
Humorous joke: Mom, you mean a few things

author:Brother Jun has something to talk about


Stories are always full of unexpected jokes and heartwarming moments. From the durian feeding incident in the subway car to a boy charging the delivery boy in order to retrieve the contact information of his favorite girl, these interesting stories are enduring. And a special cigarette, for children and game consoles, has become a great opportunity to quit smoking stories.


One sunny afternoon, the subway car was filled with the strong smell of durian. A young man fed his girlfriend intently, and no one was around. Suddenly, an eldest brother couldn't see it, walked straight over, and said: "Buddy, this is a public place, please consider everyone's feelings, if you really feed me!" ”

Humorous joke: Mom, you mean a few things

This scene made the people in the carriage endure.

Half a year of love makes a girl start to look forward to deeper feelings, but her boyfriend has always followed the rules, and only occasionally snuggles up in her arms when thunder and lightning. Her best friend couldn't watch it and gave her two movie tickets, recommending her to see a movie "Empty Cloth". After trying, the effect was unexpectedly good, but the girl knew in her heart that it was not what she wanted.

One day, a friend approached Lao Huo and wanted to borrow his donkey. Lao Huo smiled and said, "I've already lent it to others." With that, the donkey suddenly barked.

Humorous joke: Mom, you mean a few things

Lao Huo looked at his friend strangely and said, "Do you believe my words, or do you believe the words of the donkey?" "This wonderful conversation made everyone laugh.

My mother and Uncle Wang next door quarreled over a little thing, and the girl hurriedly intervened and took her mother home directly. Mom still muttered angrily and didn't eat lunch, but she might be hungry and come back to find food to eat in the evening. She said: "Son, it's no problem these two days, go to Uncle Wang's house to see him marry his daughter back!" "The girl's heart is mixed.

Buddy received a strange order when delivering food, and when he arrived at his destination, he found that the phone had been down, and in desperation, he had to look around for someone who asked for the bill.

Humorous joke: Mom, you mean a few things

Finally, when the hostess herself discovered the problem and set about solving it, her cell phone rang. It's a food delivery buddy! In order to find her, he even charged her 10 yuan phone bill.

A new dress made a girl full of confidence, and she walked spontaneously to show her heartbeat. Passers-by looked sideways. Suddenly, a mother-in-law walked by, pointed to her butt and said, "Miss, please tidy up your skirt." The girl's eyes widened, and at this moment she suddenly understood that perhaps it was because of the recent wearing of a mask.

The girlfriend asked Xiaoding: "If we break up, will you hate me?" ”

Humorous joke: Mom, you mean a few things

Xiao Ding said without hesitation: "No." The girlfriend immediately slapped Xiaoding angrily, and she said angrily: "You really want to break up, you should answer that I never wanted to break up with you!" Xiao Ding nodded crying, silently vowing in his heart never to say stupid things again.

In a corner of a city, there is a junior high school student who has no interest in studying and only cares about playing with his mobile phone all day. After the summer vacation, his parents sent him back to his hometown, where there was no wifi and the signal was unstable, and there was only a good signal by climbing the mountains. He grew stronger day by day in pursuit of games, and after his summer vacation, he even planned to switch to sports.

Humorous joke: Mom, you mean a few things

In the evening, a sudden urge led me to write a thought-provoking sentence on Weibo. "Making money to retire your wife is not a skill, making money to support someone else's wife is a skill." However, before I could finish writing, a passing wife snatched the phone, looked at me with tears in her eyes, gently threw herself into my arms, and coquettishly said: "Let me see what you are playing." My heart shuddered, and for this moment I understood her concern.

My wife was pregnant and asked me to quit smoking. Smoking addiction has been with me for more than ten years, how can I easily let go. But my wife said, "I'll give you a cigarette, and if you don't smoke this cigarette for ten months, I'll buy you a VR game console." ”

For the sake of the kids, for my console, I chose to persevere. The child came out smoothly

I also got my wish for the game console I had been dreaming of for a long time. I couldn't help but ask, "Wife, how are you sure I'm not smoking?" She smiled and said, "I put a firecracker in the smoke." ”

A female employee goes to the other company's company dressed up every day, but never mentions the debt. I can pay it back without hesitation, but only if she has to make it clear to her female employee that she is only here to ask for debts. The joke became an episode between us and made us understand each other better.