
30+12+3! The whole league was questioned, Uduka analyzed it thoroughly, and a new leader of the rockets was born

author:Spring is shrouded

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The NBA preseason is about to begin, and the Houston Rockets' first opponent will be the Pacers. While preseason wins and losses aren't fateful for teams, this stage is extremely important for a team like the Rockets. The Rockets have undergone coach changes in the offseason and signed players like VanVleet, Dillon and Randale, which means that the team's tactical system and rotation will change dramatically. Some US media predicted the Western Conference ranking not long ago, and the results showed that the Rockets were only ranked 13th, which seems to underestimate the strength of Hugh. The goal of the Rockets' new season is to hit the playoffs, not settle for a mid-range position. In this process, new head coach Uduka will play a key role.

30+12+3! The whole league was questioned, Uduka analyzed it thoroughly, and a new leader of the rockets was born

As a top coach, Uduka's coaching ability is undisputed across the league. He led the Green Army to the Finals in the 21-22 season, when the Green Army was known for its strong defense and internal unity. However, last season, Uduka was sacked for family reasons and then Mazura took over as head coach, and the Green Army's performance plummeted. This highlights the fact that good coaches are crucial to the impact of a team. Uduka is best at defense, but he's also good at maintaining relationships between players, both of which fit perfectly with the needs of the Rockets.

30+12+3! The whole league was questioned, Uduka analyzed it thoroughly, and a new leader of the rockets was born

At the Rockets' new season media day, Uduka mentioned his expectations and changes to the team. He stressed the importance of defense and the need for players to give their all on both the offensive and defensive ends. This is the characteristic of Uduka's coaching, he focuses on defense and considers everything else secondary. For the team's young point guard Smith Jr., Uduka spoke highly of his great potential. He hopes Smith will be the leader of the team's young players, which means Smith's performance in the new season will be in the spotlight.

30+12+3! The whole league was questioned, Uduka analyzed it thoroughly, and a new leader of the rockets was born

Looking back at last season, Smith's performance against the Pacers showed his potential. He has 30 points, 12 rebounds and 3 assists, and has multiple double-doubles. However, due to the team's lack of tactical arrangements, Smith's performance has been up and down, which has also hindered his development to some extent. The problem is related to former head coach Sellars' over-reliance on Jaylen Green. Although Green was able to cut high points, his scoring consistency was insufficient, and he often missed shots throughout the game. In addition, Green's defensive ability is also limited and easy to be exploited by opponents. In contrast, Smith has performed well defensively, he can defend players in the 1-5 position, and if he is given more ball, his performance will be more consistent. In this year's summer league, Smith cut 30+ in both games, showing clear improvement. In addition, Uduka has advised Smith to improve his possession, suggesting that he plans to develop Smith into a leader of the Rockets, which will have an impact on Green's position.

30+12+3! The whole league was questioned, Uduka analyzed it thoroughly, and a new leader of the rockets was born

Finally, Uduka stressed the need for the team to change people's perceptions of the team through communication and collaboration. He thinks the Rockets have a lot of competitive players who have talent and a very deep roster. To be a great defensive and offensive team, players must communicate with each other, not just understand each other's intentions. This requires a lot of communication and collaboration. Uduka's philosophy will have a positive impact on the overall performance of the rocket.

30+12+3! The whole league was questioned, Uduka analyzed it thoroughly, and a new leader of the rockets was born

To sum up, the new season is full of hope and challenges for the Houston Rockets. The arrival of Uduka brings new energy and strategy to the team, especially in promoting young players such as Smith. While preseason wins and losses don't matter, we can expect the Rockets to emerge in the new season, storm the playoffs, and reshape the team's image. Green may be affected to some extent as a veteran, but it's also a step toward a better direction for the team. Rockets fans and the entire NBA community deserve to look forward to the performance of this young team.

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