
A 24-hour wellness guide for women who love beauty

author:Beiqing Net

Hour (23:00—1:00)

——Sleep is the best beauty product

Sleep is very important for women to maintain their appearance. It is not unfounded that TCM health preservation has always advocated sleeping "when sleeping". It is recorded in the "Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon": "The middle of the night is gloomy, and after the middle of the night it is yin and decaying." The "middle of the night" here is the child, that is, falling asleep before 23:00 at night is especially important for women. The time of the child is the heaviest moment of yin qi, after which the yin qi weakens and the yang qi gradually grows, and there is also the saying of "the birth of a yang". "Yin is quiet, Yang is active", and our work and rest time should also be adapted to it. Yin Qi is heaviest when she is a child, and it is most suitable for women to maintain their newborn Yang Qi in their sleep.

A 24-hour wellness guide for women who love beauty

Ugly Time (1:00-3:00)

——The best time to protect the liver

Sleep can create a good environment for the liver. When the human body is in a state of rest or emotional stability, the blood needed in other organs of the body will be reduced, so that the saved blood will be stored in the liver; When the body is in a state of exercise or emotional agitation, the liver will expel the stored blood, and then distribute this blood to various parts of the body to meet the needs of physical activity. As the saying goes, "when people move, blood flows to the scriptures, and when people are quiet, blood returns to the liver", as recorded in the "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic": "Lying down, blood returns to the liver." "Therefore, if you want to become a beautiful and charming temperament beauty, you must stay asleep when you are ugly, and this requires us to try to go to bed before the child, and the liver can get the greatest care when it is ugly."

A 24-hour wellness guide for women who love beauty

Yinshi (3:00—5:00)

——Lowering lung qi and letting beauty radiate from the inside out

The promotion and suppression of the lungs means that the lung qi has the effect of ascending, spreading outward and descending, and can keep the respiratory tract unobstructed. If the lung function is abnormal, people will have symptoms such as poor breathing or shortness, cough, wheezing, chest tightness, no sweating, nasal congestion and so on. If the lung has a normal function of publicity and suppression, the hundred veins are smooth, and the water runs smoothly, which is conducive to the efficient operation of other organs.

It is the time when the lungs are ordered, and people need to stay asleep. This is the best time for breathing to operate, and it is also the time when the pulse is weakest, which is the key time for the human body to nourish qi and blood. Those who sleep well in the morning will be ruddy and energetic, otherwise they will become dark and weak!

There are many ways to maintain the lungs, and dietary therapy is the most popular one. The lungs are delicate, moist and irritable, and dry and easy to hurt the lungs. It is recorded in the "Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor": "The dry one runs." This means that when you feel dry, you should use something that contains a lot of moisture to moisturize and eliminate dryness. According to the view of traditional Chinese medicine five colors into five organs, the lungs correspond to white, white-collar women should eat more white food, most of these foods are flat and sweet, long-term consumption can achieve the effect of moisturizing the lungs and removing dryness. Among all white foods, the tonic effect of silver fungus is the most significant. In the view of Chinese medicine, silver fungus has the moisture of wheat winter without its cold, and the sweetness of jade and bamboo without its greasy, which can be described as the best product for nourishing the yin and moisturizing the lungs.

A 24-hour wellness guide for women who love beauty

Midnight (05:00—07:00)

——Take care of the large intestine meridian and be a "smooth" beauty

When the large intestine is ordered, its main function is to timely discharge the garbage in the human body. Defecating on time every day can reduce the burden on the large intestine meridian and achieve the health effect of moisturizing and detoxifying. "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing, Suwen, and Linglan Secret Classics" believes that "the one who has the large intestine, the official of transmission, changes out of the Yan". The "officer of conduction" is the transport captain, but you have to serve him carefully, otherwise the body is prone to problems, because the toxins in the stool account for about 50% of all toxins in the human body.

More importantly, in the table between the large intestine and the lungs, if there is a problem with the large intestine, the lungs will also be affected. If there is a problem with the large intestine, many small acne will appear on our face, and our complexion will become dull. This can be a big headache for Ms. Aimei. Therefore, for the sake of their own health and for the sake of "face problems", women must take care of the large intestine meridian. The large intestine meridian is not as squeamish as the lungs, and it is simple to take care of it, as long as it is done on time.

A 24-hour wellness guide for women who love beauty

Hour (07:00—09:00)

——Nourish the stomach with food and make your youth permanent

In the daily diet, many women always covet the enjoyment of the mouth, rarely pay attention to the stomach, over time, the stomach protests, there are various problems. In terms of diet, women with stomach problems should eat more foods containing a lot of protein and vitamins to ensure that the body can consume a variety of rich nutrients every day to avoid anemia, malnutrition and other problems. Protein-rich foods such as chicken, fish, lean meat, offal, etc.; Vitamin-rich foods such as tomatoes, dates, green leafy vegetables, etc. In addition, it is best to add hawthorn to the diet, eating two or three per meal, which can promote gastric juice secretion.

A 24-hour wellness guide for women who love beauty

For women with a bad stomach, it is not only necessary to consume sufficient nutrients from food, but also pay attention to maintaining acid-base balance. If the secretion of stomach acid is large, you can drink milk, soy milk, or eat some bread, these foods can neutralize stomach acid after entering the stomach; If the secretion of stomach acid is small, you can drink some concentrated chicken soup and eat some sour fruits to stimulate gastric juice secretion and strengthen the digestion of food. In addition, women with a bad stomach should also pay attention to eating less foods that cause bloating and rich in fiber, such as soy products, celery, sweet potatoes, leeks, etc.

Peak Time (09:00—11:00)

——Only by moving can we better raise the spleen

After eating the right food, you should also move a little, so that the food can be better digested and absorbed. To maintain the spleen menstruation, women need to start from the aspect of maintaining the spleen and stomach, so pay special attention to dietary issues. In addition, exercise should be combined to promote the normal functioning of the spleen and stomach. For women, the spleen and stomach can be maintained by moving their toes. The "Yellow Emperor's Internal Sutra" believes that the spleen and stomach belong to the soil, and the foot taiyin spleen meridian and the zuyang ming stomach meridian follow through the 1st and 2nd toes, and the movement of them can make the corresponding internal organs be regulated. When moving your toes, you can put the soles of your feet flat on the ground, and then grasp the ground vigorously, each time you should maintain 5 minutes, the two feet can be alternate, or you can grasp the ground together, about 3 times a day.

A 24-hour wellness guide for women who love beauty

Lunch (11:00-13:00)

——Nap, the best "elixir" for white-collar ladies

At noon, the Heart Sutra is on duty. The morning is yang, the afternoon is yin, and the afternoon is the transition point between the two, which is very important, and women should pay attention. At this time, in order to better transform the yin and yang in the body, you should take a nap. A imperial physician in the Ming Dynasty said, "Take a break after a meal to nourish your spirit." "Going to bed after lunch can relieve fatigue, replenish physical strength and energy, and make the human body healthier. Especially in summer, the days are prolonged, the nights are shortened, and the nights are often stuffy, making people toss and turn, unable to sleep peacefully, resulting in lack of sleep, dizziness, drowsiness, listlessness and other discomforts during the day. At this point, napping is even more important. White-collar ladies can get plenty of energy after their nap to cope with the afternoon's work.

A 24-hour wellness guide for women who love beauty

Hour (13:00—15:00)

——Shoulder and neck pain, may as well knock on the small intestine meridian

Women who often sit at desks to work must have experienced that if they sit in a chair for a little longer, their shoulders and necks will be sore, painful, and even their backs will be very stiff, and if they stand up and move, this feeling will be relieved, but it will soon recur. Because of often sitting in a chair and working against the computer, always maintaining a posture, muscles, joints, soft tissues can not be exercised accordingly, local muscles will be in a state of tension for a long time, can not be relaxed, while other muscles are in a relaxed state for a long time, can not get activities. In this way, the muscles in the body are not coordinated, resulting in the appearance of "neck and shoulder syndrome". If you do not adjust in time, it will lead to worse and worse physical fitness, so you must pay attention to this "small problem".

How can I relieve shoulder and neck pain? You can try massaging the small bowel meridian. When massaging the small intestine meridian, it should be carried out in the direction it follows, which can better unblock the meridian qi and relieve muscle tension. Massage techniques can use the point kneading acupoint method, and select the main acupuncture points when kneading, such as Houxi point can unblock the meridians, the shoulder chastity point can channel to relieve pain, and the Tianzong point can relax the shoulder blade.

A 24-hour wellness guide for women who love beauty

Shenshi (15:00—17:00)

——Drink some afternoon tea, which is good for the body and mind

When the bladder is ordered, you should drink plenty of water at this time. If you feel that drinking plain water lacks taste, you can add some ingredients to boiled water and drink afternoon tea, afternoon tea is not only drinking tea, but also with dessert. Nutrition experts believe that drinking tea during this time of the day is very beneficial to health. Afternoon tea can replenish the body's energy and relax the body and mind; In terms of beauty, black tea is also very beneficial to women, and long-term drinking can play a role in delaying aging.

A 24-hour wellness guide for women who love beauty

Unitary hours (17:00—19:00)

——Take care of the kidneys, the hair is black and shiny

In this fast-paced era, many young women have gray hair that should not appear in advance, why? It is recorded in the "Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon" that "the kidney hides the essence, and its hua is in the hair" and "the kidney is deficient and fallen". In this way, the dryness, graying and loss of hair actually have a lot to do with kidney deficiency. This means that the phenomenon of drying, graying and falling out of human hair in advance is because of insufficient kidney qi and weak sperm and blood. When the hair is gray, if you are in a hurry to dye your hair, the symptoms are not cured, and those chemical agents are likely to harm the hair and scalp, and even penetrate into the subcutaneous tissue, enter the body, and cause cancer. In order to fundamentally solve the problem of premature graying of hair, we should pay more attention to the maintenance of the kidneys at ordinary times. Kidney deficiency not only makes the hair dry and white, but also loosens the teeth. Women should not underestimate this problem and should carefully regulate the kidneys.

A 24-hour wellness guide for women who love beauty

Midnight (19:00—21:00)

——If you want to be healthy and worry-free, just clap your hands at the end of the day

There are many ways to maintain wellness, and applause is also one. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the two palms of the human body are a miniature version of the human body, and the various organs on the body are connected to certain parts of the hand. Moreover, there are many meridians in the hands that communicate with the internal organs. If you slap your hands, many acupuncture points on your hands will be stimulated, and these stimuli will act on the corresponding organs through the meridians, thus playing a role in unclogging the meridians and regulating qi and blood. Many diseases occur because of problems with the relevant organs. Therefore, often clapping your hands can play a good conditioning role.

We have 6 meridians on our hands, namely the lung meridian, the heart meridian, the pericardial meridian, the large intestine meridian, the small intestine meridian, and the three jiao meridian. If you often slap your hands, stimulate the meridians and acupuncture points on your hands, which can make your heart function better. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the mind hides the spirit and is in charge of the thinking and spirit of the human body, so clapping the hands can regulate people's thinking and memory. Moreover, this action can also move the hands, relieve numbness spasm, peripheral neuritis, as well as high blood pressure, constipation, hemorrhoids, etc. Tapping your hands during the time can unblock pericardial qi and blood, which is good for heart health.

Oh Time (21:00—23:00)

- Eliminate sleep taboos, the body is getting better and better

When you fall asleep, the qi and blood of the Sanjiao Sutra can be sufficient, and the internal organs of the human body can be cared for. However, there are many women who really want to fall asleep at this time, but they are still full of energy after tossing and turning, why? It is often said: "If you eat without speaking, you will not speak." This sentence makes a lot of sense, because when people lie in bed and talk to the people around them, the brain will be excited and the thinking will be very active, which will make it difficult to sleep. So while sleeping, be quiet and don't talk. In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to the following sleep contraindications: do not eat before bedtime, do not work before bed or minimize bedtime workload, do not get too emotional before bedtime, do not fall asleep with your head covered, do not fall asleep against the wind, do not sleep in the face of lights.

A 24-hour wellness guide for women who love beauty

Source: Human Health Health

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