
Why quietly "slipped away" from the Bagram base at night? The U.S. military finally responded

author:Zhang Zhang Zhang x13

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In a statement on Tuesday, the Pentagon's chief spokesman claimed that senior Afghan officials had been notified 48 hours before the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Bagram airport. The statement drew widespread criticism because the U.S. military did not inform the Afghan military commander who would take over the base in advance during the evacuation process. According to Afghan military officials, the US military quietly left at nightfall after turning off the power at the base, and it was not until two hours later that the Afghan military found that the US troops had withdrawn, which made the Pentagon strongly condemned by public opinion.

Pentagon press secretary Kirby defended this by saying that this was not a statement of lack of trust in Afghanistan's partners, but because it was irresponsible to "say the exact time" given the possible interference of the Taliban in the withdrawal operation. Kirby said senior Afghan military and government leaders had been informed of the withdrawal, similar to how the United States handed over other bases to Afghan control when it withdrew from Afghanistan. However, Kirby failed to say whether the U.S. notified Kohistani, the commander of the Afghan government forces who took over Bagram Air Base, adding to the complexity of the incident.

Why quietly "slipped away" from the Bagram base at night? The U.S. military finally responded

During the evacuation, U.S. forces cut off electricity to the Bagram base, allowing some people to enter the base to steal items. Afghan military officials revealed that before Afghan forces were able to take control of the Bagram base, it was invaded by a small group of robbers, who ransacked barracks after barracks, rummaged through huge storage tents, loaded everything they could to trucks and were eventually expelled after the Afghan military arrived. Kirby failed to provide more explanation for the details of whether the base's power was cut off, making the incident even more confusing.

U.S. Central Command announced Tuesday that it had completed more than 90 percent of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. However, since U.S. and NATO forces officially began withdrawing from Afghanistan on May 1, Taliban forces have occupied dozens of areas of Afghanistan. This series of events reveals the chaos in the withdrawal process and the uncertainty of Afghanistan's future, making the entire withdrawal process even more difficult.

Why quietly "slipped away" from the Bagram base at night? The U.S. military finally responded

Before the evacuation, the United States conducted a final coordination with senior Afghan officials for about 48 hours and inspected the base facilities. However, such coordination did not avoid a series of problems during the evacuation process. Mr. Kirby insisted that Afghan civilian and military leaders were informed of the handover, but were vague about whether the specific message had been conveyed to Kohistani, the commander of the Afghan government forces.

Although the Pentagon emphasized the evacuation for security reasons, the power supply to the Bagram base was cut off, which allowed some people to enter the base and snatch property. This chaotic looting complicated the entire evacuation process. Kirby's failure to provide a detailed explanation of whether the power was cut off further deepened the understanding of the chaotic nature of the evacuation process.

Why quietly "slipped away" from the Bagram base at night? The U.S. military finally responded

The Stars and Stripes newspaper reported that U.S. Central Command announced on Tuesday that more than 90 percent of the withdrawal had completed, but this did not hide the Taliban's activity in several parts of Afghanistan since May 1. This raises concerns about the future of Afghanistan, especially as the Taliban forces continue to occupy areas following the withdrawal of U.S. troops.

The entire evacuation event plunged the Pentagon into a whirlpool of public opinion. As for the operation of the US side, some public opinion accuses it of lack of transparency and effective communication with Afghan partners. This not only has a negative impact on the image of the US military, but also raises international concerns about the situation in Afghanistan. Kirby responded to criticism, stressing that the withdrawal involved complex security considerations, but that did not quell doubts and made the whole incident even more confusing.

With the withdrawal of U.S. and its allies in Afghanistan, the international community is concerned about the rise of the Taliban. The Afghan people also face major challenges in terms of the future political landscape and social stability. remove

The failure of the departure and the rise of the Taliban have brought turbulent moments to Afghanistan, and the international community is facing new tests in terms of assistance and support for Afghanistan's future. The uncertainty and complexity of this process exposes the multilayered challenges involved in withdrawing.

Overall, the evacuation of the Bagram base revealed the chaos and uncertainty that can arise during the withdrawal process. Transparency and effective communication are particularly important when national security is involved. The end of the U.S. military operation in Afghanistan is not an end, but a new beginning, which needs to be considered politically, militarily and humanitarianly to ensure the well-being of the Afghan people and regional stability.

However, the Pentagon's explanation of the entire process has not dispelled doubts about its operation. Opacity over the timing of the evacuation and doubts about whether the commander of Afghan government forces, Kohistani, was notified, cast a shadow over the truth of the incident. This whirlpool of public opinion has aroused the concern of the international community about the future of Afghanistan, especially against the background of active Taliban forces, and people are full of uncertainty about the future of Afghanistan.

The chaotic looting incident during the evacuation process cast a deep shadow over the entire incident. Although the U.S. military stressed that it cut off the power supply for security reasons, this led some people to take the opportunity to enter the base and steal property. This not only complicates the evacuation, but also makes the whole event seem more difficult to understand in the eyes of the public.

The Stars and Stripes report revealed that Taliban forces were active in several parts of Afghanistan at the same time that U.S. Central Command announced that it had completed most of its troop withdrawal. This casts a shadow over Afghanistan's future and raises concerns about the prospects for national security and regional stability.

The criticism the Pentagon has faced in this withdrawal shows that transparency and effective communication with partners are essential to the successful completion of such a military operation. It also serves as a lesson worth thinking about in future similar operations to ensure a smoother and more seamless transition.

In the end, the departure of the US military is not only the end of a military operation, but also the beginning of a new era for a country and region. This is a time when political, military and humanitarian dimensions need to be considered to ensure that the Afghan people can enjoy a more stable and prosperous life in the future. The twists and turns of the whole incident are a wake-up call for all parties involved, reminding them to pay more attention to detail and coordination in similar situations to avoid similar confusion and uncertainty.

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