
The husband forced AA after marriage, but he had to bring his parents to retire, and his wife: whose parents raised them

author:Zero Zero Films

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From meeting on the basketball court of the university to saying goodbye, we have had a beautiful and bumpy journey.

At that time, I was a sophomore information management student, and Wang Jun was an electronic information engineering student one level higher than me. The two of us met because of basketball, and when we played against each other on the court, I was deeply impressed by his skills.

However, what impressed me even more was his sunshine and enthusiasm, and he always smiled so brightly every time.

The husband forced AA after marriage, but he had to bring his parents to retire, and his wife: whose parents raised them

From that moment on, we began to study together, eat, and visit campus, and our friendship quietly sublimated into love.

In the four years of college, we have experienced many good times together. Wang Jun takes great care of me, he always brings the atmosphere and makes me feel happy and warm.

He excelled in his studies and grades, and I admire his ambition and ideals. We support each other, attend school evenings together, do programs, and enjoy each other's company.

Of course, we will also face some pressures and difficulties, but we understand and support each other and have gone through many difficult times.

The husband forced AA after marriage, but he had to bring his parents to retire, and his wife: whose parents raised them

University is coming to an end and we are faced with different choices.

Wang Jun was admitted to the research institute of the State Grid, and I decided to work for a year and then study for graduate school. Wang Jun said that our ideals are similar, our feelings are deep, and he hopes that I can marry him.

Although his family is not wealthy, it does not matter, because I value his qualities and ideals. We decided to get married, and Wang Jun's family was very happy.

His parents said gratefully that I was an empathetic, kind and reliable girl, and it was their blessing to marry Wang Jun. At first, our life was very happy.

The husband forced AA after marriage, but he had to bring his parents to retire, and his wife: whose parents raised them

Although Wang Jun's salary is not high, he always gives most of it to me to save. He worked hard and often worked late into the night, and I would drive him home to prepare dinner and fruit.

However, happiness inevitably faces a break-in period. About half a year later, Wang Jun suddenly proposed the implementation of the AA system.

He said it would be fairer and prevent possible difficulties in the future. I was shocked and disappointed that he had become too realistic and no longer romantic and attentive.

I tried to talk to him and hope he would give up the idea, because our relationship is based on mutual support and understanding.

The husband forced AA after marriage, but he had to bring his parents to retire, and his wife: whose parents raised them

However, he insisted, and eventually we implemented the AA system.

He called it "retreat to advance," but for me, AA cast a shadow over our marriage. After the AA system began, I felt that Wang Jun became more and more selfish and no longer considerate of my feelings.

Whether it was eating out or other trivial expenses, he began to calculate, pursuing cheap and good food, ignoring my preferences. My proposals and wishes were no longer taken seriously, and he began to care only about his own interests.

Wang Jun works under pressure, and overtime has become the norm. When he got home, he liked to play mobile games and stopped communicating with me.

The husband forced AA after marriage, but he had to bring his parents to retire, and his wife: whose parents raised them

Even on holidays, he no longer cares about taking care of his family as much as before. His calculation of money and indifference to housework made me more and more disappointed in him.

Wang Jun offered to have a baby, but he wanted me to continue working after giving birth and not quit my job at home. This made me angry, and I shouted to him that family is not a business and love is not calculated in money.

I was completely disappointed by his selfishness and calculations, and I refused his request for pregnancy. Our feelings are completely dead.

A year later, Wang Jun's parents temporarily moved into our house because of the renovation of the house.

The husband forced AA after marriage, but he had to bring his parents to retire, and his wife: whose parents raised them

This places more burden on me, they are older and need to be taken care of, and I prefer to avoid their existence.

I moved to the guest room and spent more and more time eating out. I tried to get Wang Jun to take more care of his parents, but his performance still disappointed me.

My complaints about him only made him promise on the surface, but nothing changed in practice. One day, my father had a heart problem and I rushed to the hospital.

When I received the call, I had an emotional breakdown, but Wang Jun sent me a message saying that I needed money to pay for the surgery.

The husband forced AA after marriage, but he had to bring his parents to retire, and his wife: whose parents raised them

I replied angrily: "I used to propose the AA system, but now I want to pay for it."

How could you be so selfish? "This incident made me see Wang Jun's true colors, he is just a person who treats his family as a business. From that moment on, I decided to leave him.

The divorce process was not easy, we carried out the division of property. Although Wang Jun initially wanted to fight for more, he eventually agreed to the decision to divide equally.

The moment I signed the divorce, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. Even though the marriage failed, I don't regret it because I truly loved him.

The husband forced AA after marriage, but he had to bring his parents to retire, and his wife: whose parents raised them

After the divorce, I moved to a small apartment and started a brand new life. I have a stable job, am financially independent, and re-pursue my interests and pleasures.

Dance classes and tours became my new choice, and I regained my joy and confidence. I believe that a new stage of life awaits me, and I will strive to embrace every wonderful opportunity to become a better version of myself.

After the divorce, Wang Jun still tried to save it, but I had already seen his essence and did not give him a chance. My decision was the right one, and divorce allowed me to regain my freedom and happiness.

The husband forced AA after marriage, but he had to bring his parents to retire, and his wife: whose parents raised them