203, Han Kanxuan summoned the 64-year-old Xin to abandon his illness and serve as a pacifying envoy to eastern Zhejiang.

Xin Qiqian did not resign because of old age, but went to his post with a smile, willing to serve his country as a hero.

Despite his old age and despite being dormant for half his life, Xin Qiqian is still the most sober and calm main war faction in the entire country.

He was not carried away by the atmosphere of the Northern Expedition around him, but suggested that the Northern Expedition should carry out precise preparations, from the training of soldiers, the supply of food and grass, to the selection of officers, we must strive to improve, and we must not be hasty, otherwise we will lose our achievements.

In the first year of Kaixi (1205), the 66-year-old Xin abandoned his illness and became the prefect of Zhenjiang, guarding the Jiangfang fortress Jingkou. On the anti-gold front, he actively prepared for war, customized military uniforms, recruited strong soldiers, and trained soldiers, and did not dare to slack off for a moment.

During this period, he climbed the Beigu Pavilion and wrote the famous "Yongyule Jingkou Beigu Pavilion Huaigu":

Through the ages, heroes have no place to find Sun Zhong. On the dance stage, the wind is always blown away by the rain and wind. Xianyang grass trees, ordinary alleys, humane slaves once lived. I think back then, the golden iron horse swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger.

Yuan Jia was hastily, sealed the wolf Juxu, and won the Canghuang Northern Gu. Forty-three years, looking forward to remembering, beacon Yangzhou Road. Can look back, under the Buddha Shrine, a shrine of crows. Who asks: Lian Po is old, can he still eat?

In this remark, Xin Qiqian revealed a deep entanglement:

On the one hand, he said that although he was old, he still had the ambition to make a contribution; But on the other hand, he reminded Han Kanxun not to send troops rashly like the previous Northern Expedition, so as to suffer heavy losses.

In any era, there is no shortage of people who invite merit and self-appreciation, but people who are sober and self-guarding. During the years when the main war faction was in power, Xin was still impeached.

The Northern Expedition proceeded as scheduled, but Xin had resigned from his post and was at home.

The outcome of the war was unfortunately foreseen by Xin, and the Southern Song Dynasty won first and then lost because of serious lack of military preparation.

Han Kangyan wanted to invite Xin Qiqian out again as a banner to resist Jin. This time the post conferred on Xin was a Privy Council, a fairly important military post.

By the time the emperor's edict reached the Jiangxi countryside, Xin was already seriously ill.

He did not come to work.

He knew that he was just a symbol.

In the third year of the founding of the millennium (1207), Xin died of illness at the age of 68. On his deathbed, he was still shouting to kill thieves!

In the same year, Prime Minister Han Kangyun was assassinated and died in the middle of the dynasty, and the Northern Expedition of Kaixi completely failed.

Poor Xin abandoned his illness, and until his death, his hometown of Shandong, was still under the rule of the Jin people and was still a fallen area. The recovery of the Central Plains is haunting, and there is no hope.

The more he refuses to accept his fate, the more tragic his life becomes.

Mortals are powerless, and we can sympathize; But heroes are powerless, what should we do?

An era that needs heroes the most is also the era that kills heroes the most.

Looking forward to a thousand autumns shed tears, depression is not the same time. Only a deep sigh, for all those whose souls are burning!


[Yuan] Shedding, etc.: "History of Song", Zhonghua Bookstore, 1985

[Song] Xin Jiuji: Notes on the Chronicle of Jiaxuan Words (Expanded Edition), Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 1993

Deng Guangming: "Xin Abandon Disease Legend Xin Jiaxuan Annals", Life, Reading, New Knowledge Sanlian Bookstore, 2007

Gong Bendong: A Biography of Xin Abandoning Disease, Nanjing University Press, 2002

Deng Guangming: Ten Lectures on the History of Song, Zhonghua Bookstore, 2008

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